متن انگلیسی صحبتهای خانم کلی گلاسون: My name is Kelly Clawson and I'm originally from Warren, Michigan, in united states, but I currently reside in London, Ontario. And I'm 44 years old. Actually, How I came to follow the path of the Ahlul bait in itself is interesting because many years ago, about eight or nine years ago, I had read a book called The "Tao of Pooh", which is about Taoism based on the stories of "Winnie the Pooh". I had heard about it. I'd love the Winnie the Pooh stories as a child. And so I was like, I'm going to read this. And there was a line in that book that said, I can't remember the context of it, but it was: "be still and listen for the calling of the twelve." And that just like I was just like that really resonated with me. I wrote it down and hung it on the wall and I didn't know what it meant when I'm like, what's this referring to? So why does this mean something to me? And then I forgot about it. And then as I was studying more about Islam and learning a little bit about the Sunni and Shia differences, and then I saw this thing that talked about the twelve are Shias. And I remembered that line that I had read and I was like, that's what it meant. This is for me. This is where I need to go. This is the direction I need to go in. And I love learning about the imams and especially Imam Ali. And it's fascinating to me. It resonates with me. It resonates with my heart. And Imam Ali is, of course, he is the most inspirational to me. And in our culture, we get so caught up, maybe even as Muslims, we get so caught up in how things look and how many degrees we have on our wall and what car we drive and how big our house is. And he was like the antithesis of that. The story where the shirt where he himself wears the poorly tailored short shirt and gives the good shirt away. That's the example that we should be following, how he fed all those people and no one knew who was dropping the food off until after he had passed and then the food wasn't being delivered anymore. It's like, what an amazing personality. And his patience, his patience to wait. And I only know the very littlest. Like, I'm only just learning like I'm just learning the very barest and of course, even like his sons as well. It's just a never ending example and reminder of what's really important. It's not what we think. It's like the illusion of our culture. It's not that, for me, following the Ahlul bait, if that's my reminder for patience and to be humble and to give, not so that I can say, look what I did, but so that no one ever knows because I'm not doing it for anyone else. And it's just that was always missing for me. I didn't have good examples. کانال «حدیث دیگران» https://eitaa.com/joinchat/2650144868C718ffe2955