💢 The TRT TV channel has disclosed documents that show that the Israeli army has hired mercenaries from other countries to kill children in Gaza. 🔻 The number of these people is more than 7,000 people, who forget humanity and commit crimes and infanticide in exchange for 4,000 euros a week. Bidro Diaz Flores is one of the Spanish killers who revealed these things in a conversation with Le Monde newspaper. The desertion of the Zionist soldiers has caused such a huge cost to be imposed on the Zionist regime, but unfortunately there are also reactionary governments that secretly stand by the Zionist regime. To apparently Arab or Muslim governments, such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Turkey, Oman, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Jordan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Indonesia, Qatar, etc., which in the circumstances of killing oppressed people, innocent children and innocent women in Gaza still has political and economic relations with the criminal United States, which is the main perpetrator of this child murder, and they secretly give financial, political and military aid to the fake vampire Zionist regime. Shame on you! The humanitarian people of these countries should not allow this situation to continue, they should seize the United States embassy in their country. People should besiege the government palaces and strongly ask for expel the ambassadors of America, England, France, Germany and the fake Zionist regime from their country and to embargo the commodities of these oppressive countries. The nations of the world should demand the cessation of genocide in Palestine from their governments. It should be the voice of the oppressed Palestinians in any language to achieve the result and end these crimes. @StrategicNews_ir