💢Phrase of the day ⭕️"Any chance..." 👉 Meaning : We use this expression to ask if something is possible especially if we want a favour. ✴️Examples : 👇👇 🧑‍🦰I'm thirsty. Any chance of a cup of tea? 🧑‍🦳Sure, help yourself. 👨Any chance I could borrow £5 until Friday? 👨‍🦰Sorry, I haven't got any money on me today. اگه میخوای فرآیند دوزبانه شدن رو شروع کنی، همین حالا نام و شماره تماس خودت رو برامون ارسال کن! 👉🏻 @ehivains 👈🏻 ——— Website: www.e-hivains.com Instagram: @hiva_language_academy