The interpretation of Sirr al-‘Isra’; second session; October 13, 2024 Prof. Shuja‘i Do not be deceived by this world’s taste and color ☘On the night of the Ascension, God spoke to the Prophet: “Ya Ahmadu ihzar an takuna mathala as-sabiyyi iza nazara ‘ila al-akhzari wa al-asfari wa iza u‘tiya shay’an mina al-hulwi wa al-hamizi ightarra bih”; O Ahmad! Avoid being like children; taste is very important to children. ☘Taste is very important to children. To educate their children, parents should make the best use of children's connection with taste. However, God says here that the Prophet should avoid being like children. Many people live to be fifty or sixty, but they still have a childish spirit. That is, their morality and spirit change with taste and food. Sometimes they even get worse. For example, he is an adult but he still cares about the color of Coke, taste, food, and many other things. Sometimes, he is so childish that he expresses it. This is something really bad if you want to show it in your morality and in your face, which is to fall so low that you can be hurt by a vegetative perfection. On the other hand, compare this with the sentence of the revered Prophet, who said: “Man baka’ ‘ala ad-dunya dakhala an-nar.” This means that whoever weeps for the world goes to hell. In essence, this sadness, sorrow, and grief as well as its expression are sins. Even if a person does not express it but is still sad on the inside, he is guilty of harming himself. Why should a person, abjectly, be so dependent on his food and its taste that he gets upset? Why should the human, who is supposed to be the viceroy of Allah, be sad or excited about the taste of food? @INTshojaee