بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم یا مولاتی فاطمه اغیثینی Oh my master Fatimah rescue me❤️🦋 Prophet Mohammad(swt) is in Masjid. Children are playing around him. Prophet Mohammad: "Salam alaikum dear children". "I have a good news for you". "You can be my daughter's guests today". "Go to Imam Ali's house". "My daughter Lady Fatemeh and my brother Imam Ali(as) are waiting for you". "You can play with their children". "Ask my daughter to teach you surah Al_Fatiha". "Don't waste your time". "Come on". "Go". Children (cheering) thankyou Rasoolollah. Thank you so much. Children are on the way...... Mohsen: "It's a very good day". Ali: "Yes. I'm so excited". Zahra: "We are going to have so much fun". Mohsen knocks the door. Imam Ali(as) opens the door. Imam Ali(as): "Salam Alaikum dear children". Welcome to our home. My children are waiting for you. Lady Fatemeh(as): Salam Alaikum dear children. Let's sit together and talk about surah Al_Fatiha. Are you ready? Children(cheering) Yes dear lady. We are all ready. Lady Fatemeh(as): بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ In the Name of Allah the All Compassionate the All Merciful Lady Fatemeh: "Dear children tell me". "Who is Allah"? Children: Allah is the All-beneficient the All-Merciful. Lady Fatemeh: Mashallah dear children. Mashallah. Tell me. who is the All-beneficient the All-Merciful? Children: Allah is the All-beneficient the All-Merciful. Lady Fatemeh: Mashallah children. Imam Ali: dear mohsen tell me. Is Allah the All-beneficient the All-Merciful? Mohsen: Yes he is. Yes he is. Imam Ali: mashallah. Imam Ali(as): tell me dear Zahra. Is Satan the All-beneficient the All-Merciful? Zahra: No he isn't. Satan is not the All-beneficient the All-Merciful. Lady Fatemeh: now tell me dear children. What are the two important attributes of Allah? Zahran: the All-beneficient the All-Merciful are the two important attributes of Allah. Zeinab( daughter of Lady Fatemeh) Mommy can we say salawat now? Lady Fatemeh: yes my dear. Let's say salawat all together. 🦋اللهم صلی علی محمد و ال محمد و عجل فرجهم.🦋 🦋Oh Allah send your salutations to Mohammad(swt) and the Household of Muhammad(swt)🦋 📣استفاده از داستان و صوت با ذکر اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج جایز است. اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج 🦋Oh Allah hasten the reappearance of Imam Mahdi(ajtf)🦋