#عکس #شعر
✅ شعری از پروفسور لگنهاوزن به مناسبت آغاز دههی اول محرم
❇️متن شعر:
It is the first of the year 1446, and it begins amid catastrophe.
We have started wearing black again. Does it signify our sympathy?
Sympathy for the orphaned and maimed victims of yet another sortie?
Yet another reminder of human inability to conquer inhumanity?
All of this suffering in a new lunar year reminds us of the old savagery,
Of suffering that is not redemptive and makes no one free.
The protests around the world fail to change the policy
And only unleash an eternally escalating brutality.
O Husayn (may divine peace be with you)! Cursed be your every enemy!
How can I turn my thoughts to you without returning to Muharram’s atrocity?
If for every cut inflicted on the innocent, your martyrdom is the epitome,
How can we have any love for you without stopping the current barbarity?
🟢 کانال رسمی پروفسور حاج محمد لگنهاوزن