Introduction to the Study of Religion:
7. Max Weber The Motor of Economics
از مجموعه سخنرانیهای مطالعات دین شناسی به زبان انگلیسی
توسط پروفسور چارلز بی. جونز
از دانشگاه کاتولیک آمریکا
Catholic University of America
عناوین سخنرانیهای این مجموعه:
1. Understanding "Religion"
2. Theology and Religious Studies Part Ways
3. A Clean BreakDavid Hume
4. Auguste Comte Religion, False but Necessary
5. Karl Marx Religion as Oppression
6. Émile Durkheim Society's Mirror
7. Max Weber The Motor of Economics
8. Peter Berger The Sacred Canopy
9. Rodney Stark Rational Choice Theory
10. William James The Description of Religion
11. Sigmund Freud The Critique of Religion
12. Carl Jung The Celebration of Religion
13. Brief Excursus on Immanuel Kant
14. The Victorians and The Golden Bough
15. British Functionalism
16. Symbolic Anthropology Ferdinand de Saussure
17. Symbolic Anthropology Claude Lévi-Strauss
18. Symbolic Anthropology Clifford Geertz
19. From Fries to Otto
20. Mircea Eliade
21. The Women's Studies Perspective
22. Theory versus Reality Case Studies
23. Theory in Action Case Studies
24. How Religion Uses Religious Studies