🔴 The following is Imam Khamenei's letter addressed to American university students following their courageous defense of the Palestinian people. 🔻Part2 🔹...Besides you students from dozens of American universities, there have also been uprisings in other countries among academics and the general public. 🔹The support and solidarity of your professors is a significant and consequential development. This can offer some measure of comfort in the face of your government's police brutality and the pressures it is exerting on you. I too am among those who empathize with you young people, and value your perseverance. 🔹The Quran's lesson for us Muslims and all of humanity, is to stand up for that which is right: "So be steadfast as you have been commanded" (11:112). 🔹The Quran's lesson for human relations is: "Do not oppress and do not be oppressed" (2:279). 🔹The Resistance Front advances by a comprehensive understanding and the practice of these and hundreds of other such commands – and will attain victory with the permission of God. 🔹My advice to you is to become familiar with the Quran. 🔻Sayyid Ali Khamenei 🔻May 25, 2024 نهاد رهبری دانشگاه ملایر 💠 @nahad_malayer