برای استقامت
در مسیری که قرار است به فتحی بزرگ ختم شود
گاه باید در محضر او ایستاد
و با او حرف زد
و از او کمک گرفت
ما خدایی داریم که از کلاهک های هسته ای شرق و غرب عالم قوی تر است
و اتفاقا راز اینکه آمریکا با چند ترلیون دلار سرمایه در منطقه به جایی نرسید
اما ما جغرافیای مقاومت را محقق کردیم
در همین است
خدای ما از کلاهک های هسته ای شرق و غرب عالم قوی تر است
چنین خدایی شایسته ی آن است که به او تکیه کنیم
for endurance
On the path that is supposed to end in a great victory
Sometimes you have to stand in his presence
and talked to him
and asked him for help
We have a God who is stronger than the nuclear warheads of the East and West of the world
And by the way, the secret is that America did not get anywhere with several trillion dollars of capital in the region
But we realized the geography of resistance
That's it
Our God is stronger than the nuclear warheads of the East and West of the world
Such a God deserves to be trusted