In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. If only a Quran whereby the mountains were set in motion, or the earth cleaved asunder, or the dead spoken to. No, but to Allah is the affair altogether. Do those who believe know that had Allah willed He could have guided all people? As for those who disbelieve, because of what they do, disaster will not cease to afflict them, or it alights near their home until the promise of Allah comes. Allah will not break His promise. (Ra'ad, 31) In an immoral and disgraceful act, the Holy Quran was set on fire in Sweden, and they considered insulting the sacredness of the Noble Quran to be legal. In proof of weakness and insignificance of certain groups who merely advocate for democracy and freedom of thought, it is enough to say that for years they have not had the ability to argue or create logical doubts about the miracle of the Quran. This was not the first movement resulting from weakness and lack of wisdom since the creation of mankind, nor will it be the last. We firmly state that if you have the ability and power, respond to the challenge of the Quran, even though according to its own statement, you will not be able to do so. And be aware that the Quran, this living spirit and ongoing miracle, is preserved in the hearts of its guardians and flows in them, and the fire of love for the guardians, reciters, and researchers of the Noble Quran becomes more intense every moment. There is no doubt or hesitation in the decisive words of Allah. The Quran and Etrat Center of Sharif University of Technology, on behalf of the Quranic and intellectual community of the country, condemns this act and firstly expresses its own grief. Secondly, it demands a decisive response from the relevant authorities. Indeed, expressing grief over this violation of sanctity is not only necessary for Muslims but also for all individuals who advocate freedom and ethics. 🆔️ @kanoonquransharif