متن انگلیسی ویدئو: Hi, my name is Retsef Levi, and since 2006, I'm a faculty member at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I have more than 30 years of experience as a practitioner and an academic in using data and analytics to assess and manage risk, particularly in the context of health systems, health policies, as well as the management of safety and quality of manufacturing of biologic drugs. . I'm filming this video to share my strong conviction that at this point in time, all COVID mRNA vaccination programs should stop immediately. They should stop because they completely failed to fulfill any of their advertised promises regarding efficacy. And more importantly, they should stop because of the mounting and indisputable evidence that they cause unprecedented levels of harm, including the death of young people and children. I personally became concerned. With the vaccine's safety around the middle of 2021, when it became known that the M RNA vaccines cause myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart. Since myocarditis is known to be difficult to diagnose because it often has vague symptoms or can even be subclinical with no symptoms. It is also known to be a frequent cause of out of the hospital sudden cardiac arrest, especially among young people. I was very concerned that it will not be detected by the existing vaccine safety surveillance systems. Motivated by that. We decided to analyze the Israel national EMS data to see if there are any signals of increased out of the hospital adverse events. The analysis of the EMS calls and diagnoses data from 2019 throughout the first half of 2021 revealed some very concerning signals. We detected an increase of 25% in the calls with cardiac arrest diagnoses among ages 16 to 39. In the first half of 2021, exactly when the vaccination campaign in Israel was launched, a smaller increase was also detected in the older ages. Moreover, we also detected a statistically significant temporal correlation between the number of Pfizer vaccine doses administered to this population and the number of EMS calls with cardiac arrest diagnosis. Interestingly, we did not find any statistically significant correlation with the number of COVID 19 infections during this period of time. While this is not the proof of causal relationship, at least it leaves us very concerned, especially given the known suspected clinical mechanism. And we called for an immediate, thorough investigation by the Israeli Ministry of Health to investigate what are the underlying causes. Causal causal mechanisms of this observed increased increase in the cardiac arrest calls. Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, such a thorough investigation was never conducted. By now. I believe that the cumulative evidence is conclusive and confirms our concern that the many vaccines indeed cause sudden cardiac arrest as a sequel of vaccine induced myocarditis. And this is potentially only one mechanism by which they cause harm. Data from UK, Scotland and Australia replicate the data from Israel. Additional data from Israel indicates that in 2021, the EMS in Israel conducted more than 3000 more resuscitations compared to 2019, which amounts to an increase of 27%. Two prospective studies from Thailand and Switzerland in which vaccinees were tested before and after they received the vaccine, indicate that their rates of heart damage are likely to be significantly higher than the rates detected by clinical diagnosis. This is exactly the same finding that the US military found in 2015 when it conducted a similar study on the smallpox vaccine. Another study from the Harvard Medical School detected in the blood of children with vaccine induced myocarditis. An entire spike. Which is another indication of the underlying mechanism of harm, but in fact has even broader implications about the safety of the vaccine. Given that the repeated evidence that we have that they are MRSA and the lipids are actually penetrating the blood system. And finally, autopsies of people who died very close after they received the vaccine indicate that the large n