In the name of God, the judge of the mighty and the guide of the unjust And do not count those who disbelieve, but I will give them good for their souls. 178 Those who disbelieved should not think that the respite We give will be better for them, but We give them respite (for testing) so that they may increase their sin and disobedience, and make them suffer a punishment... refuge in God wow!!! O our Lord or the Eternal (Aj) scream O Allah, we do not despair of the loss of our Prophet, our absence, our weakness, the abundance of our enemies, the smallness of our numbers, the severity of the temptations of our sons, and the manifestation of God. Who is above us... The pen is ashamed to describe the disaster, it is such news that if the Islamic world hears it, it will die of grief!!! It seems that creatures more vile and inferior than dirty pigs and wild beasts in Gaza's Shafa Hospital have subjected women refugees to the hospital to gang rape, starvation, torture and illegal execution (shootings) in front of their husbands, children and relatives. While some of them were pregnant... The most painful of all is the Al Jazeera reporter's account of the rape of a pregnant woman, and he says that men were forced to watch the rape. The occupying soldiers released their dogs to eat the bodies of the murdered people! What else should Israel do to come to our senses? Shame on us who are still alive... It is right if we cry blood from this grief, blood I am sorry for this grief, I cry, I cry Where are you Muslims?! Muslim women were raped in the holy month of Ramadan, why are you still sitting idle!? Why are the claimants of human rights and women's rights, who constantly consider themselves to be opinion leaders and speak out in the smallest incidents, silenced and silenced?! Why don't you speak for the women who were raped and killed in front of their husbands in Gaza's healing hospital tonight?! Were they not women?! Shouldn't they have lived?! Or did they not have the right to freedom?! Every conscientious Muslim should die after this great crime... It is appropriate that this crime causes the most prominent dog killing and the beginning of the disappearance of these executioners and devils in person... After hearing the desecration of the Jewish woman, didn't the noble Amir al-Mominin Ali (peace be upon him) say: "Well, a Muslim man died after this. Unfortunately, we were not aware of it, but it was really because of you; If a Muslim dies of grief after this incident, there is no place for blame, but in my opinion, his death is deserved. Raping a pregnant Muslim woman now In front of the eyes of her husband, children and family members... In the end, I offer my condolences for this great crime to the Imam of the Time (a.s.), the supreme leader (Madd al-Zillah al-Aali), the supreme authorities of Taqlid (may God protect them) and the Muslims of the world, and I request the students and the relevant authorities that everyone He should bring what he can to the stage; The most important thing is to bring people to the front of the world. O God, you are a witness that the Arab world, which once boasted of its pride and zeal, has succumbed to such cowardice and humiliation due to some mercenary rulers who see such great sorrows and crimes and do not do what they should do! O Allah, remove disbelief and its people... Oh God, hurry up to Al Faraj Morteza Sharifi Eshkevari Chairman of Qom Province Islamic Revolution Discourse Society