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#دانشگاه_سمنان دوره برخط بين المللي تحت عنوان Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer
را برگزار می کند
🔶 این دوره با همكاري دكتر بهنام خوش اندام از دانشگاه سمنان و پروفسور Bengt Sundén از دانشگاه lunds سوئد برگزار می شود .
Contents about Heat Exchangers provided by Prof. Bengt Sundén:
1. Basic heat exchanger theory
2. Heat transfer and pressure drop correlations
3. Enhanced heat transfer methods including performance evaluation
4. Simulation methods of heat exchangers
5. Experimental methods in heat exchanger research
6. Nanofluids in heat exchangers
7. Applications; heat exchangers in gas turbine systems, electrified vehicles, solar heaters, HVAC systems
8. Current development trends
Contents about Mass Transfer through Porous Media and Microfluidic Devices provided by Dr. Behnam Khoshandam:
Part I:
1. An introduction to porous media
2. Basic mechanisms in mass transfer through porous media
3. Capillary model
4. Dusty gas model
Part II:
1. An introduction to microfluidic devices
2. Fluid flow through microchannels
3. Flow model based on analogy between electric circuits and fluid flow in microchannels