Special Issue GbRNRC CfP.pdf
Virtual Special Issue of Pattern Recognition Letters Graph-based Representations for Pattern Recognition: New Results and Challenges (GbRNRC). This special issue is aimed to report the state of the art in theory, methods and applications in graph- based pattern representation and recognition. The scope ranges from various methodological and algorithmic issues of graph-based representation, learning and inference, to several applications in pattern recognition, computer vision and data mining. The topics of interest for this special issue include (but are not limited to): • Graph based methodologies for pattern recognition • Graph representation of images and shapes • Graph neural networks • Graph matching and classification • Graph distance and similarity measures • Graph based learning and clustering • Graph kernels and graph embeddings • Graphs in bioinformatics • Graph in social network analysis • Other graph based applications in pattern recognition The submission will be open from the 1st to the 20th of December 2023. Guest editors: - Prof. Pasquale Foggia (Managing guest-editor) - Università di Salerno (Italy) E-mail: pfoggia@unisa.it - Prof. Mario Vento - Università di Salerno (Italy) E-mail: mvento@unisa.it - Prof. Donatello Conte - Université de Tours (France) E-mail: donatello.conte@univ-tours.fr 🌐 https://dlrl.ut.ac.ir 🆔 @ut_deep