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کانال رسمی کانون جهاد تبیین طــهــورا زیر نظر نهاد رهبری دانشگاه یزد اینجا معنی واقعی زنــ🧕ــــ بودن را حس خواهی کرد... پشتیبانی : @tahora_kanoon پیج اینستاگرام: https://instagram.com/Tahora_yazd تلگرام: https://t.me/Tahora_yazd
مشاهده در ایتا
🍃 [ آیه گرافی ] 🍃 ✨موفقیتم فقط در گروِ [یاری] خداست 🌟And my success lies only with Allah سوره هود، آیه 88 💌 💙@Tahora_yazd
🇱🇧 [ حزب الله لبنان ] 🇱🇧 ⭕️ تاریخچه تشکیل حزب الله 🔰خلاصه چگونگی تشکیل حزب الله لبنان 💙@Tahora_yazd
18.68M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
💌 [ بیانات رهبری ] 💌 نخبه ایرانی.... 🖋️In regards to the preservation and proliferation of elites, I would like to propose that in order to first keep the elites as elites, secondly, the country should benefit from them, and not have thoughts of escaping and leaving the country due to false hopes. Certain actions need to be taken; the most important action is for the elites to feel that their presence is influential in the country; the elites are seeking this no longer.An elite individual, a young elite, is willing for the country to benefit from their intellectual product. When the elite enters the university and faces a closed door, they go to a certain research institute, to a certain government agency. If this elite stays in the country, they will no longer be an elite; they will look for another job. Perhaps there is a possibility that an elite who needs to make a living may also become a taxi driver. We must not let the elite feel that their existence is ineffective; they must feel their own impact. 🎙️Leader wise Iran
📖 [ امام نامه ] 📖 🔻برگردانی ادبی زیارت جامعۀ کبیره 💙@Tahora_yazd
11.52M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
💌 [ بیانات رهبری ] 💌 نیازمند جهش... 🖋️We need a new uprising, a new movement, a new scientific revival; who should do this? You, the elites. Of course, universities are responsible, various scientific centers, research institutes, and the like are all responsible, but the main factor is the elite individual. Seek a scientific uprising, and this is your struggle. Of course, I do not stand in the way of your other types of struggle - such as financial struggle, explanatory struggle, and the like - but your main struggle, elites, is this very scientific movement and new scientific uprising and finding scientific superiority over rivals and adversaries. 🎙️Leader of the Revolution 💙@Tahora_yazd
8.63M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🕊 [ شهیدانه ] 🕊 ⭕️ دانشمندان و نخبگان ایرانی هدف ترور اسرائیل! اسرائیل و حامیانش مخالف ایران قوی و مستقل هستند؛‌حتی اگر نظام اسلامی بر آن حاکم نباشد. 💙@Tahora_yazd
امام زمان عزیز روزی دیگر را با ذکر﷽ و سپس با نام شما شروع می کنم امروز،بی نظیرترین روز زندگی ام خواهد بود سلام بر تو ای سرچشمه زندگانی اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج 🦋 💙@Tahora_yazd
12.17M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
💌 [ بیانات رهبری ] 💌 ⛔️ آمریکا و اروپا شر مطلق.... 🖋️In our region, the fundamental problem - which gives rise to these conflicts, wars, concerns, hostilities, and the like - is caused by the presence of those very people who claim to advocate for peace and tranquility in the region; namely, the United States and some European countries. If they were to remove their interference from this region, undoubtedly, these conflicts, wars, and confrontations would completely disappear, and the countries of the region could manage themselves, govern their own region, and live together in peace, health, and prosperity. 🎙️The Wise Leader of Islamic Iran 💙@Tahora_yazd
😍 [ ایران زیبا ] 😍 📸پاییز مازیچال 💙@Tahora_yazd
🖇 به همت کانون طهورا دانشگاه یزد، تمامی لینک کانال ها و انجمن های علمی دانشگاه یزد جمع آوری گردید:
با سپاس فراوان از هیئت فاطمیون کانون ادبی انجمن علمی علوم سیاسی مرکز پیوند مودت که ما را در انتشار این پیام همراهی کردند.💐
[ جبهه مقاومت ] پادشاه اکتبر 💙@Tahora_yazd