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آموزش زبان انگلیسی
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متوسطه دوم صادقی دبیر زبان انگلیسی راه زینب
مشاهده در ایتا
پایه یازدهم درس دوم بخش Reading
10-lesson 2-listening and speaking.mp3
پایه یازدهم درس دوم بخش Listening
پایه یازدهم درس دوم بخش Pronunciation
6-lesson1-whatyou learned.mp3
پایه یازدهم درس دوم بخش What you learned
و خداوند بهترین روزی دهندگان است. (سوره جمعه آیه ۱۱)
پایه دوازدهم درس دوم بخش Conversation
2-english-12-darse2-new words and expressions.mp3
پایه دوازدهم درس دوم بخش New words..
پایه دوازدهم درس دوم بخش Reading
4-english-12-darse2-Listening & speaking.mp3
پایه دوازدهم درس دوم بخش Listening and Speaking
5-english-12-darse2-What you learned.mp3
پایه دوازدهم درس دوم بخش What you learned
اندازه موفقیت شما به وسیله قدرت اشتیاقتان، اندازه رویاهایتان و اینکه چگونه در طول راه با ناامیدی کنار می آیید، مشخص می شود.  نقطه شروع تمام موفقیت‌ها، اشتیاق است.  💎✨💎✨💎✨💎✨💎
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
نمایش در ایتا
🌸🌿🌻🌿🌸🌻🌿🌸🌿🌻🌸 قسمتی از شعر "Thank You Allah" Allah, I wanna thank You خدایا! میخواهم از تو تشکر کنم. I wanna thank you for all the things that you’ve done خدایا! میخواهم به خاطر تمام کارهای که کردی تشکر کنم. You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost تمام کارهای که به خاطر من کرده ای، زمانی که من خودم را گم کرده بودم. You guided me from all the ways that were wrong خدایا! تو مرا هدایت کردی از بین تمام راههای که اشتباه بودند. And did you give me hope و به من امید دادی Alhamdulillah, الحمد الله All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah. همه سپاس و ستایش مخصوص خداوند است. 🌸🌻🌿🌸🌻🌿🌹🌸🌿🌹🌸🌿
لغات درس دوم پایه دوازدهم ص۲
لغات درس دوم پایه دوازدهم ص ۱
متن سوالات بخش شنیداری خرداد ۹۸
بخش شنیداری خرداد ۹۸ _ ۲
متن سوالات بخش شنیداری خرداد ۹۸ _۲
پایه دهم متن ص ۳۱ درس اول: Conversation 1 A: Where are you going to do in summer? B: I am going to go to Brazil. A: Really? What will you do there? B: I will visit people and places. A: What’s interesting about Brazil? B: Well, its nature and wild animals. 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 درس اول پایه دهم متن 2 ص 31 A: Are you going to stay home this weekend, Shahab? B: No, we aren’t. We’ll go out. A: Where will you go? B: We’ll visit our relatives in Varamin. A: Will you do anything else? B: I am not sure yet 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 درس اول پایه دهم متن ص 41 Earth is the home of living things. People, animals, and plants live on Earth. There are many beautiful lakes, plains, and forests. There were many more beautiful things here before, but humans destroyed them. They hunted animals and harmed nature. 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 درس دوم پایه دهم متن ص 59 Conversation 1 A: I bought a dress for my mother’s birthday. B: Good. What color was it? A: It was red. It was really beautiful. B: Was it expensive? A: No, it was not. B: Did she like it? A: Yeah, she got very happy when she saw it. 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 درس دوم پایه دهم متن ص 59 —conversation 2- A: Do you cook? B: Yes, sometimes. I like cooking healthy food. A: Is it difficult to cook? B: No, actually it is very easy. A: Who helps you when you cook? B: My mother and my younger sister. A: How interesting! Can you tell me how to cook? A: Yes, of course. 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 پایه دهم درس دوم متن ص 69 The brain is more active at night than during the day. 2. Most part of the brain is water. 3. When you laugh five different parts of the brain are active. 4. Information moves in the brain faster than the fastest cars. 5. When the brain does not have good and healthy food, it becomes smaller.
پایه یازدهم درس اول متن ص 35 conversation 1 A: How much is this English-to-Persian dictionary? B: It is 30 000 Tomans. A: Oh, that’s very expensive. B: But it is a very good dictionary. It has more than 15 000 words. A: Do you have a smaller and cheaper one? … How much is that? B: That’s a good one, too. It is 25 000 Tomans. Do you want to take a look at it? A: Yes, please. 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 پایه یازدهم درس اول متن ص 35 :::::conversation 2 A: How much is the ticket? B: It is 4 dollars. How many tickets do you want? A: Fifteen tickets please. B: Just a moment. Here are your tickets, 60 dollars please. A: How much? B: 60 dollars. A: Ok, can I pay with my credit card? B: Yes, sure. 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 پایه یازدهم درس اول متن ص 47:::::::: What you learned Last year I traveled to a foreign country. I was there the whole summer. In the frst week of my trip, I went to a store to buy groceries. I needed some cheese, some milk, some rice, and some sugar. I also needed some fruit and potatoes. I was walking around the store for 1 hour and fnally I found everything I wanted and bought them all.
درس اول پایه دوازدهم متن ص 33:::::::::::::conversation 1 Behzad: How’s everything, Amin? You seem to be busy these days, don’t you? Amin: I’m OK Behzad. I’m working on a new project. I’m really tired. Behzad: But your health is really important, isn’t it? Amin: I know. But what about work, money, responsibility, …? We need to consider them all, don’t we? Behzad: Yes, but health is on top of everything. 🌿🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🌿 درس اول پایه دوازدهم متن ص 33 ::::::::::conversation 2 Roya: We are going to the gym on Friday. Will you come with us, Mina? Mina: I don’t think so. Roya: You don’t like sports, do you? Mina: Actually, I don’t know. I think it depends on the type of sport. Roya: You Prefer team sports more, don’t you? Mina: Well, it seems to be OK. But honestly, I like less active sports like chess. Roya: Oh, I see. 🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃 درس اول پایه دوازدهم متن ص 41::::::::::What you learned Dr. Asadi is answering this important question: “why is it important to care for our elders?” I think frst of all we need to remember that they are our mothers and fathers, and our frst teachers. They teach us how to love, how to care, how to give, how to forgive, and how to accept. Second, elders have more knowledge and wisdom than any one of us. They’ve come so far and they’ve learned so much, we have a responsibility to learn from that wisdom. But the most important thing is their experience. We may or may not know of all the ups and downs they’ve faced in life but they’ve defnitely gained experience that is worth respecting and learning from. Our elders may hide much pain from us because they don’t want us to feel the pain, the least we can do is appreciate them for all they’ve gone through and learn from their insight into situations.