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All the rights and privileges of this channel belong to the English Language Teaching Association of Paknejad Campus, Yazd. Public Relations: @Its_MQG19 Our channel in Telegram: https://t.me/YFUELTA
مشاهده در ایتا
Look at how concise and to-the-point answers are. 🍃💥 ❓How often do you eat chocolate? 1⃣ I eat chocolate every day, multiple times a day actually. I just can't get enough of it, it's like a staple in my life. 2⃣ I eat chocolate pretty much every day, but I try not to go overboard. I stick to a few pieces of dark chocolate so I can enjoy it without feeling guilty. 3⃣ Every day. I try to limit myself to just a few pieces of chocolate, but I have a tendency to go overboard. Once I start, I just can't stop until the whole bar is gone. It's a bad habit, but I can't resist the deliciousness. 4⃣ I can't say I can't imagine my life without chocolate, but I do use it as a reward for my work. Whenever I finish a project or meet a deadline, I treat myself to a few pieces of chocolate. It's both a motivation and a celebration of my accomplishments. 5⃣ I don't usually buy chocolate for myself, but I love it when someone treats me or gives it as a gift, especially when it's from someone I care about. 6⃣I almost never eat chocolate. It's just not my thing. I'd rather have something healthier or a different type of treat. @YFUELTA
جمله زیر رو چطوری به انگلیسی می گید؟ 🔺 من این کتاب رو از اول تا آخر خوندم. * جواباتون رو یه جا یادداشت کنید، جواب درست یکم دیگه میرسه 🍃 @YFUELTA
🏆 جواب این دو ساختار بودند : 1. from cover to cover 2. from beginning to end جمله کاملش : I've read this book from cover to cover. I've read this book from the beginning to the end. @YFUELTA
📒Looking to build your foundational knowledge of pedagogy, 🔹Join us in the upcoming workshop to learn how to - inspire💭 - transform📊 - navigate the class📋 - and finally enlighten 🔥 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✒️انجمن علمی آموزش زبان انگلیسی پردیس شهیدان پاکنژاد یزد برگزار می‌کند: ⚜️ Common Pedagogical Practice ⚜️ 🔖
همراه با اعطای گواهی حضور
👤باحضور: دکتر محمد گلشن 📌 عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه آزاد یزد۰۹:۰۰ الی ۱۲:۰۰ 📆 دوشنبه ۷ خرداد ❗️این کارگاه ویژه دانشجویان رشته آموزش زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه فرهنگیان یزد می باشد. مبلغ : ۲۰ هزار تومان آیدی و شماره جهت ثبت نام: 09139548603 ایتا: @Aminshdt https://t.me/YFUELTA @YFUELTA ┄┄┅┅┅❅❁❅┅┅┅┄┄ 🔰 کانال رسمی اطلاع رسانی دانشگاه فرهنگیان یزد : ╔═ 🍃💠🍃════╗ 💬 Eitaa.com/yazdcfu ╚════════
دوستان عزیز کارگاه راس ساعت 9:30 در اتاق کنفرانس، کنار سلف دانشجویی، برگزار می شود. می تونید همه داخل کریدور اصلی جمع بشید و باهم بریم
کارگاه هم اکنون در حال برگزاری می باشد. مکان: سالن کنفرانس شهید احمدی روشن
کارگاه در حال برگزاری است 🔥🍃
You are a few years-old machine, run by some millenia-old software, written in a billions-old code. @YFUELTA
✅The sounds we make or hear صداهایی که در می آوریم یا می شنويم 🍃    🔊Sneeze→ عطسه کردن    🔊Cough→سرفه کردن    🔊Snore→ خُر و پف کردن    🔊Moan →ناله کردن    🔊Growl→ غر غر کردن    🔊Murmur→ زمزمه کردن    🔊Mumble→زیر لب چیزی گفتن    🔊Whisper→ پچ پچ کردن    🔊Whistle →سوت زدن    🔊Shout →داد کشیدن    🔊Scream →جیغ کشیدن --------------------------------------------    🔊Voice→ (صدا(انسان    🔊Sound →(صدا (غیر انسان    🔊Noise →سر و صدا @YFUELTA
In front of 🤔 In the front of 🔹If you are in front of a place, vehicle, etc you are outside it 🔹 If you are in the front of it you are inside. Compare: 🔸The police stood in front of the car so the robbers couldn’t drive off. 🔸Her husband was sitting in the front of the car. @YFUELTA
محل کار شیطان، یک ذهن بیکار و علاف هست. - جان بانین، نویسنده انگلیسی @YFUELTA
Missed vs Lost Missed.. 🚎the bus 😟the boat 🚂the train 🏀the ball 😙the chance ✅the opportunity Lost.. 🥗weight 🤫interest 🗝one’s keys 🍔one’s appetite ⏰track of time 🤪one’s marbles So what you people Missed or lost? @YFUELTA
48 Most commonly used phrases for speaking 🗣👥 1.  How is it going? 2.  Long time no see! 3.  What have you been up to? 4.  Can’t complain. 5.  How do you know? 6.  That’s a good one. 7.  It is very kind of you! 8.  Thank you anyway. 9.  Thank you in advance. 10.  No worries! 11.  What’s going on? 12.  Did I get you right? 13.  Don’t take it to heart.  14.  I didn’t catch the last word.  15.  Sorry, I wasn’t listening. 16.  It doesn’t matter.  17.  Fingers crossed.  18.  Oh, that. That explains it. 19.  Things happen. 20.  Sorry to bother you. 21.  I’ll be with you in a minute. 22.  Where were you? 23.  You were saying? 24.  Lucky you! 25.  I freaked out! 26.  Good for you! 27.  You’ve got to be kidding me! 28.  Cheer up! 29.  Come on, you can do it! 30.  Keep up the good work! 31.  That’s lit! 32.  There you go! 33.  Not a bit. 34.  There is no room for doubt. 35.  I’ll text you! 36.  It’s not worth it! 37.  You rock! 38.  You should go the extra mile. 39.  Step up your game. 40.  Pull yourself together. 41.  You sold me! 42.  Couldn’t care less.  43.  This is a no-brainer. 44.  I screwed up! 45.  Can you cover me?  46.  I’d be better be going! 47.  Take care! 48.  Thank heavens it’s Friday/Saturday! @YFUELTA
45.81M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
480 verbs we use or deal with almost every day. 🔺۴۸۰ تا از فعل هایی که هرروز در در زبان انگلیسی استفاده می کنیم @YFUELTA
How to remember anything (including this post 🥰). @YFUELTA