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مشاهده در ایتا
🌝 quote of the day رسول خدا صلي الله عليه واله می فرمایند : 🍻 نپذیرفتن حرام توسط مؤمن، نزد خدا با هفتاد حجّ پذیرفته شده برابر است. 🍻 To prevent a believer from doing an unlawful action is equivalent with Allah to the performance of seventy accepted Hajj. مستدرک وسائل الشیعه، جلد 11، صفحه 278 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
🏆 idiom of the day 🍕 ask for 🍕 طلب کردن ، نیاز داشتن ، تقاضا 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
18.99M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🐝 simple present story 🐝 داستان زمان حال ساده part 1 لهجه بریتیش🇬🇧 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
17.85M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🐝 simple present story 🐝 داستان زمان حال ساده part 2 لهجه بریتیش🇬🇧 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
داستان ها رو از دست ندید👌
reading 📖 part 2 🕷🕷🐛🐛🕷🕷🐛🐛🕷🕷🐛🐛🕷🕷 Amazon adventurer - level 1 Ed Stafford from the UK is the first person to walk along the Amazon River from the mountains of Peru to the mouth of the river in Brazil. His amazing journey took two years and four months. There are many dangerous animals in the rainforest, like snakes and crocodiles, but Ed was lucky; he was only bitten by ants and mosquitoes. On his trip, Ed had to find fruit and nuts or catch fish each morning. Sometimes food was hard to find and Ed was often tired and hungry. Technology was very important for Ed. He used a radio to ask the people of the rainforest for food and help. Many people came to meet him and guide him through the rainforest. While he walked, Ed wrote a blog to tell the world about climate change and destruction of the rainforest. 🕷🕷🐛🐛🕷🕷🐛🐛🕷🕷🐛🐛🕷🕷 advanturer along mouth journey bite mosquito ماجراجو در امتداد ، در طول دهانه ، مدخل سفر نیش زدن پشه 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
reading 📖 part 2 🕷🕷🐝🐝🕷🕷🐝🐝🕷🕷🐝🐝🕷🕷 Amazon adventurer - level 2 Ed Stafford from the UK is the first person to walk the length of the Amazon River. He started by a small stream in the Andes mountains of Peru and arrived at the river’s mouth in Brazil, two years and four months later. Snakes, crocodiles and jaguars live in the Amazon rainforest, so it’s a dangerous place. Luckily, Ed avoided the big animals, but he was bitten by ants and mosquitoes every day. On his trip, Ed had to find food each morning. Sometimes the fruit, nuts and fish he ate were hard to find and Ed often felt weak and hungry. Technology was essential for Ed. He used a radio to ask local people for food and permission to enter their land. Many of them came to meet him and guide him through the dense rainforest. As he walked, Ed wrote a blog about his daily experiences. Ed used his walk to let the world know about climate change and raise money for environmental charities in Brazil and Peru. 🕷🕷🐝🐝🕷🕷🐝🐝🕷🕷🐝🐝🕷🕷 advanturer length stream jaguar luckily dense ماجراجو طول رود ، نهر پلنگ خالدار آمریکایی خوشبختانه تراکم ، انبوه 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
reading 📖 part 2 🐜🐞🐜🐞🐜🐞🐜🐞🐜🐞🐜🐞🐜 Amazon adventurer - level 3 Ed Stafford from the UK is the first person to walk the length of the Amazon River. He started by a small stream in the Andes mountains of Peru and arrived at the river’s mouth in Brazil, two years and four months later, having walked 6,000 kilometres. The Amazon rainforest is home to poisonous snakes, crocodiles and jaguars, so Ed was in constant danger. Luckily, he survived with nothing worse than a few thousand mosquito and ant bites. On his trip, Ed had to find food to eat every day. A lot of the time, the fruit, nuts and fish he ate were hard to find and he often felt weak and exhausted. Ed’s walk would have been impossible without technology. He used a radio to ask the people of the rainforest for food and permission to cross their land. Many of them came to meet him and helped guide him through the most difficult terrain. As he walked Ed wrote a blog, recording his day-to-day experiences. He used the media interest in his trip to protest about the destruction of the rainforest and raise money for environmental and children’s charities in Brazil and Peru. 🐜🐞🐜🐞🐜🐞🐜🐞🐜🐞🐜🐞🐜 advanturer poisonous constant survive terrain protest distruction ماجراجو سمی دائمی زنده ماندن زمین اعتراض کردن تخریب ، نابودی 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
💢 هزینه استفاده از مطالب کانال، روزی ۱۴ صلوات جهت سلامتی و تعجیل در ظهور امام زمان 💢 این کار بهانه ایست برای اینکه هر کدام از ما در حد توان قدمی هر چند کوچک در راه امام زمانمان برداریم. 📒 دعای فرج اللَّهُمَّ کُنْ لِوَلِیِّکَ الحُجَةِ بنِ الحَسَن صَلَواتُکَ علَیهِ و عَلی آبائِهِ فِی هَذِهِ السَّاعَةِ وَ فِی کُلِّ سَاعَةٍ وَلِیّاً وَ حَافِظاً وَ قَائِداً وَ نَاصِراً وَ دَلِیلًا وَ عَیْناً حَتَّى تُسْکِنَهُ أَرْضَکَ طَوْعاً وَ تُمَتعَهُ فِیهَا طَوِیلا” 📝 ترجمه ی دعای فرج به فارسی خدایا، در این لحظه و در تمام لحظات، سرپرست و نگاهدار و راهبر و یارى گر و راهنما و دیدبان ولیّات حضرت حجّة بن الحسن- که درودهاى تو بر او و بر پدرانش باد- باش، تا او را به صورتى که خوشایند اوست و همه از او فرمانبرى مى‏ نمایند ساکن زمین گردانیده، و مدّت زمان طولانى در آن بهره‏ مند سازى   📝 ترجمه ی دعای فرج به انگلیسی O Allah! Protect Your vicegerent Hujjat (the Proof) ibn. al-Hasan and send salutations upon him, and his ancestors, now as well as at all the times, (as our) Imam, Guardian, Supporter, and Guide until such time when you bestow upon him the honor of heading the (Divine) Government. And let the people be delighted in his .reign, by bestowing success, and by extending his reign. 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
🌯 idiom of the day 🐜 at a time 🐜 هر بار ، در یک زمان ، همزمان 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡