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English 4U
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اینجا مهارت های زبان تو تقویت کن🤩 هشتگ ها"🧡↶ https://eitaa.com/English_4U/14914 ارتباط با مدیر"❤️↶ @daddymustafa تبادل و تبلیغ"💛↶ @allears گروه چت"💙↶ https://eitaa.com/joinchat/3765043281C1f70b55b1b
مشاهده در ایتا
1- It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up. 2- Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Wishing is not enough; we must do. 3- Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right. 4- What you lack in talent can be made up with desire hustle and giving 110 all the time 5- success is sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out @English_4U
Hey you 👋 I don't know who u r What religion u believe in What thoughts u r fond of What I'm sure about, is ur existence, u r human just like these innocent ppl, and as far as all we know, we basically care about each other I bet u go shocked watching cruelty to animals, I wonder why some ppl r indifferent to the same cruelty to human beings Is it like u r more ? Is it like animals r more respectful to some ppl? Ppl in 21st century assert that racism is over But they care more about European ppl than others I'm telling you, is still breathing Ya, it's still alive and going more public... For ur information : is bombarding right now 230 casualties 65 39 women More than 17000 injuries And over 72000 displaced So far 2021/05/20 Don't be indifferent plz and do sth in social media _-_-_-_-_ 🆔 @English_4u
with HAVE: List of common collocations with Have with example sentences: Have a baby She’s going to have a baby. Have a backache My father has a backache so he couldn’t sleep well. Have a bad fall My friend had a bad fall. Have a bad temper I know I have a bad temper sometimes. Have a bath I can’t remember the last time I had a bath. Have a birthday Well, you can’t have a birthday without a cake. Have a bite Can I have a bite of your hot dog? Have a break Let’s have a break when you finish this exercise Have a business trip My dad has a business trip so we could not visit our grandmother together. Have a busy day I have a busy day. Have a career/a goal I wanted to have a career as a singer. Have a chance We have a chance to make things better. Have a chat I’ll have a chat to John about it. Have a cold She has a cold so she is very tired. Have a competition Next week, we will have a competition at school. Have a confrontation Our company has a confrontation between employers and unions. Have a conversation/chat Can we have a conversation before we make any decision? Have a cup of tea/ coffee Would you like to have a cup of tea/coffee? Have a dance Let’s have a dance together. Have a day off I have a day off to take care of my grandmother. Have a discussion We should have a discussion about this topic to understand deeply. Have a dispute I have a dispute with anyone who would challenge us. Have a doubt Teacher, I have a doubt about this. Have a dream I had a dream that I won the lottery. Have a drill We have a drill. We’re going to drill. Have a drink Would you like to have a drink after work? Have a feeling I have a feeling that something is wrong. Have a fight My best friend and I had a fight.
No More Pets For Her He said, "Maybe someday we'll have a big house and a big yard. Then maybe we can have some pets, too." She said, "I don't want any pets." He asked, "Why not?" She said, "When I was four, I had a beautiful white kitten. It got into bed with me one night. I had already gone to sleep. I rolled over on it. The next morning, I found it lying dead in my bed. Then I had a German shepherd. Her name was Lassie. I loved her so much. But my father said she barked too much. He put her in his car. He drove her to his brother's farm 50 miles away. Three months later, Lassie showed up at our home. She was so skinny and weak. I was thrilled to see her again. But my father wasn't. He put her in the car. I never saw her again."
🌾Soothing beliefs🌾 🧚‍♂️A pious man was asked why you are so calm He said that after years of study and experience, I built my life on five principles. ☘️I knew that no one would eat my sustenance,So I calmed down. ☘️I knew that God watch over me, so I showed modesty ☘️I knew no one else was doing my job, so I tried ☘️I knew that the end of my work was death, so I was ready. ☘️I knew that good and evil would not disappear and would return to me in the end, so I added good and reduced evil. 🦋Motivational 🆔 @English_4U
Quran SURAT AL BAQARAH 🌷28 - how can you be unfaithful to Allah , you were lifeless and he gave you life , then he will make you die , and then he shall bring you to life , and then you will be brought back to him . 🌷29 - it is he who created for you all that is in the earth , then he turned to the heaven , and fashioned it into seven heavens , and he has knowledge of all things . : 🌷unfaithful : آن فِیث فل بی ایمان 🌷lifeless : لایف لس مرده 🌷die : دای مرگ , مردن 🌷heaven : هِون آسمان 🌷fashion : فَشن مدل , شکل دادن 🌷knowledge : نالیج دانش 🌸➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
Quran verses SURAT AL MUDDATHIR 🌷what drew you into hell 🌷they will answer , we were not among those who prayed , 🌷nor did we feed the poor 🌷we used to gossip along with the gossipers , 🌷and we used to deny the day of retribution . 🌷hell : هِل جهنم 🌷feed : فید خوراندن 🌷gossip : گاسٍپ دری وری گفتن 🌷deny : دِنای تکذیب کردن 🌷retribution : رِتری بیوشن مجازات ,قصاص 🌸➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
QURAN SURAT AL BAQARAH 🌷30 - when your lord said to the angels , indeed i am going to set a viceroy on the earth , they said , will you set in it someone who will cause corruption in it , and shed blood , while we celebrate your sanctity , he said indeed i know what you do not know 🌷angel : إینجل فرشته 🌷viceroy : وایس رُی جانشین 🌷corruption : کراپشن فساد 🌷shed : شِد جاری ساختن 🌷blood : بلاد خون 🌷celebrate : سِلیبرِیت تقدیس کردن , تجلیل نمودن 🌷sanctity : سَنکتٍتی تقدُّس 🌷 proclaim : پرُک لِیم اعلان کردن 🌸➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🌻 & 🍃 🌻A back-stabber : A person is a back-stabber who unexpectedly betrays your trust. 🌻A bad omen : An indication that something bad is about to happen. 🌻A ballpark figure : An approximate estimate of how-many or how-much. 🌻A barefaced-lie : A bold and brazen untruthful statement; a shameless, obvious lie. 🌻A bit beyond my ken : Above my level of understanding; beyond my ability to grasp. 🌻A bit dicey : A little risky. 🌻A bit dodgy : Dishonest. 🌻A bit much : Over-exaggerated. 🌻A bit obtuse : A little dull and stupid. 🌻A brainwave : An unexpected clever idea or insight. ••━━━━❉🌸🌻🌸 🌻🌻🌸 @English_4U
Let’s start with the last phrase, “used to.” “Used to” is considered a modal verb, though an unusual one, since it is only found in the past tense. Choose “used to” to say that something existed or happened repeatedly in the past but does not exist or happen now. For example, I said, “I used to eat pancakes.” That means I ate them repeatedly in the past but do not anymore. I used to eat pancakes. I still love them but I don't eat them anymore! What is something you used to eat? I used to eat pancakes. I still love them but I don't eat them anymore! What is something you used to eat? The sentence structure for “used to” will always go like this: subject + used to + base verb The base form of a verb is its shortest form, with no -s ending. Look for that structure in these examples, including my own: I used to eat pancakes. But now I enjoy something lighter, like yogurt and fruit. Sacha used to live on Atlantic Avenue near Vanderbilt Street. He didn’t use to believe in ghosts. But he said he saw one at his grandmother's house. As you just heard, the negative of “used to” is “did not use to” or the more common “didn’t use to.” Notice the word “use” does not end with the letter -d in the negative. That is because “did” is already the past tense. Be used to Next, let’s talk about “be used to.” Choose “be used to” to say you are accustomed to something, and so it seems normal or usual. If you are used to something, it is not difficult, new or strange. In “be used to,” the verb “be” can take the present, past or future tense (though future is less common). And the words “used to” are an adjective, not a modal verb. Earlier you heard the present tense “am” in my sentence “I am used to waking at sunrise.” That means I am accustomed to it. The sentence structure goes like this: subject + be + used to + gerund, noun or pronoun In other words, the phrase “be used to” will be followed by some kind of noun – whether gerund or otherwise. You may remember that a gerund is a kind of noun that ends in i-n-g. Listen to a few examples, including my own. Pay attention to the verb tense of “be.” And, note that nouns follow “be used to.” But I've been going to this class for a year now. So I am used to waking at sunrise. She doesn’t think Dami is strange. She is used to him. Look, the bird is frightened. It is not used to large crowds. Notice that the negative for “be used to” is “be not used to.” School children sit as they form the word "Yoga Day" on the International Yoga Day in Chennai, India. School children sit as they form the word "Yoga Day" on the International Yoga Day in Chennai, India. Get used to And, finally, we have “get used to.” Remember -- this phrase is related in meaning to “be used to.” The difference is that “get used to” means someone is, was or will become accustomed to something. So, the verb “get” in the phrase can take the present, past or future tense. For example, I said this about Tania: “She is getting used to the early hours.” That means she is becoming accustomed to being awake in the early morning. The words “used to” in the phrase “get used to” are also an adjective. The sentence structure goes like this: subject + get + used to + gerund, noun or pronoun Listen for the verb tense of “get” in the following examples. And take note that nouns follow “get used to.” But after a month of our new routine, she is getting used to the early hours. I hated this haircut at first. But I got used to it. I like it now! The baby will not get used to the new sitter. I think she misses her dad. @English_4U
Don't confuse these words anymore 😉 _ @English_4u
Jihad can be described this way too 👌👌👌 ____ @English_4u
____ U can discriminate the difference between and in this exp 😉 ☘ Don't give command to a woman, instead, commend her and wait to see what u will get back 😄 _ @english_4u