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مشاهده در ایتا
⛄️ Good Morning ⛄️ Start every day with a new hope, leave bad memories behind, and have faith for a better tomorrow! هر روز را با یک امید جدید شروع کنید، خاطرات بد را پشت سر بگذارید، و به فردای بهتر ایمان داشته باشید! ❄️❄️ @English_4U ❄️❄️
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, but you didn't give me a chance to knock. 🔻 ساختار I didn't mean to + verb 📚 زمانی از I didn't mean استفاده میکنیم که بخوایم بگیم از انجام دادن کاری پشیمون هستیم و اون کار رو ناخواسته انجام دادیم. تو فارسی میگیم "منظوری نداشتم" یا "نمی خواستم" 🔸I didn't mean to startle you. نمی خواستم بترسونمت. 🔸I didn't mean to call you so late. نمی خواستم این قدر دیر بهت زنگ بزنم. 🔻Give a chance to s.o یعنی به کسی فرصت دادن 🔸You didn't give me a chance... تو بهم فرصت ندادی... 🔸You gave me a chance to prove myself. تو بهم فرصت دادی تا خودمو ثابت کنم. 🔸you gave me a chance to know you. بهم فرصت دادی بشناسمت. 🔻Knock صدای تق تق (در زدن ) 🔸Someone is knocking at the door. یه نفر داره در میزنه. ╭═══✨💠✨═══╮ @English_4U ╰═══✨💠✨═══╯
🌊The Persian Gulf has great geopolitical importance. The Persian Gulf is bounded by the Arvand River in the north, which forms the frontier between Iran and Iraq, and the Strait of Hormuz in the south, which links the Persian Gulf to the Sea of Oman and the Indian Ocean. 🌊Connecting the Middle East to Africa, India and China, the Persian Gulf is one of the most important waterways and strategic areas in the world. 🌊خلیج فارس اهمیت ژئوپلیتیک بسیاری دارد. خلیج فارس از شمال به اروند رود؛ که مرز ایران و عراق را تشکیل می‌دهد و از جنوب به تنگه هرمز محدود می‌شود که خلیج فارس را به دریای عمان و اقیانوس هند متصل می‌کند. 🌊خلیج فارس که خاورمیانه را به آفریقا، هند و چین متصل می‌کند، یکی از مهم ترین آبراه‌ها و مناطق استراتژیک جهان است. 💥Persia is the historical name for Iran. 🗺 @English_4U 🗺
❄️ چند تا کلمه و اصطلاح برفی ❄️ ❄️Snowy برفی ⛄️Snowman آدم برفی 🌧Snowing در حال بارش برف ❄️Snowball گلوله برفی 🌧Snowball fight برف بازی ❄️Snowflake دونه برف 🌧Snowplowماشین برف روب 🌧Snowstorm ‌کولاک ❄️Snowfrift توده برفی که بخاطر باد ساخته شده 🌧Heavy/ light snowfall بارش سنگین/سبک برف ❄️Snow stick / snow candle قندیل 🌧Sledge/ sled/ sleigh سورتمه ❄️Settle/ lie/ pitch/ stick نشستن برف 🌧A blanket of snow برف زیاد روی زمین ❄️Dusting برف کم روی زمین 🌧Sleet/ wintry shower برف و بارون ❄️Slush(برف شل و ول (در حال آب شدن ⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️ ╭═══✨❄️✨═══╮ @English_4U ╰═══✨❄️✨═══╯
🍀Sample questions to answer🍀 part4 🚦 @English_4U 🚦
✳️ I have got to get that fixed. ✅ باید بدم درستش کنن. ممنون از مشارکت عالی شما 🌷🌷 ↪️@English_4U
سلام ، خیر ، معنی patriot یعنی شخص میهن پرست ، وطن پرست ، وطن دوست هست. (دوستان پاسخ چالش‌ و معنی آن، روز بعد داخل کانال درج میشه لطفا دقت کنید😊)
Once there was a little boy became obsessed with eating sweets. His mother got worried because of his excessive sweet eating habit and tried many ways to stop him from eating. یک بار پسر بچه ای بود که عاشق شیرینی خوردن شد. مادرش به دلیل عادت بیش از حد شیرین خوردن او نگران شد و راه های زیادی را امتحان کرد تا او را از خوردن باز دارد. obsessed with فکر و ذکر چیزی را کردن با چیزی خو گرفتن 🍀@English_4U🍀
Once there was a little boy became obsessed with eating sweets. His mother got worried because of his excessive sweet eating habit and tried many ways to stop him from eating. However nothing seemed to work. Near near village lived a wise man who was respected by everyone. So she decided to take him to that wise man, in hope that her son may listen to him. Mother went to wise man with her son. There she met him and said, “My son, eats sweets every time.. Will you please tell him that it’s bad for his health??” After listening to her, wise man thought for a while and refused to give any advice to that boy at that time. He asked mother to return to him after a month. She wondered why he asked them to return after a month, why not tell boy to stop eating sugar at that time yet she left. Later, she returned to wise man and this time wise man took boy for a walk and after a while returned. He looked at boy and said, “Boy, You should stop eating sugar because it’s not good for health..” Boy nodded and promise that he will no eat sugar anymore. After this mother left with her son. Few days later she returned to wise man and said, “Thank you for your help. Boy has kept his promise made to you and hadn’t eaten sugar since then.” She was curious about why holy man needed a month to tell her son that. So she asked holy man, “When i first came to you.. Why didn’t you told my son to stop eating sugar right then?? Why did you asked me to return after a month??” Wise man smiled and replied, “At that time, I used to eat sugar myself and i didn’t had right to tell your kid eat stop eating sugar.. But now i don’t eat sugar anymore.. That’s why i was able to tell your kid to stop eating sugar..” Moral: A person’s example is much powerful than just words.. When we ask a person to do something, we must do it ourselves too. Always make sure that your actions matches your words. 🍀@English_4U🍀
📔📔📔❤️😘😌Rescuing Hugs In 1995, a young lady gave birth to twin girls. They were born very prematurely. One of the preemies was diagnosed with a severe heart problem and wasn’t expected to live. The hospital’s policy was to keep the babies in separate incubators. Several days passed, and the one baby continued to go downhill and was very close to death. One of the nurses felt strongly that the babies should be put in the same incubator as they had been in their mother’s womb. After much hard work and much persuasion, she convinced the hospital to make an exception to their policy, and the babies were put in the same incubator side by side. Overnight, somehow the healthy baby managed to put her arm around her little sick sister. Much to everyone’s surprise, the little sister’s health started to improve. Her temperature came back to normal. Her heart stabilized. Little by little, day after day, she got better and better. Today, both of those young ladies are perfectly healthy. There is a very touching picture of the little baby with her arm around her sister; it’s called “The Rescuing Hug.” We don’t always see how powerful we really are. God has put healing in you. Your hugs can cause people to get better. Your kind words can put people back on their feet. The Scripture says, “A gentle tongue brings healing.” A phone call, giving someone a ride, taking them out to dinner, encouraging them in their dreams—there are miracles in you waiting to happen. Some people just need to know that you believe in them. When you tell them, “You’re amazing. You’re going to do great things. I’m praying for you,” it may seem simple to you, but to the other person it can be life-giving. It can help them blossom into all they were created to be.
🌿“Mother” is an exceptional word which leaves a deep impact in the soul of the human being, arouses the passions, and evokes softness, warmth, and tenderness. 🍀 «مادر» واژه‌ای استثنایی است که در روح انسان تأثیر عمیقی می‌گذارد، شورها را برمی‌انگیزد و نرمی و گرمی و لطافت را برمی‌انگیزد. 🌺@English_4U
🍃Sample questions to answer🍃 part4(2) 🚦 @English_4U 🚦
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
نمایش در ایتا
🔰Idiom 🐝 As busy as a bee 📚 خیلی سر شلوغ بودن Example: 🔮She's as busy as a bee! او سرش خیلی شلوغه! 🔮He never seems to have time to talk. He's always as busy as a bee. او به نظر هرگز وقت صحبت کردن ندارد. او همیشه پرمشغله است [ او همیشه سرش خیلی شلوغه.] 🔮 I can't talk to you now. I'm as busy as a bee. من نمی‌توانم الان با تو صحبت کنم. خیلی سرم شلوغ است. 🔮 I'm as busy as a bee at the moment. در حال حاضر سرم خیلی شلوغه. 🆔 @English_4U
Podcast time🎧 Part 23... Don't forget to check the new words🤓 وقت پادکسته🎧 قسمت ۲۳... یادتون نره لغات جدید رو چک کنید🤓 💥 @English_4U 💥