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مشاهده در ایتا
Andy and Kim arrive at Faversham. They tell the man about Gary’s arm. اندی و کیم به فاورشم می رسند. آنها درباره بازوی گری به اون مرد می گویند. “The tables are ready. My men can put them in the truck. We can sit in my office and wait. Would you like some coffee?” the man says. مرد می گوید میزها آماده است. افراد من می توانند آنها را در کامیون قرار دهند. ما می تونیم توی دفتر من بنشینیم و منتظر بمانیم. قهوه می خواهی؟» They leave the truck and go into the office. آنها کامیون بیرون امدن و به دفتر می رن. Kim and Andy drive to Dover and take the ferry to Calais. They drive off the ferry, and out of Calais! They find the motorway – and a big STOP sing. کیم و اندی به سمت دوور می روند و با کشتی به کاله می روند. آنها از کشتی بیرون میان و از کاله خارج می شوند! آنها بزرگراه را پیدا می کنند و یک علامت ایست بزرگ “We need a ticket” says Andy. He puts his hand out of the window to take the ticket; but he is too far away and the ticket goes under the truck. Andy jumps down and goes to get it. اندی می گوید: "ما به یک بلیط نیاز داریم." دستش را از پنجره بیرون می آورد تا بلیط را بگیرد. اما او خیلی دور است و بلیط زیر کامیون می رود. اندی پایین می پرد و می رود تا آن را بیاورد. “OK, I’ve got it now” Andy calls to Kim. “But the truck is losing oil. Not much, but we must do something about it soon.” اندی به کیم زنگ می‌زند: «باشه، الان گرفتم». اما از کامیون داره روغن میریزه. زیاد نیست، اما باید به زودی کاری برای آن انجام دهیم.» “OK,” says Kim “I can do that at the truck stop. Come on – let’s go!” کیم می‌گوید: «باشه، می‌توانم این کار را در ایستگاه کامیون انجام دهم. یالا - بیا بریم!» They arrive at the truck stop near Reims at about one o’clock. Kim gets under the truck. آنها حدود ساعت یک به ایستگاه کامیون نزدیک ریمز می رسند. کیم زیر کامیون می‌رود. “You’re right,” she tells Andy. “The truck is losing oil. But it isn’t very bad.” Then suddenly she calls to Andy. “Come and have a look at this.” او به اندی می گوید: «درست می گویی. کامیون روغن ریزی داره. اما خیلی جدی نیست.» سپس ناگهان به اندی زنگ می زند. "بیا و به این نگاه کن." There is a box under the truck. یک جعبه زیر کامیون وجود دارد “Is it a sandwich box?” asks Andy. “Perhaps Gary puts his sandwiches in it.” "آیا جعبه ساندویچ است؟" اندی می پرسد. "شاید گری ساندویچ هایش را در آن می گذارد." “Under a hot, dirty, oily truck?” says Kim. “Nobody does that! Oh well, I need some coffee.” She goes to the cafe. "زیر یک کامیون داغ، کثیف و روغنی؟" کیم می گوید. "هیچ کس این کار را نمی کند! اوه، من به قهوه نیاز دارم.» او به کافه می رود. Drive into Danger
They get into the truck again and drive along the motorway. آنها دوباره سوار کامیون می شوند و در بزرگراه جلو می روند. “Our next stop is near Dijon,” said Andy. “Dijon is in Burgundy. They make wonderful wine there.” اندی گفت: «ایستگاه بعدی ما نزدیک دیژون است. دیژون در بورگوندی است. در آنجا شراب فوق العاده درست می کنند.» “I don’t want any wine,” laughs Kim, “but I do want some coffee.” کیم می خندد: "من شراب نمی خواهم، اما من قهوه می خواهم." They arrive at the truck stop just before four and sit down in the cafe. Suddenly Andy says, “Someone’s looking under the truck!” درست قبل از چهار به ایستگاه کامیون می رسند و در کافه می نشینند. ناگهان اندی می گوید: "یکی زیر کامیون را نگاه می کند!" Through the window of the cafe they see a fat man in a green shirt. He takes something out from under the truck and goes to a red car. از پنجره کافه مردی چاق با پیراهن سبز را می بینند. از زیر کامیون چیزی در می آورد و به سمت یک ماشین قرمز رنگ می رود. “I don’t like this,” says Kim quietly. “Let’s go!” کیم به آرامی می گوید: «من خوشم نمیاد. "بیا بریم!" Drive into Danger
A few minutes later, Kim looks in her mirror. چند دقیقه بعد کیم در آینه خود نگاه می کند. “Andy” she says quietly, “There’s a red car behind us. And the man in the green shirt is driving. Why is he following us? He’s got his parcel.” او به آرامی می گوید: «اندی»، «یک ماشین قرمز پشت سر ما هست. و مردی با پیراهن سبز داره میرونه. چرا او ما را دنبال می کنه؟ بسته اش راکه گرفته.» “No, he hasn’t” says Andy with a laugh. “He’s got our sandwiches. And I’ve got his parcel. Here it is.” اندی با خنده می گوید: «نه، اونگرفته. ساندویچ های را برداشته. و من بسته او پیش منه. اینجاست.» He opens it carefully. In it are about fifty small white paper bags. با احتیاط بازش می کند. در آن حدود پنجاه کیسه کاغذ سفید کوچک وجود دارد. “What’s this?” says Andy. “Drugs, I think,” says Kim. “And the man in the green shirt wants them. He doesn’t want your sandwiches, and he’s angry. We’re in danger, Andy. I must do something.” کیم می گوید: فکر می کنم مواد مخدر. و اون مرد پیراهن سبز آنها را می خواهد. او ساندویچ های شما را نمی خاد و عصبانی است. ما در خطریم، اندی. من باید کاری کنم.» The red car is only a few metres behind. Kim stops suddenly. The red car runs into the back of the truck. ماشین قرمز فقط چند متر عقب تر است. کیم ناگهان می ایستد. ماشین قرمزه در پشت کامیون در حرکت بود . Kim drives away again very fast. In her mirror she sees the man in the green shirt standing by his car. کیم دوباره خیلی سریع دور می شود. در آینه مرده که پیراهن سبز پوشیده را مبینه که در کنار ماشینش ایستاده است. “He can’t follow us now,” Andy says with a smile. اندی با لبخند می گوید: "او نمی تواند ما را در حال حاضر دنبال کند." But the man is very angry and quickly takes out a small black mobile phone. اما آن مرد خیلی عصبانی است و به سرعت یک موبایل کوچک مشکی را بیرون میاره Drive into Danger
🔹 Mr and Mrs Davis had four children. One Saturday Mrs Davis said to her husband, 'The children haven't got any lessons today, and you're free too. There's a fun-fair in the park. Let's all go.' آقا و خانم دیویس چهار فرزند داشتند. یک روز شنبه خانم دیویس به شوهرش گفت: "بچه ها امروز هیچ درسی ندارند و تو هم آزاد هستی." یک شهر بازی توی پارک است. بیایید همه بریم. So Mr and Mrs Davis took the children to the fun-fair. Mr Davis was forty-five years old, but he enjoyed the fun-fair more than the children. He hurried from one thing to another, and ate lots of sweets and nuts. بنابراین آقا و خانم دیویس بچه ها را به شهر بازی بردند. آقای دیویس چهل و پنج ساله بود، اما بیشتر از بچه ها از این شهر بازی لذت می برد. با عجله از بازی به یکی دیگه می رفت و شیرینی و آجیل زیادی می خورد. One of the children said to her mother, 'Daddy's behaving just like a small child, isn't he, Mummy?' یکی از بچه ها به مادرش گفت: "بابا مثل یک بچه کوچک رفتار می کند، اینطور نیست مامان؟" she answered, 'He's worse than a small child, Mary, because he's got his own money!' او پاسخ داد: ماری "او از یک بچه کوچک بدتر است، چون پولش از خودشه!" 🔸@English_4U🔸
Mr. Joes bought some things from a big shop last month, and when he got the bill a few days ago, he thought that there was a mistake in it, so he telephoned the shop and asked to speak to the Accounts Department. 'Who do you want to speak to in the Accounts Department?' the telephone operator asked. 'It doesn't matter to me,' Mr. Jones answered. He did not know the names of any of the people who worked there. He heard nothing for a few seconds and then the operator said, 'Hullo, you wanted to speak to someone in the Accounts Department, didn't you?' 'Yes, that's right,' Mr. Jones answered. 'Would you like to speak to Mr. Hankinson?' the operator said. 'Yes, that'll be all right,' Mr. Jones said patiently. It doesn't matter who I speak to. I'm sorry,' the operator answered, but Mr. Hankinson isn't in today! 🔸@English_4U🔸
Drive into Danger ✤✾✤✾❖✾❖✾✤✾❖✤❖✤✤✾✤ ┏━━━━━°❀•°⃟♦️⃟°•❀°━━━━┓ ♦️⃟❀⏤꯭͟⃝⃪⃠ @English_4U♡⃝* ❀⃟♦️ ┗━━━━━°❀•°⃟♦️⃟°•❀°━━━━┛
📕@English_4U “We must leave the motorway,” says Kim. They take a quiet country road through small villages. Suddenly Andy sees a big sign on their left. “Go in there!” he says. “But it’s a rubbish dump. Why do you want to go there?” says Kim. But she drives through the entrance. Andy opens his window and throws the parcel of drugs into the nearest skip. “We must phone for help,” says Andy. But just then two men arrive in a white car. A man in a black suit is driving. The man in the green shirt is with him. The two men leave their car across the entrance and jump out. The man in the suit has a gun. “Now we can’t drive out of here,” thinks Kim. “Oh dear…” The two men run up to the truck and stand by Kim’s door. “Give me the parcel,” says the man in the black suit very quietly. “Run, Andy!” says Kim. Quickly Andy opens his door and jumps out of the truck. He runs to the white car. The man in the green shirt follows him, but he is too fat and slow. Andy gets into the car and drives away. Kim opens her door suddenly. The big mirror hits the man in the suit. He falls down, and loses his gun. Quickly Kim jumps out of the truck and gets the gun. “Your drugs are in that skip.” she says. “Go and get them. Take your friend with you.” The two men go up the ladder and look down into the skip. “Go on!” says Kim. “You want them. Go and look for them.” The two men jump down into the skip. Quickly Kim takes the ladder away. Now the men cannot get out. Drive into Danger The next chapter will be coming up soon
Carefully Kim puts the gun in her overnight bag. Then she goes to the truck and telephones the police. A French policeman answers. “Hullo, do you speak English?” she asks the policeman on the phone. But Kim does not speak French, and the French policeman does not understand English. “Where’s Andy?” thinks Kim. “He speaks French.” Just then a white car comes through the entrance to the rubbish dump. It stops, and Andy jumps out. He runs up to Kim. “It’s OK, Kim” he says. “The police are coming.” Drive into Danger
Drive into Danger ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
A few minutes later a French police car arrives. Four policemen jump out. Kim gives them the gun. “Where are the drugs?” asks one of the policemen. “And where are the men?” “In that skip,” says Andy with a laugh. The policemen get the ladder. Drive into Danger
Later that evening Andy and Kim drive to Lyon with the tables. They have coffee and long French sandwiches in a cafe. Then they go to the wine shop. They arrive very late. A fat, little man is waiting for them. He looks angry. “Why are you late?” asks the man. “Well. . .” begins Kim. “It’s a long story,” says Andy tiredly. Drive into Danger ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛