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اینجا مهارت های زبان تو تقویت کن🤩 هشتگ ها"🧡↶ https://eitaa.com/English_4U/14914 ارتباط با مدیر"❤️↶ @daddymustafa تبادل و تبلیغ"💛↶ @allears گروه چت"💙↶ https://eitaa.com/joinchat/3765043281C1f70b55b1b
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Happy Learning 🍋!
🎖🎖 🔸ديگران‌ را ببخش و خود را رهـا کن ، اگر کینه‌ای در دل نداشته باشی.. سبک تر و راحـت‌تر خواهــی بود! هیـچ پرنـده‌ای با بار سنگـین اوج نخـواهد گرفت ‍‌ Forgive others and release yourself. If you don't have any grudge you will be lighter and more comfortable. No birds will soar with heavy load. 🕊🕊 Good day🍒 @English_4U
سالگرد ارتحال تسلیت باد 🖤 Condolences on the anniversary death of 🍃
┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
Young age of 9th Imam, Imam al-Jawad (as)Our 9th Imam, Imam al-Jawad (as) had an uncle called Ali Ibne Jaffar, who was a very knowledgeable, pious old man. Whenever he went to the mosque, people would surround him and ask him questions. One day Imam Taqi (as) arrived at the mosque. When his uncle who was sitting in the middle of a large group of people saw him, he immediately got up and kissed the hand of Imam Taqi (as). Imam Taqi (as) asked his uncle to sit down, to which his uncle replied that he could not sit while Imam Taqi (as) was standing. When Ali Ibne Jaffar returned among his friends, after Imam Taqi (as) had left, his friends told him that it was wrong for him to show so much respect to that child Imam Taqi (as) as he was an old man and the uncle of the child. Ali Ibne Jaffar replied that he was showing respect to the child because of who he was. He continued that Imamate is an office and a station from Allah (SWT), and Allah (SWT) did not deem him an old man fit and capable for the leadership of the Ummah, but considered the child capable for it. Therefore they should all obey his (Imam Taqi (as)) commands. Moral: The age of a person is not important but what kind of person they are. Only Allah (SWT) knows everything about everyone and therefore only Allah (SWT) is allowed to judge people, and say what they do and do not deserve @English_4U a.s.
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فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
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🎥 😁 ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾🎈✾⊱━━─━━┓ @English_4U ┗━━─━━⊰✾🎈✾⊱┛
28.89M حجم رسانه بالاست
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Iranian Professor Marandi destroys and schools Piers Morgan @english_4U
Chasing overdue payments from customers can be incredibly frustrating, particularly when you’re relying on the money to keep your own cash flow healthy and your valuable time is being consumed. The feeling can be made all the worse when you’re unsure if the excuses you’re being given are genuine. پیگیری پرداخت‌های عقب افتاده از مشتریان می‌تواند فوق‌العاده خسته‌کننده باشد، به‌ویژه زمانی که برای سالم نگه داشتن جریان نقدی خود به پول متکی هستید و زمان ارزشمند شما مصرف می‌شود. این احساس زمانی بدتر می شود که مطمئن نیستید بهانه هایی که به شما داده می شود واقعی هستند یا خیر. # overdue payment پولی که سروقت پرداخت نشه 📕@English_4U📕
offer to Ali and Zahra ,the members of Channel 🔷@English_4U🔷
هدایت شده از English 4U
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
Congratulations to all of us🎉 ترجمه شعر: Love is the interpretation of Zahra (peace be upon her) and Ali (peace be upon him). Lily and Majnoon are all legends. ╭ ·𖥸· ─────╮      @English_4U ╰───── ·𖥸· ╯ 💞
Daily Life - Making A A: Good Morning welcome to Bank of the USA. How may I help you today? B: Hi I need to transfer some money to another account. It’s urgent. A: Okay, have you made a wire transfer at our bank before ? B: No. I’ve never made a transfer before. A: It’s alright, I will take you through the procedure. Are you transferring funds to a company or an individual account? B: A company account. I need to pay a bill. A: Okay, I’ll need the name of the company and their bank routing number as well as their bank’s address and phone number. B: I have all the information in this folder. A: Well You’ve come prepared .You have all the necessary materials so we can go ahead and make the transfer right now. It’s a simple transaction, and we can process it today. B: Oh, that’s such a relief. I didn’t want the payment to be overdue. Thank you so much . A: It’s my pleasure. ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
A man once came to Prophet Muhammad (S) carrying with him his belongings and a box. He said, “O Prophet! While I was passing through a jungle, I heard the voice of some bird's babies. I took them and put them in this box. The moment I did that, their mother came fluttering round my head.” And the Prophet said, “Put them down”. When the man put the box on the ground, the mother of the young birds joined them. Seeing this, the Prophet asked the man who now had a look of surprise on his face, “Are you surprised by the affection of the mother towards her young? I swear by Him (Almighty Allah) who has sent me, surely, God is more loving to his servants than the mother to these young birds. Return these baby birds to the place from where you took them, and let their mother be with them.” “Fear God with regard to animals”, said the Prophet of Islam, “ride them when they are fit to be ridden, and get off their backs when they are tired; surely, there are rewards for being kind and gentle to animals, and for giving them water to drink.” Islam has taught that in the eyes of Allah, animals also have rights in the same way as man has. They should not be treated badly, tortured or left to starve without food or water. ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
. ❤️❤️❤️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️❤️❤️❤️ 🔻people forget all the good deeds done by a person on the pretext of one bad thing (or may be a denial) done by that person مردم همه‌ی کارهای خوبی که یه نفر انجام داده رو به بهانه‌ی یه کار بدش فراموش یا حتی انکار میکنن! ❤️and God forgets all evil deeds with one good. و خدا همه کارهای بد رو با یه کار خوب فراموش میکنه✨ 💠 Learn to be like God sometimes ... یاد بگیر گاهی اوقات مثل خدا باشی🌱 ☀️ Your morning in the color of God صبح تون به رنگ خدا🌟 🦋@English_4U
میدونی حقوق/دستمزد کدومه⁉️🤔 از لینک پایین گزینه صحیح رو انتخاب کن😊👇🏻 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/q2v3?eitaafly ↗️
تلفظ صحیح این کلمه چیه⁉️ manage از لینک پایین تلفظ صحیح رو انتخاب کن😊👇🏻 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/6spd?eitaafly ↗️
فرایند به انگلیسی⁉️ از طریق لینک زیر پاسخ بده😊👇🏻 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/whclq?eitaafly ↗️
• فردا کلاس دهمی ها امتحان نهایی زبان دارن✨😊 اونایی که پایه دهم هستن پیام بدن بدهم تا نمونه سوالات امتحان نهایی و روش تمرین رو بهشون بگم ⚡️ 🆔@allears 👈🏻اینجا پیام بده👈🏻 با حل نمونه این سوال‌ها پیش به سوی نمره 0⃣2⃣ 🤩
What colour does a woman wear in this country when she marries, Mary?” Mary said, “White, Mrs. Robinson, because she is happy .” “That's good, Mary,” Mrs. Robinson said, “You are quite right” But then one of the boys in the class put his hand up. “Yes,” Mrs. Robinson said,“do you want to ask something, Dick?” “Yes,”Dick said,“Why do men wear black in this country when they marry, Mrs. Robinson?” ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛