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اینجا مهارت های زبان تو تقویت کن🤩 هشتگ ها"🧡↶ https://eitaa.com/English_4U/14914 ارتباط با مدیر"❤️↶ @daddymustafa تبادل و تبلیغ"💛↶ @allears گروه چت"💙↶ https://eitaa.com/joinchat/3765043281C1f70b55b1b
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Colds, Flus and Sickness In this episode, you'll hear a lot of vocabulary and phrases related to Cold, Flus and Sickness. This episode type is extra challenging, but short. @English_4U
🎋paint your life with happiest colors 💗 Your kind look with pink 💚 Your thoughts with green 💛 And your kind heart with golden color 🌺 Life is beautiful 🌸 If we paint it beautifully 🍀Hello, good morning . 😁Boost your positive energy @English_4U
💗 You are the artist of your own life. Don't hand the paintbrush to anyone else. @English_4U
•┈•✦✿QUIZ TIME✿✦•┈• Chop chop! عبارت بالا یعنی چی⁉️ لینک شناور👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/o4mw5?eitaafly لینک👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/o4mw5 ¦⇢ ¦⇢ ¦⇢ ¦⇢ ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
🍀Read and Record 🍀🎤🎤 1. Do you carry this in size 10? 2. Do you carry this in beige? 3. Do you have this in medium? ⚘ 🍀Conversation 🍀 Store Owner: How do you like this sweater? Customer: It looks beautiful. Can I try it on? Store Owner: Sure. Go ahead. Customer: Oh I’m afraid it’s too tight on me. Do you carry this in a larger size? Store Owner: Yes, we do. Here try this one. Customer: This is perfect. I’ll take this one.⚘ @English_4U ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
You know that living beings are of either the male or the female sex. Now compare the words in the following pairs: Boy (Lion, Hero, Cock-sparrow) Girl (Lioness, Heroine, Hen-sparrow) What do you notice? The first word of each pair is the name of a male animal. The second word of each pair is the name of a female animal. A noun that denotes a male animal is said to be of the Masculine Gender. A noun that denotes a female animal is said to be of the Feminine Gender. جنس مذکر جنس مونث @English_4U
🔰 I'm sorry to + (verb) Listen to the Entire Lesson Saying you are 'sorry to' expresses a feeling of sympathy or regret. 🟡 Here are some examples: "I'm sorry to be so late." "I'm sorry to hear about your sick mother." "I'm sorry to waste your time." "I'm sorry to make you feel so sad." "I'm sorry to frighten you." "I'm sorry to disagree with your decision." "I'm sorry to call so late." "I'm sorry to admit what I did." "I'm sorry to end this relationship." @English_4U
Γ💛🛵•• • •─┅•═༅𖣔✾🌼✾𖣔༅═•┅─ ••|| ••|| ••|| 🔥مبتدیا حتّّّما بخونید!!!! ▪️ساختار کلی جمله در زبان انگلیسی:(ازچپ) 🔷قید زمان+قید مکان+مفعول+فعل+فاعل🔷 🔴تعریف فاعل:کننده ی کار را فاعل می گویند که فاعل می تواند به صورت ضمیر یا اسم به کار برده شود.برای مثال :علی آمد که می توانیم به صورت او آمد بازنویسی کنیم و او ضمیر فاعلی خواهد بود. ضمایر فاعلی عبارت اند از: ضمایر فاعلی مفرد: I من you تو he (مرد)او she (زن)او it آن ضمایر فاعلی جمع: we ما you شما they آنها ●تعریف فعل:کاری را که فاعل انجام می دهد. ○برای تبدیل فعل به مصدر در زبان فارسی(ن)در آخر فعل به کار برده می شود؛معادل با (ن)در فارسی،در انگلیسی to به کار می بریم: 🔹 فعل+ن=مصدر:در زبان فارسی🔹 🔸 فعل+to=مصدر:در زبان انگلیسی 🔸 برای مثال: to see=> I see/you see/they see ●قید مکان:محل انجام گرفتن فعل را قید مکان گویند؛برای مثال: در خانه : at home در کلاس : in the class اینجا : here در مدرسه : at school آنجا : there ●قید زمان:زمان انجام گرفتن فعل را قید زمان گویند؛برای مثال: یک روز در میان: every other day دیروز: yesterday هر روز: every day امروز: today روز های فرد: on odd days روزهای زوج: on even days ●صفت ملکی: صفاتی هستند که همراه اسم می آیند و بدون اسم معنی ندارند و مالکیت را می رساند؛در زبان فارسی صفت بعد از اسم می آید ولی در زبان انگلیسی صفت قبل از اسم می آید. 🔸خواص صفت در انگلیسی: ۱-قبل از اسم می آید. ۲-اسم را محدود می کند. ۳-با اسم بعد از خودش هیچگونه موافقتی ندارد بجز صفت هایthisوthat که بسته به اسم بعد،جمع یا مفرد خواهند شد: this->these this book--->these books that->those that car---->those books ●مفعول: کسی یا چیزی است که فاعل روی آن کاری انجام می دهد؛ برای مثال: Hassan saw Ali=حسن علی را دید Hassan saw him=علی او را دید 🟣ضمایر مفعولی عبارت اند از: ضمایر مفعولی مفرد: me به من،مرا you به تو،تو را him به او،او را her به او ،او را (زن) it به آن،آنرا ضمایر مفعولی جمع: us به ما،ما را you به شما،شما را them به آنها،آنها را 🔴صفات ملکی عبارت اند از: صفات ملکی مفرد: my مال من your مال تو him مال او (مرد) her مال او (زن) its مال آن صفات ملکی جمع: our مال ما your مال شما their مال آنها ●افعال کمکی (معین): افعالی هستند که بین فاعل و فعل اصلی می آید و بعد از آنها toنمی آید به جز در ought toوused to. برای مثال: may ممکن بودن should باید must باید can توانستن خاصیت های افعال کمکی: ۱_بین فاعل و فعل اصلی می آیند. ۲_با جابجا شدن باعث تغییرات در جمله می شوند یعنی افعال کمکی با رفتن به اول جمله، جمله را سوالی می کنند. در زبان فارسی برای سوالی کردن جمله سه علامت(آیا-مگر-لحن)را به اول جمله می برند و جلوی جمله علامت سوال می گذارند ولی در انگلیسی برای سوالی کردن افعال کمکی را به اول جمله می برند؛اگر جمله فعل کمکی نداشت از فعل کمکیdoوdoesاستفاده می کنیم. I can go:من می تونم برم سوالی در انگلیسی: Can you go? Can you? You can? سوالی در فارسی: می توانی بروی؟(آیا_مگر_لحن) 🔹تذکر: همیشه I و we بهyouتبدیل می شوند. برای مثال: I am--->are you? ۳_در زبان فارسی اگر بخواهیم جمله ای را منفی کنیم به آن(ن) اضافه می کنیم ولی در زبان انگلیسی برای منفی کردن به افعال کمکی (not)اضافه می کنیم و بهتر است آنها را به شکل مخفف بنویسیم. 🟥تذکر مهم: اشکالam notوmay not مخفف نمی شوند. can you---->can't will not---->won't must not---->mustn't shall not---->shan't is not--->isn't are not---->aren't am not--->am not may not--->may not ┄═❈๑🌝๑❈═┄ @English_4U ┄═❈๑🌝๑❈═┄‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌
🌷🇮🇷🌷 Intelligence is the intimate friend of the believer, clemency is his supporter, forbearance is his father, and lenience is his brother. The intelligent must enjoy three characters---he must think of his affairs, control his tongue (against saying bad wording), and realize the nature of the time he is living in. Certainly, poverty is a branch of misfortune. Illness of bodies is harsher than poverty. Ill-heartedness is harsher than illness of body. Certainly, financial prosperity is one of the graces. Physical soundness is better than financial prosperity. The true God-fearing is better than physical soundness. دوست مومن عقل است ، یاورش حلم، پدرش مدارا و برادرش نرمش است. باهوش باید از سه ویژگی لذت ببرد--- باید به امور خود فکر کند، زبانش را کنترل کند (در برابر گفتن کلمات بد) و به ماهیت زمانی که در آن زندگی می کند پی ببرد. مسلماً فقر شاخه ای از بدبختی است. بیماری بدن از فقر سخت تر است. بد دلی از بیماری جسمی سخت تر است. قطعا رفاه مالی یکی از موهبت هاست. سلامت جسمانی بهتر از رفاه مالی است. خداترس واقعی بهتر از سلامت جسمانی است. @English_4U
People in the UK have no money to boil potatoes The cost of living crisis is hitting people's pockets hard all across the world. Soaring oil and gas prices have made basic necessities like food, heating and transport unaffordable for many people. In the UK over the past few months, the debate has been over the shocking dilemma of "heating or eating". Energy prices have more than doubled this year for many consumers, resulting in those on low incomes or on benefits facing the choice of heating their home, or eating. Life is so hard for some that they do not have enough money to use gas or electricity to boil potatoes. This situation will be exacerbated by rises in contributions to the country's health care system, which come into effect next week. Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown lambasted the man responsible for controlling Britain's finances, chancellor Rishi Sunak. Mr Brown said: "Any caring and compassionate chancellor would want to do something about this poverty.…You cannot ignore the needs of parents who are having to choose between putting their heating up and feeding their children." He added that it was urgent for the chancellor to act, or the ruling Conservative Party will be known as the "nasty" party. Further price hikes and food shortages are on the horizon as the war in Ukraine will see the price of wheat rise. Government critics are calling for a one-off "windfall tax" on the huge profits of energy companies to help the disadvantaged. @English_4U
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
••|| ••|| |🌏••⏰| انسان ها تنها موجودات روی زمین هستن Human beings are the only creatures on earth ... که ادعا میکنن خدایی وجود داره That claim a God . و تنها موجوداتی هستن که ... and the only living thing that ... طوری رفتار میکنن که انگار خدایی وجود نداره ... Behaves like it hasn't got one ... ╔━✿࿐༅💚༅࿐✿━╗ @English_4U ╚━✿࿐༅💚༅࿐✿━╝
🌺 بهشت‌ مکان نیست، زمان است ▫️زمانی است که ميل به عشق ورزی ▫️و انديشه های مثبت ▫️در وجودمان می‌درخشد..... 🔥 جهنم مکان نيست، زمان است... ▫️زمانی که کينه ورزی ▫️و انديشه های منفی قلبمان را می‌آلايد. 🌺 Heaven is not a place, it is time, it is a time when the desire for love and positive thoughts shines in us ..... 🔥 Hell is not a place, it is a time, when hatred and negative thoughts contaminate our hearts. @English_4U
Hi Good Morning Happy Islamic Republic Day to you روز جمهوری اسلامی مبارک باد 🍀🇮🇷🍀
لطفا در ایتا مطلب را دنبال کنید
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
🎧 Listen and Read 🗣 Company makes smartphone you can repair yourself Most of us have felt the exasperation of feeling helpless when our smartphone breaks. Phone manufacturers seem to go to extraordinary lengths to deter consumers from opening the back of their phones to try DIY repairs. Help is at hand. Fairphone is a new company that has produced a self-repairable mobile phone. The founder is Bas van Abel, a Dutch design engineer who set out to make "the world's first ethical smartphone". He started his company in 2013 with four basic principles. First, he wanted to use raw materials from non-conflict mining areas. He also wanted to make a product that was recyclable, durable and repairable. The new Fairphone embodies these aims. The Fairphone website outlines the philosophy that underpins the company. It says its mission is to motivate "a massive industry to take responsibility for its impact on the world, by establishing a viable market for ethical electronics". It highlights the fact that many workers who produce technology are working in unacceptable conditions. It also points out the, "staggering amount of waste the electronics industry generates". Finally, it says: "Communication technology is on track to account for 14 per cent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions by 2040." The Fairphone comes with a screwdriver and is easily repairable. The plastic used is 40-per-cent recycled, and the minerals are ethically sourced. @English_4U
🔰Idiom of the Day🔰 🗨cup of tea 📌 Meaning: The type of person or thing that one generally likes 📝Example: 🗣Cricket isn't Franz's cup of tea. He prefers soccer. 🗣I know Wanessa is nice, but she's simply not my cup of tea. 🗣Classical music is not my cup of tea. 🗣learn English in a traditional way. It is definitely not my cup of tea! 🗣Cold weather is definitely not my cup of tea. I really love hot sunny days. @English_4u
√READING PRACTICE√ 🗣 🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅 Language is a vital tool for communication. It is not only a means of communicating thoughts and ideas, but it builds friendships, economic relationships and cultural ties. We can communicate only with signs without language. More over a language distinguishes the differences and also celebrates the uniqueness of cultures in a country or in a region or in a community. A Language shapes the way people perceive the world and it also helps to define culture of any society. Any language is a gift the knowledge of more than one language makes a man more efficient and skilful in many ways. It opens our minds and guides us into a magical world of fancies and dreams. To certain the proper learning of language helps us to develop ourselves, our minds, and also our personality. Human language is unique because it is a symbolic communication system that is learned instead of biologically inherited for some people. @English_4U
🟡✨💚 ⚪️Present perfect tense with FOR and SINCE ◽️Present Perfect + for and since 👉🏻Using the present perfect, we can define a period of time before now by considering its duration, with for + a period of time, or by considering its starting point, with since + a point in time. 〽️👉🏻For + a period of time 👉🏻for six years, for a week, for a month, for hours, for two hours. 💜Examples ◽️I have worked here for five years. 〽️👉🏻Since + a point in time 👉🏻since this morning, since last week, since yesterday, 💜Examples ◽️since I was a child, since Wednesday, since 2 o'clock. ◽️I have worked here since 1990. 〽️👉🏻present perfect with for 💜Examples ◽️She has lived here for twenty years. ◽️We have taught at this school for a long time. ◽️Alice has been married for three months. ◽️They have been at the hotel for a week. 〽️👉🏻present perfect with since 💜Examples ◽️She has lived here since 1980. ◽️We have taught at this school since 1965 ◽️Alice has been married since March 2nd. ◽️They have been at the hotel since last Tuesday. ⛔️Note: 〽️👉🏻For and since can both be used with the past perfect. 〽️👉🏻Since can only be used with perfect tenses, for can also be used with the simple past. @English_4U 🟡✨💜
🟡🪄💚 🫐MUST and SHOULD ✍🏻The difference between MUST and SHOULD 👉🏻Must' and 'should' are both modal verbs. ✍🏻MUST is used when expressing obligation or an unavoidable requirement, ✍🏻whereas SHOULD is more of a recommendation, or simply a desirable goal. 🟡MUST ✍🏻Similar to 'have to' strong obligation. 👉🏻You must abide by the law. 👉🏻You must not smoke indoors, it's illegal. ⚪️SHOULD ✍🏻SHOULD is similar to 'ought to’ a suggestion 👉🏻You should try to get some sleep; it's very late, and you have to do a lot of work tomorrow. 👉🏻You shouldn't be so close friend with Hamid, he's just helping you improve your grammar. @English_4U 🟡🪄💜
💞READ AND RECORD💞 Mother's Love It is our mother who has the most special place in our hearts and our lives. Since the birth of a child, a mother forms a precious and special bond with him. Without thinking about herself, she thinks about her child and his happiness. She works day and night for her children so that she can make them happy. A newborn child recognizes her mother from her unique fragrance. And before we start speaking, our mother understands our needs through our actions. This is all because a mother and a child share a special bond, which cannot be described in words. All a mother wants is the betterment of her child and to achieve that, sometimes she supports her child and sometimes becomes strict with him. But her intentions are always pure and honest. She always wants the best for us, and she does everything to give us the best. When we grow up, we want to spend our lives on our terms and in doing so, many times we misunderstand our parents. We become selfish sometimes and fail to understand her love, but she never complains or demands anything from us. All she wants is some respect and love from her child, and every child must provide that to her. @English_4U
لطفا در ایتا مطلب را دنبال کنید
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
📚READ AND RECORD⏺ RIDING A HORSE Sarah was very excited today. It was the first time she was going to ride a horse. Her uncle took her to the stables where the horses were. Horses have always been her favorite animal. When she saw the horses, her heart was filled with excitement. She picked one of the horses to ride. She got her equipment. All laced up and ready to go, she got on the horse. At first the ride was bumpy. Soon enough, she got the hang of it. She felt like she was flying. When it was time to leave, all she could think was when the next time was going to be. @English_4U