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مشاهده در ایتا
🥳 Burst with joy : To be full of happiness and ready to burst. از خوشی در پوست خود نگنجیدن. 🤩 🔹 The class was canceled, and the students burst with joy. ترجمه: کلاس لغو شد و دانش‌آموزان در پوست خود نگنجیدند! 🦦 👑 @English_4U 👑
You hit the nail on the head!😂👌🏻 دقیقا! Hit the nail on the head: used to say that what someone has said is exactly right. 🎯 وقتی می‌خوای به یکی بگی: زدی به هدف! درست گفتی. @English_4U
When pigs fly!🐖 وقتی ی چیزی غیر ممکنه. (مثل همون وقتِ گلِ نی!) +I'll wake up at 4 a.m. next morning. من فردا صبح ساعت ۴ بیدار می‌شم!🦦 _Yeah! When pigs fly. 😂 آره! وقتِ گلِ نی. (هر وقت نِی گُل داد تو ام ۴ صبح بیدار میشی!😀) ____________ +When will you give me the book? - when pigs fly.🦥 🐾 @English_4U 🐾
بجای good night😴 می‌تونی بگی : 🌙 sleep tight... خوب بخوابی... :) پ.ن: فکر کنم اینو بیشتر به بچه‌ها قبل از خواب می‌گن.🌝 ولی خب همه ی کودک درون دارن دیگه، شما نهایت اونو مخاطب قرار بدید.😂 @English_4U
As good as gold 🎈 🍭 Very good. خیلی خوب. If a child be as good as gold, they behave very well. اگه ی بچه مثلِ طلا باشه، خیلی خوب رفتار می‌کنه. (بچه‌ی خیلی خوبیه.😂) 🍉 @English_4U 🍉
🍿 Hang out: وقت گذراندن 🍾 to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with particular people. صرف زمانِ زیاد تویِ ی جایِ خاص یا با آدم‌هایِ خاص. 🛋 He usually hangs out with his friends on the weekend. اون معمولا آخر هفته‌ها رو با دوستاش وقت می‌گذرونه! 🎊 The whole family will hang out in grandparents' house at Yalda night. 🍉 همه خانواده شب یلدا رو تویِ خونه‌ی مادربزرگ پدربزرگ می‌گذرونن.☕️ @English_4U
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا يَسْخَرْ قَوْمٌ مِنْ قَوْمٍ عَسَىٰ أَنْ يَكُونُوا خَيْرًا مِنْهُمْ O you who have faith! Let not any people ridicule another people: it may be that they are better than they are.🌪 ای کسانی که ایمان آورده‌اید! نباید گروهی از مردان شما گروه دیگر را مسخره کنند، شاید آنها از اینها بهتر باشند. Faith: ايمان ridicule: استهزا/مسخره‌کردن 🦕 @English_4U 🦕
هدایت شده از English 4U
وَوَصَّيْنَا الْإِنْسَانَ بِوَالِدَيْهِ إِحْسَانًا ۖ We have enjoined man to be kind to his parents.❣ و ما انسان را به احسان در حق پدر و مادر خود سفارش کردیم. _احقاف۱۵ Enjoin: سفارش کردن/امر کردن 🌤 @English_4U 🌤
👴🏻 Long In The Tooth 👀 Meaning: A person who is long in the tooth is a bit too old to do something. ✍🏻 you're long in the tooth for playing with them. تو برایِ بازی کردن با بقیه خیلی سن‌ت زیاده! پ.ن: از سر شوخی اینجوری گفته می‌شه ها...💀😂 👾 @English_4U 👾
أَنِّي مَسَّنِيَ الضُّرُّ وَأَنْتَ أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِينَ ‘Indeed distress has befallen me, and You are the most merciful of the merciful.’❤️‍🩹 «به من آسيب رسيده است و تويى مهربانترين مهربانان.» _انبيا٨٣ Distress : اندوه/ درد Befall: رخ دادن/در رسیدن 🌤 @English_4U 🌤
يَهْدِي اللَّهُ لِنُورِهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ Allah guides to His Light whomever He wishes. 🕊 خدا هر کس را بخواهد به سوی نور خود هدایت می کند. _نور۳۵ ⛅️ @English_4U ⛅️
الْإِنْسَانَ خُلِقَ هَلُوعًا Indeed man has been created covetous. 🦊 همانا انسان حریص و بی تاب آفریده شده است. _معارج۱۹ covetous : آزمند/حریص 🌙 @English_4U 🌙
اللَّهُ يَفْعَلُ مَا يَشَاءُ Allah does whatever He wishes.🕊 خدا هر آنچه بخواهد می‌کند. _آل‌عمران۴۰ 🌙 @English_4U 🌙
وَمَا النَّصْرُ إِلَّا مِنْ عِنْدِ اللَّهِ الْعَزِيزِ الْحَكِيمِ And victory comes only from Allah, the All-mighty, the All-wise. 💪🏻😎 و فتح و پیروزی نصیب کسی نشود مگر از جانب خدای توانای دانا. 🪴 @English_4U 🪴
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
آزمایش اجتماعی قابل توجه یک بازیگر هالیوود با مردم! 🔻Breathe in دم 🔻Breath out بازدم @English_4u
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
اصطلاحات مهم 1⃣I fast in Ramadan من در ماه رمضان روزه میگیرم☺️ 2⃣I'm fasting من روزه هستم😊 3⃣I fast from dawn to dusk. من از طلوع آفتاب تا غروب آن روزه می‌گیرم🌙☀️ 4⃣Fasting is obligatory روزه واجب است😇 5⃣I usually break my fast with some dates من معمولا با چند تا خرما افطار می‌کنم🌷 6⃣Have a blessed Ramadan رمضان مبارک✨ 🌸@English_4U🌸
•┈•✦✿QUIZ TIME✿✦•┈• لینک شناور👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/drnk8?eitaafly لینک👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/drnk8 ¦⇢ ¦⇢ ¦⇢ • . ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
وَلَا تَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذِينَ قُتِلُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَمْوَاتًا ۚ بَلْ أَحْيَاءٌ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِمْ يُرْزَقُونَ Do not suppose those who were slain in the way of Allah to be dead; no, they are living and provided for near their Lord. 💔🖤 و هرگز گمان مبر آنان که در راه خدا کشته شدند مرده اند، بلکه زنده اند و نزد پروردگارشان روزی داده می شوند. _آل‌عمران۱۶۹ slain: مقتول/کشته شده Provided for: تامین شدن 🏴 @English_4u 🏴
وَمَنْ يَتَوَلَّ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا فَإِنَّ حِزْبَ اللَّهِ هُمُ الْغَالِبُونَ🖤 Whoever takes for his guardians Allah, His Apostle, and the faithful [should know that] the confederates of Allah are indeed the victorious. و هر کس که خدا و رسول و اهل ایمان را ولیّ و فرمانروای خود داند (پیروز است) که تنها لشکر خدا فاتح و غالب خواهد بود. _مائده ۵۶ _guardians : پشتیبان _Apostle : رسول/پیغامبر _confederates : متحدین/لشکریان 🏴 @English_4U 🏴
🌻🌻 🌻 Phileas Fogg and Passepartout In 1872, the Reform Club in London's Pall Mall was a club for men only. Phileas Fogg went to the Reform Club every day. He left his house at 7 Savile Row at 11.30 in the morning and walked to the club. He had his lunch and his dinner there. He read the papers at the club, and he played chess. He left late in the evening and walked back to Savile Row. He went to bed at midnight. Phileas Fogg was a cold man. He didn't talk much, and nobody knew much about him. But everything in his life had to be right. His washing water had to be at 31°C-not 30°C and not 32°C. At 9.37 on the morning of 2nd October 1872 his servant, James Forster, brought him water at 30°C, not 31°C. So this servant had to go. Phileas Fogg sat at home in his Savile Row house. He waited for his new servant. club (n) A club is a building or a number of people. The people in a club are interested in the same things. servant (n) A servant lives and works for you in your house. To be continued...🪶 🌍 @English_4U 🌍
🌻🌻 🌻 The new servant came. He was about thirty years old. 'You are French,' said Phileas Fogg, 'and your name is John?' 'No,' said the new servant. 'My name is Jean, Mr Fogg. They call me Jean Passepartout, because in French a "passepartout" can open every door. When things are bad, I can always get out. I can get out of anything!' "Tell me about your work,' said Phileas Fogg. 'I am a good man, and I can do a lot of different jobs,' said Jean Passepartout. 'I was a fireman in Paris. And ... look!' Passepartout did a high jump, then put his left leg and then his right leg on his head. He was a strong man. 'But I left France in 1867,' said Passepartout, and I came to England. I want to be a servant. I am looking for a quiet life. People say that you are the quietest man in Britain. So I want to work for you. I want to live quietly now. I want to forget the name "Passepartout". 'I'll call you Passepartout,' said Phileas Fogg. 'What time is it?" Passepartout pulled out a big watch and looked at it. 'It is 11.29, Mr Fogg,' he said. All right. From now, 11.29 on 2nd October 1872, you are my servant.' With those words, Phileas Fogg put on his hat and went out. There was nobody in the house, then, only Passepartout. 'Here I am,' the Frenchman thought. 'But what do I do?' He went into every room in the house. He found his room, and in it there was a timetable. Everything was there, starting from 8 o'clock. Phileas Fogg got up at that time. 8.23 Bring tea. 9.37 Bring washing water (31°C). 11.30 PF goes to the Reform Club. Then, from 11.30 in the morning to midnight, everything was on the timetable. Mr Fogg always went to bed at midnight. Passepartout smiled. 'This is right for me,' he thought. 'Mr Fogg is the man for me!' timetable (n) A timetable shows the times when trains, buses, boats, or airplanes leave. To be continued...🪶 🌍 @English_4U 🌍
🌻🌻 🌻 The Discussion It was 6.10 in the evening at the Reform Club. Phileas Fogg was in the chess room. He was at a chess table with the same five men as yesterday and the day before and the day before that. Phileas Fogg and the five men didn't usually talk when they played chess. But this evening, before the game started, the men talked about a newspaper story. A thief walked into the Bank of England and took fifty-five thousand pounds. Then he walked out again. One of the men at the chess table, Ralph, had a very good job at the Bank of England. 'They'll catch the man,' Ralph said. 'The best detectives are at every port. They know that the man is tall. He wears expensive clothes. They'll find him.' 'Oh, I don't know,' said Stuart, another man at the table. 'The world is a very big place.' 'It was a big place,' said Phileas Fogg. 'What do you mean - "was"? Is it smaller now?' said Stuart. 'Yes,' said Ralph. 'I think Mr Fogg is right. You can go round the world more quickly now.' 'All right,' said Stuart. 'You can go round the world in about three months, but that doesn't mean ...' 'Not three months,' said Phileas Fogg. 'Eighty days.' 'Fogg's right,' said Ralph. "The Rothal to Allahabad railway, in India, is open now. Look - today's Times has a timetable for a journey round the world.' And he showed them, on the centre page of the paper. _London to Suez - railway and ship/7 days _Suez to Bombay - ship/ 13 days _Bombay to Calcutta – railway/ 3 days _Calcutta to Hong Kong - ship/ 13 days _Hong Kong to Yokohama – ship/ 6 days _Yokohama to San Francisco - ship/ 22 days _San Francisco to New York - railway/ 7 days _New York to London - ship and railway/ 9 days "80 days" 'Yes,' said Stuart, 'eighty days. It's all right on paper. But a lot of things can happen in eighty days. They can stop you on the way.' 'No, they can't, Mr Stuart,' said Phileas Fogg. 'Well, why don't you try, Mr Fogg?' 'Go round the world in eighty days?' said Phileas Fogg. 'All right. I have twenty thousand pounds in Baring's Bank. I'll bet all of it.' 'Twenty thousand pounds!' cried Ralph. 'Something will happen on the journey, and you'll lose all your money.' 'Nothing will stop me,' Phileas Fogg said. In the end, Phileas Fogg's five friends took the bet. 'Each person will pay you four thousand pounds - that's twenty thousand pounds – when we see you again here in the Reform Club in eighty days at the end of your journey round the world,' said Ralph. 'Or you have to pay us twenty thousand pounds. That's the bet.' Phileas Fogg thought for a minute. 'Today is Wednesday, 2nd October. So I have to be back here, in this room in the Reform Club, on Saturday, 21st December at 8.45 in the evening.' thief (n) A thief takes things from people or buildings. Thieves don't pay for things or give them back. port (n) A port is a place by the sea. Ships arrive and leave from there. railway (n) Trains run on railways. Railway companies sell tickets for their trains. bet (v/n) You bet money because you want to win more money. You win when something happens. You lose when you are wrong. To be continued...🪶 🌍 @English_4U 🌍
🌻🌻 🌻 At 7.25, Phileas Fogg said good night to his friends and left the Reform Club. At 7.50, he opened the door of his house in Savile Row and went in. 'Mr Fogg? Is that you?' said Passepartout. He looked at the timetable. This was not on the timetable. 'We are leaving in ten minutes for Dover and Calais,' said Phileas Fogg. 'We are going round the world.' Passepartout's eyes opened wide - very wide. He opened his arms then jumped on one leg. 'Round the world!' he said. 'In eighty days,' said Phileas Fogg. 'We have to go now. Now!' 'But your bags?' 'I'm not taking any bags. Well, one small bag. We can buy things on the way. Bring down my coat. Wear strong shoes. Move!' At 8 o'clock, Passepartout was ready with a small bag. 'A quiet life,' he thought. 'Where is my quiet life?' Phileas Fogg was ready. He had a book under his arm - Bradshaw's, a railway and ship timetable. He took the bag from Passepartout and put a lot of money into it. Then he gave the bag to Passepartout. 'Look after it,' he said. 'There's twenty thousand pounds in it.' At the station, Phileas Fogg saw his five friends from the Reform Club. 'You're here to say goodbye? That's kind,' he said. 'I'll have stamps in my passport for each country. You can see them when I come back.' 'We won't look at your passport,' said Ralph. 'You're an Englishman.' At 8.40, Phileas Fogg and Passepartout took their places in the train, and at 8.45 the train started. Some days later, the police at Scotland Yard* had a letter from their detective, Detective Fix. Suez, 9th October To Scotland Yard, London I am following the bank thief, Phileas Fogg. Send a warrant to Bombay now. Fix (detective) * Scotland Yard: the central office of London's police detectives. stamp (n) When you arrive in a country, you often get a stamp with the date in your passport. passport (n) You show your passport when you visit other countries. The name of your country is on the front. warrant (n) With a warrant, the police can take somebody to a police station or go into their house. To be continued...🪶 🌍 @English_4U 🌍
🌻🌻 🌻 Detective Fix On Wednesday, 9th October, a small thin man waited for a ship at Suez, Egypt. The ship, a fast ship, was the Mongolia. The man was Detective Fix. He was at the port because he wanted to find the Bank of England thief. Fix looked at everybody. He wanted a tall man in expensive clothes. When the Mongolia arrived at the port, Phileas Fogg left the ship. He had to get a stamp in his passport. He went back to the ship. Fix watched him. Then the detective found Passepartout out in the town. 'Can I help you?' asked Fix. 'You are very kind,' said Passepartout. 'This is Suez?' 'Yes,' said Fix. 'Suez, in Egypt, in Africa.' Passepartout looked at Fix with wide eyes. 'Africa!' he said. 'This morning I saw Paris again, from 7.20 to 8.15 in the morning, through the windows of a train, between two railway stations. And now I am here in Africa.' 'You haven't got much time, then?' asked the detective. 'No, Mr Fogg hasn't got much time. Oh, and I have to buy some clothes. We came away with only one small bag for the journey.' 'I'll show you the way to the shops.' 'Thank you,' said Passepartout. And the two men walked through Suez. 'I have to be careful about the time. The ship leaves again in a short time.' 'You've got time for shopping,' Fix answered. 'And you've got time for lunch.' Passepartout pulled out his big watch. 'Lunch?' he said. 'It's 9.52 in the morning!' 'No, it's 11.52,' said Fix. 'You've got London time on your watch. That's two hours behind Suez time. When you go round the world, time changes. On your journey you'll have to change the time on your watch for each new country.' 'What! Change the time on my watch? Never!' said Passepartout. Fix smiled. Five minutes later he said, 'Here are the shops. You can buy everything here. I think you left London quickly.' 'Oh yes! Last Wednesday, Mr Fogg came back from his club at 7.50 in the evening. He usually comes back at midnight. And then we started our journey.' Fix thought about that. Then he asked, 'But where is Mr Fogg going?' 'Round the world.' 'Round the world?' 'Yes, in eighty days. He says it is for a bet.' 'Is he rich?' Fix asked. 'I think he is,' said Passepartout. The Frenchman was always ready to talk. 'He has a lot of new banknotes with him, and he buys things all the time. He gave the captain of the Mongolia a lot of money because he wanted to get to Bombay early.' So the detective wrote to London and asked for a warrant in Bombay. Phileas Fogg was tall and wore expensive clothes. He left London quickly. He had a lot of money in new banknotes. Phileas Fogg was, Fix thought, the Bank of England thief. Ten minutes before the Mongolia left Suez, Fix was on the ship with a light bag and some money. He was on his way to Bombay. captain (n) The captain of a ship is the boss. To be continued...🪶 🌍 @English_4U 🌍