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🎲ابراز پشیمانی در انگلیسی 🐞Expressing Regret in English ✈️ ابراز پشیمانی با استفاده از ساختار↙️ I regret +Noun/V+ing 1⃣I regret not coming to your party. از نیامدن به میهمانی تو پشیمانم 2⃣I regret not working harder. از کار نکردن زیاد پشیمانم 3⃣I regret eating so much. از خوردن زیاد پشیمانم 4⃣I regret leaving you alone. از تنها گذاشتن تو پشیمانم 5⃣I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance. از انجام ندادن کارهایی که شانسش را داشتم و انجام ندادم پشیمانم. ╭┄═•✨🛴❄️•═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═•❄️🛴✨•═┄╯
📕امتحان ریاضی حالم را گرفت. 📙The math test spoiled my mood. 📕استاد برگه ها را تصحیح کرده؟ 📙Has the professor/teacher marked the papers yet? 📕نتایج کی اعلام می شود؟ 📙When will the results come out? …❀ @English_4U ●➼‌┅═❧═┅┅───┄
According to psychology professor Steve Ilardi, “Only about 50 percent of depressed individuals experience an initial positive response to antidepressants.” And while 50% is nothing to sneeze at, only 30% report long term success with medication. Johann believes that depression is mainly a social problem. For most people, it boils down to disconnection. He says there are many forms of disconnection: “from other people, from meaningful work, from meaningful values, from the natural world, from a safe and secure childhood, from status, and from a future that makes sense to you.” Summerfield has also changed his beliefs on depression after hearing of the Cambodian farmer and his cow. He now believes that depression is best treated by focusing on patients’ social situation, not on “what’s between their ears.” ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
به گفته استیو ایلاردی،استاد رشته روانشناسی،تنها در حدود 50 درصد افراد افسرده پاسخ مثبت اولیه به داروهای ضدافسردگی را تجربه می کنند. و اگرچه 50 درصد میزان قابل توجهی است اما فقط 30 درصد از آنها موفقیتی طولانی مدت با دارو را گزارش می کنند. یوهان معتقد است که افسردگی اساسا یک مشکل اجتماعی است. برای اکثر مردم افسردگی خلاصه می شود در قطع ارتباط. او می گوید شکل های بسیاری از قطع ارتباط وجود دارد:قطع ارتباط از افراد دیگر،از کاری معنادار،از ارزش های معنادار، از دنیای طبیعی، از کودکی امن و مطمئن، از مقام و منزلت و از آینده ای که معنادار و منطقی است. سامرفیلد بعد از شنیدن داستان کشاورز اهل کامبوج و گاوش،باورش را هم نسبت به افسردگی تغییر داد. حالا او باور دارد که افسردگی با تمرکز بر شرایط اجتماعی بیمار و نه آنچه که در مغز او می گذرد؛ بهتر درمان می شود ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
During his trances he would often offer predictions. Edgar is credited with foretelling the beginning and ending of both world wars. He is also thought to have predicted the stock market crash of 1927 and the death of JFK. Cayce did have his critics. Some called him a fraud. Others point to the predictions he made that didn’t come true. For example, he said that in 1958, an ancient death ray that had been used to destroy Atlantis would be discovered. Nevertheless, Cayce believed that we are all psychic and have the ability to connect with the power of the universal consciousness for gaining health and knowledge. His legacy lives on in 35 centers and 2 schools around the world that celebrate his life and teaching. ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
He was incredibly wealthy. Once he purchased a vintage Rolls-Royce at the drop of a hat. People thought he had the perfect life, but Mo was as miserable as sin. Mo believed happiness could be captured in a computer code. He wanted to develop an algorithm which could bring complete happiness. Together with his son Ali, they created a formula. Mo thought it nailed the art of happiness. And then something terrible happened. Ali was rushed to the hospital for a routine appendix removal. A needle punctured a major artery by mistake. His 21-year-old son’s organs were failing one by one. The time had come to say goodbye. او بسیار ثروتمند بود. یک بار یک خودرو رولز- رویس قدیمی و گرانقیمت را در یک لحظه و بدون لحظه‌ای فکر خرید. مردم فکر می کردند او یک زندگی کامل و بی‌نقصی دارد، اما “مو” بسیار غمگین بود. “مو” معتقد بود خوشبختی را می‌توان در یک کد کامپیوتری بدست آورد. او می‌خواست الگوریتمی را پیدا کند که بتواند خوشبختی کامل را به ارمغان بیاورد. همراه پسرش علی یک فرمول ایجاد کردند ، “مو” فکر می‌کرد این فرمول هنر خوشبختی را تکمیل می‌کند. سپس اتفاق وحشتناکی افتاد ، علی برای یک عمل آپاندیس معمولی به‌طور اورژانسی به بیمارستان انتقال داده شد. یک سوزن اشتباها یک شریان اصلی را سوراخ کرد. ارگانهای حیاتی پسر 21 ساله او یکی پس از دیگری از کار می‌افتادند. زمان خداحافظی فرا رسیده‌بود . ✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
One day, he went on his bicycle to a church near the town. It was a beautiful small church. There was an old picture on it with three crowns. It was very interesting, and Paxton wanted to know about it. There was an old man in the church garden. 'Excuse me,' Paxton said. 'What do you know about this picture?" The old man put down his spade and looked at the young man. 'Do you know the story of the three crowns?' he asked. 'No,' Paxton answered. 'Seaburgh was always an important place,' the old man said. 'It is today, too. It's important because it's on the sea.' 'I don't understand,' Paxton said. "The English wanted to protect their country from countries across the sea,' the old man said. "They put three crowns in the ground near the sea. One of the crowns was here, near Seaburgh.' 'But why?' Paxton asked. He didn't understand. 'What did three crowns in the ground do?' To be continued...🌀 church/ (n) There are a lot of people in the church on Sundays. crown/ (n) In the picture, Elizabeth I has a beautiful crown on her head. put/ (v, past) I put my bag under my chair but now it isn't there! spade / (n) I have three spades because I am a builder. protect/(v) It is a thin coat, but it protects me from the rain. ground / (n) There was a lot of water on the ground after the rain. 📚 @English_4u 📚
🪴🪴 🪴 The giant was lying in bed one morning when he heard some beautiful music. A little bird was singing outside his window. It was the first birdsong in the garden for a very long time, and it seemed to him the most beautiful music in the world. Then the north wind and the rain stopped. 'I believe that spring has come at last!' said the giant. He jumped out of bed and looked out. His garden was full of children! They were coming in through a hole in the wall and were climbing up into the trees. The giant saw a little child in every tree. The trees were glad to have the children back. They were covered with flowers again. The birds were flying around and singing with happiness, and flowers were looking up through the green grass. A very small boy was standing in the far corner of the garden. He could not reach up to climb his tree. He was walking round it and crying. That tree was still covered with ice and snow. To be continued...🖊 📜 @English_4U 📜
_فاقدِ ترجمه! 📻 🎙 @English_4U 🎙
هدایت شده از 𝒵𝒶𝒽𝓇𝒶
_دارایِ ترجمه! 🎊 🎙 @English_4U 🎙
هدایت شده از English 4U
🪴🪴 🪴 The giant was lying in bed one morning when he heard some beautiful music. A little bird was singing outside his window. It was the first birdsong in the garden for a very long time, and it seemed to him the most beautiful music in the world. Then the north wind and the rain stopped. 'I believe that spring has come at last!' said the giant. He jumped out of bed and looked out. His garden was full of children! They were coming in through a hole in the wall and were climbing up into the trees. The giant saw a little child in every tree. The trees were glad to have the children back. They were covered with flowers again. The birds were flying around and singing with happiness, and flowers were looking up through the green grass. A very small boy was standing in the far corner of the garden. He could not reach up to climb his tree. He was walking round it and crying. That tree was still covered with ice and snow. To be continued...🖊 📜 @English_4U 📜