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مشاهده در ایتا
📚ابراز پشیمانی در انگلیسی 😞 🐞Expressing Regret in English 🎀ابراز پشیمانی با استفاده از ساختار↙️ ⏩I should have (not) + Past Participle 1⃣I should have come to your party. باید به میهمانی تو آمده بودم 2⃣I should have worked harder. باید بیشتر کار کرده بودم 3⃣I shouldn't have eaten so much. نباید زیاد خورده بودم(می‌خوردم) 4⃣I should have driven more carefully. باید با احتیاط بیشتری رانندگی کرده بودم ╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• •═┄╯
سوتی در حین ضبط...😐😂 He made a boo_boo 😂
📕ببخشید! چقدر وقت باقی مانده است؟ 📙Excuse me! How much is left, please? 📕در کلاسم پیشرفت زیادی / خوبی دارم. 📙I’m making a lot of progress / I’m making good progress in my class. 📕آنقدر که باید درس نمی خوانم. 📙I don’t study / I’m not studying as hard as I should. …❀ @English_4U ●➼‌┅═❧═┅┅───┄
The story changed the way Summerfield viewed depression. The tale of the rice farmer also had a profound effect on journalist Johann Hari. As a teenager, Hari was suffering from serious depression. A doctor explained to Johann that his depression was caused by a chemical imbalance in his brain and gave him antidepressants. It helped at first, but after a few months, the pain returned. The doctor increased Johann’s dose and a familiar pattern formed. The pain would return and Johann would take stronger and stronger pills. After 13 years of this, Johann was at the end of his tether. He began to question why, despite medication, he was still so down in the dumps. This question led him to research and write a book on the real causes of depression. In the U.K., antidepressant use has doubled in a decade. In the U.S., one in five adults now take psychiatric drugs. Johann believes that a small minority of depression cases do have biological causes. But for most people, chemical medication is not the answer. ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
این داستان نگاه سامرفیلد به مقوله افسردگی را تغییر داد. افسانه مرد شالیکار بر روزنامه نگاری به نام یوهان هری هم تاثیر عمیقی گذاشت. زمانیکه هری نوجوان بود از افسردگی شدیدی رنج می برد. پزشک به یوهان توضیح داد که افسردگی او به علت عدم توازن مواد شیمیایی در مغزش رخ داده و به او داروهای ضدافسردگی داد. در ابتدا داروها موثر بودند،اما بعد از چند ماه غم و اندوه برگشت. پزشک میزان داروهای یوهان را بیشتر کرد و الگویی مشابه شکل گرفت. درد ورنج برمی گشت و یوهان قرص های قوی تر و قوی تری مصرف می کرد. پس از 13 سال دیگر کارد به استخوان‌یوهان رسیده بود. او شروع به پرسیدن این سوال کرد که چرا علیرغم مصرف داروها او هنوز غمگین و دل مرده است. این سوال او را به تحقیق و نوشتن کتابی در خصوص علل واقعی افسردگی سوق داد. در انگلستان مصرف داروهای ضدافسردگی در یک دهه دوبرابر شده است. در امریکا حالا از هر پنج نفر بزرگسال یک نفر داروهای روان پزشکی مصرف می کند.یوهان معتقد است که درصد کمی از موارد افسردگی علل بیولوژیکی دارند. اما برای اکثر مردم داروهای شیمیایی پاسخگو نیستند. ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
At the age of 21, Edgar learned to place himself into a sleep-like trance where he claimed his mind was free to wander anywhere in space or time. He called this realm the universal consciousness, where he could access knowledge to heal people. People persuaded Edgar to use his gift to help people. He would enter a trance and then respond with specific solutions to his patient’s health problems. His clients included President Woodrow Wilson, Marilyn Monroe and Thomas Edison. Edgar didn’t just serve the rich and famous. He offered a not-for-profit service and some say he helped over 6,000 people. He was dubbed the ‘Miracle Man of Virginia Beach.’ He was also known as the ‘sleeping prophet’ and ‘father of holistic medicine’. During his trances Edgar would refer to himself as ‘We’ instead of ‘I.’ With a voice as clear as a bell, he would display great learning on many subjects. In his sleep-like state, the man who had only a 9th grade education could speak in 24 different languages. ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
One note said, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” The other said, “A calm and humble life will bring more happiness than the pursuit of success and the constant restlessness that comes with it.” Multi-millionaire Mo Gawdat curiously came to a similar conclusion as Einstein after trying to find his own formula for happiness. On paper, his life ticked every box. He was a top Google executive. He lived in a huge house. He married his university sweetheart and fathered two beautiful children. در یکی از یادداشت‌ها گفته است : “هرجا که خواسته‌ای وجود دارد راهی وجود دارد” (اگر چیزی را واقعا بخواهی، راهی برای انجام آن پیدا می‌کنی). و در دیگری گفته است: “یک زندگی آرام و فروتنانه، خوشبختی بیشتری نسبت به پیگیری موفقیت و بی‌ثباتی مداوم که همراه آن است، به ارمغان خواهد آورد” مولتی ملیونر “مو گاودات” به طور عجیبی پس از تلاشش برای رسیدن به فرمول خوشبختی به نتیجه مشابهی رسید. ظاهرا او در زندگی اش به همه چیز رسیده بود. او یک مدیراجرایی ارشد گوگل بود، در خانه ای بسیار بزرگ زندگی می کرد . با معشوقه‌ی زمان دانشگاه خود ازدواج کرده بود و صاحب دو فرزند زیبا شده بود. ✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
Suddenly, one evening, there was a noise at the door. A young man opened it. 'I'm sorry,' he said to us. 'Please excuse me.' 'That's OK,' I said. 'Come in,' Long said. The young man came into the light. He was short, and he had dark hair. I looked at his unhappy face. 'What's wrong?' I asked. 'Are you OK?' 'Do you want to see a doctor?' Long asked. 'No, no,' the young man said. 'I ... I'm afraid.' 'Why?' Long asked. The young man didn't answer my friend's question. 'Sit down and drink some tea,'I said. What's your name?' 'Paxton.' He didn't say his first name. (I don't know it today.) 'What's wrong, Paxton?' I asked. The young man looked at me and then at Long. His eyes were big, and his face was white. 'You don't know me,' he said. 'I understand that. But please believe me. Please.' This was very important to him. Then Paxton started his story. Long and I listened for a long time. Here is his story. Paxton was on holiday in Seaburgh, too. He liked old buildings, and there were a lot of them near Seaburgh. To be continued...🌀 believe/(v) His friends believe his story, but the police don't. 📚 @English_4u 📚
🪴🪴 🪴 So the children had nowhere to play. They tried to play on the road, but the road was dirty and full of hard stones, and they did not like it. After their lessons, they walked round the giant's high wall and talked about the beautiful garden inside. 'We were so happy there!' they said. The spring came, and there were flowers and little birds all over the country. But in the garden of the selfish giant, it was still winter. The birds did not sing in it because there were no children. The trees forgot to grow flowers. Snow covered the grass, and ice covered the trees with silver. The north wind came, and the rain. 'I cannot understand why the spring is so late,' said the selfish giant. He was sitting the window of his house and looking out at his cold, white garden. 'I hope there will be a change in the weather.' But the spring never came, and the summer did not come. When there was golden fruit in every other garden, there was no fruit in the giant's garden. It was always winter there, with the north wind, and snow, and ice and rain. To be continued...🖊 📜 @English_4U 📜
_فاقدِ ترجمه! 📻 🎙 @English_4U 🎙
_دارایِ ترجمه! 🎊 🎙 @English_4U 🎙
🌻🌻 🌻 The new servant came. He was about thirty years old. 'You are French,' said Phileas Fogg, 'and your name is John?' 'No,' said the new servant. 'My name is Jean, Mr Fogg. They call me Jean Passepartout, because in French a "passepartout" can open every door. When things are bad, I can always get out. I can get out of anything!' "Tell me about your work,' said Phileas Fogg. 'I am a good man, and I can do a lot of different jobs,' said Jean Passepartout. 'I was a fireman in Paris. And ... look!' Passepartout did a high jump, then put his left leg and then his right leg on his head. He was a strong man. 'But I left France in 1867,' said Passepartout, and I came to England. I want to be a servant. I am looking for a quiet life. People say that you are the quietest man in Britain. So I want to work for you. I want to live quietly now. I want to forget the name "Passepartout". 'I'll call you Passepartout,' said Phileas Fogg. 'What time is it?" Passepartout pulled out a big watch and looked at it. 'It is 11.29, Mr Fogg,' he said. All right. From now, 11.29 on 2nd October 1872, you are my servant.' With those words, Phileas Fogg put on his hat and went out. There was nobody in the house, then, only Passepartout. 'Here I am,' the Frenchman thought. 'But what do I do?' He went into every room in the house. He found his room, and in it there was a timetable. Everything was there, starting from 8 o'clock. Phileas Fogg got up at that time. 8.23 Bring tea. 9.37 Bring washing water (31°C). 11.30 PF goes to the Reform Club. Then, from 11.30 in the morning to midnight, everything was on the timetable. Mr Fogg always went to bed at midnight. Passepartout smiled. 'This is right for me,' he thought. 'Mr Fogg is the man for me!' timetable (n) A timetable shows the times when trains, buses, boats, or airplanes leave. To be continued...🪶 🌍 @English_4U 🌍