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مشاهده در ایتا
Gulliver’s Travels Part Five: A Voyage to Broblingnay I was very happy to be back in England, after my adventures in Lilliput and Blefuscu. I often thought about the two countries. I hoped they were not fighting each other again. My next voyage began when I took a job on the ship Adventure. There was a very big storm and a terrible wind. The wind blew the ship off course, and we did not know where we were. Then one of the sailors saw that we were near land. We needed some fresh water, so some of us decided to take a ship's boat to the land. When we came to the beach, we could not see any houses. I walked a little distance, but there was no sign of a village or town. 'No one lives here,' I thought. I was disappointed, and I turned to walk back to the boat. Then I saw that the other sailors were already in our boat. They were going away from the land very fast—and there was a huge creature following them in the water! The sailors were very frightened. I watched as they took the boat back to the ship. Now I was alone, and I was frightened. I was afraid of the huge creature. I ran away from the beach. I ran to the top of a hill, and then I had a surprise. There were fields here — but they were not ordinary fields of corn and grass. Everything was very big. Then I saw a man —but he was as tall as a church! The corn was much taller than me, and I hid in it. The giant called some other people. They were all giants, too. They began to cut the corn where I was hiding. I was very scared, and I cried out loudly. The first giant heard my cry, and he stopped work. He looked at the corn, and then he looked at the ground. He saw me. He reached down and picked me up. He held me between his fingers and looked at me for a while. I was very frightened to be so high in the air. I thought he would throw me onto the ground. I spoke to him, to show that I was a man like him. He seemed pleased that I could speak. Then I used signs to explain that his fingers were hurting my sides. He understood what I wanted to say, and he put me gently in his pocket. He carried me to the farm. 'Look at this,' he said. He put his hand in his pocket, and took me out. 'What do you think it is?' he asked. The farmer looked at me for a moment. He put me on the ground, and studied me carefully for a moment. He looked at my clothes, which he seemed to think were a natural part of my body. Vocabulary Words off course natural @English_4U
“No, not really.” “Well”, concluded Socrates, “if what you want to tell me is neither true nor good nor even useful, why tell it to me at all?” "نه، نه واقعا." سقراط نتیجه گرفت: «خب، اگر چیزی که می‌خواهی به من بگویی نه درست است، نه خوب و نه حتی مفید است، چرا اصلاً آن را به من می‌گویی؟» @English_4U
So, why hasn’t history remembered Claudette? She should be just as famous as Rosa Parks, but she isn’t. That’s because Civil Rights leaders thought that Rosa made a better face for the movement. Rosa was older than Claudette and more reserved . But many say that Rosa’s lighter skin made her a more attractive woman to lead the movement. Claudette’s skin was darker, and people thought this made her seem poorer and less trustworthy. It’s sad to think that skin color even played a role in the woman history chose as the face of the civil rights movement - a movement to end racial inequality. اما چرا تاریخ کلودت کالوین را به یاد نمیآورد؟ علیالقاعده، ایشان نیز بایستی به‌اندازه‌ی روزا پارک مشهور باشد، اما این‌چنین نیست. این موضوع به خاطر این بود که رهبران جنبش مدنی فکر میکردند که روزا چهره و وجهه‌ی بهتری برای این حرکت داشت. روزا مسن‌تر و باوقارتر از کلودت بود. اما خیلیها میگویند که پوست روشن‌تر لوزا، وی را برای رهبری این حرکت جذاب‌تر ساخته بود. پوست کلودت تیره‌تر بود و مردم فکر میکردند که این موضوع وی را ضعیف‌تر و غیرقابل‌اعتماد جلوه میداد. دانستن این موضوع که حتی رنگ پوست، نقش بسیار مهمی را در تعیین چهره‌ی ماندگار جنبش حقوق مدنی ایفا کرده، بسیار ناراحت‌کننده است. جنبشی که وظیفه‌اش پایان دادن به نژادپرستی بوده است. ✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
After about an hour, all nine were passed back along the chain to safety. Even the grandmother survived, saying that she had a vision of her late husband and it wasn’t her time yet. Complete strangers were on the beach hugging and high-fiving. It was a beautiful end to a stressful day at the beach. پس از حدود یک ساعت، هر نه نفردر طول زنجیره به ساحل امن منتقل شدند. حتی مادر بزرگ هم زنده ماند و گفت که رویای شوهر مرحومش را دیده بود و هنوز وقت مرگش نشده بود. افراد کاملا غریبه در ساحل یکدیگر را در آغوش گرفتند و کف دستهایشان را به نشان موفقیت بر هم می زدند (بزن قدش) و شادی می کردند. این پایانی زیبا برای روزی پر اضطراب در ساحل بود.
هدایت شده از English 4U
It seems that Davis was right. Eventually, Kelly and the two other KKK leaders in the state of Maryland quit the white supremacy group. Soon after the leaders quit, others followed suit. According to Davis, the KKK no longer exists in Maryland, and it happened because of his efforts. به نظر می رسد حق با دیویس بود. سرانجام کلی و دو رهبر دیگرکاکاکا در ایالت مریلند گروه برتری سفیدپوستان را ترک کردند. به زودی پس از خروج رهبران، دیگران نیز از آنها تبعیت کردند. به گفته ی دیویس، کاکاکا دیگر در مریلند وجود ندارد، و این اتفاق به دلیل تلاش های او رخ داده است. ╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• •═┄╯
When Szegedi confronted his grandmother about being Jewish, she confirmed his fear. She was a survivor of Auschwitz. She had covered the concentration camp number tattooed on her arm her whole life. She had hidden her heritage because she no longer wanted to be Jewish. His late grandfather, it turned out, had also been a survivor of the Holocaust. هنگامی که سیگدی از مادربزرگ خود در مورد یهودی بودنش پرس و جو کرد، مادربزرگ چیزی را که او از آن وحشت داشت تایید کرد. او یکی از بازماندگان آشویتس بود. او تمام عمرش شماره اردوگاه کار اجباری را که روی یازویش خالکوبی شده بود، پوشانده بود. او میراث خود را پنهان کرده بود چون دیگر نمی خواست یهودی باشد. معلوم شد که پدربزرگ مرحوم سیگدی نیز یکی از بازماندگان هولوکاست بوده است. ╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• •═┄╯
Ben decided to spend the last of his funds to meet them in China. Each reunion was a moment of joy, followed by a difficult decision. His kidnapped friends had to decide whether they would stay or leave. If they left, they would have to leave their daughters behind to an unknown fate. They would have to take a dangerous journey home. And once they had returned, they might be mistrusted by their local community and have difficulty finding a husband. بن تصمیم گرفت ته مانده ی پولش را برای دیدار با آنها در چین خرج کند. لحظه ی دیدارِ دوباره با هر یک از آنها لحظه شادی بود که تصمیم دشواری را در پی داشت. دوستان ربوده شده ی او باید تصمیم می گرفتند که آیا می خواهند بمانند یا آنجا را ترک کنند. اگر برمی گشتند، مجبور بودند دختران خود را با سرنوشتی نامعلوم رها کنند. آنها مجبور بودند سفر خطرناکی را به سوی خانه بروند. و هنگامی که به خانه می رسیدند، ممکن بود در اجتماع محلی خود مورد سوء ظن واقع شده و در یافتن شوهر دچار مشکل شوند. ╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• •═┄╯
There was a lot of confusion among the birds. Finally the birds decided that they would ask the Hoopoe's advice about the Sun. So they all went to the Hoopoe's nest and explained the matter to him. The Hoopoe listened to them very carefully. Then it said, 'The pigeons are absolutely right. The Sun has neither died, nor has it gone away on some journey. Right now, the Sun is present above our heads.' در بین پرندگان سردرگمی زیادی وجود داشت. سرانجام پرندگان تصمیم گرفتند که از هدهد در مورد خورشید راهنمایی بخواهند. پس همه به لانه هدهد رفتند و موضوع را برای او توضیح دادند. هدهد با دقت به آنها گوش داد. سپس گفت: «کبوترها کاملاً درست می‌گویند. خورشید نه مرده است و نه در سفری ناپدید شده است. در حال حاضر، خورشید بالای سر ما حاضر است. Then all those birds, which did not believe the pigeon earlier, were very surprised at the Hoopoe's talks. They asked, 'Is the Sun really present over our heads. But we cannot see anything. If the Sun had been there...' سپس همه آن پرندگان که زودتر کبوتر را باور نداشتن، از صحبت های هدهد بسیار شگفت زده شدند. آنها پرسیدند: "آیا خورشید واقعاً بالای سر ما حضور دارد؟" اما ما نمی توانیم چیزی ببینیم. اگر خورشید آنجا بود... The Hoopoe interrupted them and said, 'Just think a little and you will understand that whatever life is there on this earth, it is only because of the Sun. If there was no Sun we would all have died. Very often we don't see the Sun with our eyes, but its effects are very clear to everyone. For example, at night we don't see the Sun, but the Sun is very much there. It provides us with enough heat so that we remain alive. هدهد حرف آنها را قطع کرد و گفت: "فقط کمی فکر کنید و خواهید فهمید که هر چه زندگی در این زمین وجود دارد، فقط به خاطر خورشید است." اگر خورشید نبود همه ما می مردیم. خیلی اوقات ما خورشید را با چشمان خود نمی بینیم، اما اثرات آن برای همه بسیار واضح است. به عنوان مثال، در شب ما خورشید را نمی بینیم، اما خورشید با همه وجود آنجاست. گرمای کافی برای ما فراهم می کند تا زنده بمانیم. ┅═ঊঈ🌺🌹ঊঈ═┅╮ 📕 @English_4U ╰┅═ঊঈ🌸🌷ঊঈ═┅╯