5.87M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
Remember that this world which you covet so ardently and attempt to acquire so earnestly, and which sometimes annoys you and sometimes pleases you so much, is neither your home nor a permanent destination. You have not been created for it, nor invited to it as your resting-place. It shall neither remain with you for ever, nor will you remain in it eternally. If it has enticed you away with its charms, it has also warned and cautioned you of real dangers lurking in its folds. Take account of the warnings it has given you and do not be seduced or deceived by its allurements. Let these warnings frighten you
from being too greedy to possess it.
Try to advance towards the place where you are invited for eternal bliss and turn your face away from the vicious world.
Remember that this world which you covet so ardently and attempt to acquire so earnestly, and which sometimes annoys you and sometimes pleases you so much, is neither your home nor a permanent destination. You have not been created for it, nor invited to it as your resting-place. It shall neither remain with you for ever, nor will you remain in it eternally. If it has enticed you away with its charms, it has also warned and cautioned you of real dangers lurking in its folds. Take account of the warnings it has given you and do not be seduced or deceived by its allurements. Let these warnings frighten you
from being too greedy to possess it.
Try to advance towards the place where you are invited for eternal bliss and turn your face away from the vicious world.
🔈 The event of #Ghadir refers to a sermon delivered by the prophet Muhammad (s) shortly before his demise in 632 CE. In the sermon, he announced Imam Ali (as) his successor, saying:
Whomsoever I am his master (mawla), then Ali is his master (mawla). O' God, love those who love him, and be hostile to those who are hostile to him.
🖊 واقعه #غدیر خم مربوط میشود به خطبه ای که پیامیر اکرم (ص) در فاصله مدت کوتاهی قبل از وفاتشان ( 632 هجری قمری) ایراد نمودند. ایشان در این خطبه امام علی را به عنوان جانشین خود اعلام نموده، فرمودند: هر کس من مولای او هستم، علی مولای اوست. پروردگارا، دوست بدار هرکه علی را دوست دارد، و دشمن بدار هرکه او را دشمن دارد.
┄┅|°⊰•᯽⃟ ⃟᯽•⊱°|┅┄
. #event: واقعه، رویداد
. #refer_to: اشاره کردن به، مربوط بودن به
. ⭐️#sermon: خطبه، سخنرانی، موعظه
. #deliver: رساندن، تحویل دادن، [سخنرانی] ایراد کردن
. ⭐️#demise: درگذشت، فوت
. ⭐️#announce: اعلام کردن، خبر دادن
. ⭐️#successor: جانشین
. #master: آقا، رئیس، ارباب
. ⭐️#hostile: دشمن، متخاصم
. #reference: منبع