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هدایت شده از Mustafa
Julia: When they're not, that's true. Yeah, there was another thing that I read as well about telling, praising children for their intellgence, you should never, you should never tell a child they're smart because they get a false image of what intelligence is. You should always praise effort.
هدایت شده از Mustafa
Todd: Ah, right.
هدایت شده از Mustafa
Julia: As opposed to some sort of innate, what we believe to be an innate quality that you can never have if you don't have it. So telling a child yeah you're really smart, when the child faces a problem that requires them to apply themselves and maybe fail they're afraid.
هدایت شده از Mustafa
Todd: Mmm.
هدایت شده از Mustafa
Julia: Because then they may think no I'm not intelligent after all. So it should always be about praising effort and actually the result is not so importan
Todd: So, Phil, I thought we'd talk about food. Phil: OK, yeah. Food is one of my favorite subjects. Todd: OK, so let's start out with fruit. OK, what's your favorite fruit? Phil: My favorite fruit is raspberry, which you can't get in Japan. Todd: Oh, raspberry. Phil: Oh, well, you can get it in Japan but it's really expensive. Todd: I love raspberries. Actually, where I'm from in the states, we have loads ofraspberries for free. Phil: My grand used to have them in her garden so when I was kid, it was always someone picking the raspberries and like vanilla ice cream and raspberries together. Todd: Oh, man, yeah. My grandmother, actually, she used to make raspberry cobbler. Phil: Cobbler? Todd: Yeah. Oh, you don't have cobbler. You probably have a different name for it in England. It's like a pie, but it's really sweet. You take the blackberries or raspberries, and it's the filling and a pie crust over it. It's a pie. They call it cobbler, so..... Actually, speaking of British food, what's a scone? Phil: A scone is basically a really kind of dried cake, kind or really dried kind of cake material but it's got little bits of raisins in it. Todd: Right, so when you got to Starbuck's and they have the little triangle things, is that a scone? Phil: I don't know to be honest. I don't go to Starbuck's very often. Todd: Right. Phil: I don't recommend them, they're really, really, really dry. Generally you eat them with cream and tea, but I'm not a fan. Todd: No. Really. Phil: Have you ever ate it? Todd: Speaking of British food, what's your favorite British food? Phil: Fish n' Chips I suppose. Todd: You got to be kidding. Fish n' Chips? Phil: Fish... British food basically is just a cosmopolitan mix of foreign stuff combined with together, like the most popular food now, the national dish, is curry. Todd: Right. How come it's not fish n' chips? Phil: I don't know. Just because maybe people are going a bit more healthy or just because it's different, and curry's the most eaten food now. Todd: Right. Actually, I lived in England for about a year and I loved shepard pie. Phil: Shepard's pie or cottage pie is very similar, yeah. Todd: Yeah, right. Phil: I do like it but, I don't know. I just don't eat it that often. Todd: No, really. OK, actually now that we're both living in Japan, are there are British foods that you crave? Phil: Um, kind of, something called Branston pickle, which is basically, it's kind of sandwich spread. You have it with cheese, or with like meat, and you put it on, it's like diced vegetables, but really thinly chopped and it's got a special sauce. It's just really nice. I really miss it. Todd: Wow. What's it called? Phil: Branston pickle. Todd: Branston pickle? Phil: Yeah. Todd: Is it like veggiemite? Phil: Not really, no, no. It's kind of actually lumps of vegetables within in. We have something similar to veggiemite called marmite. Todd: Ah, that's right. Phil: But the taste is actually stronger. Todd: OK, cool.
I could eat a horse. It means of , that you’re very very hungry. Notice the T at the end of the word ‘eat’ links to the next letter, a, a schwa sound, so it’s a flap T or a light D sound. Eat a, eat a, eat a. I could eat a horse. A horse of a different color. Means different or hard. For example reading and writing are easy. But speaking, that’s a horse of a different color. Hold your horses. It means hold on, be patient, It’s among the most common of the horse idioms. Notice I’m reducing the word ‘your’ to ‘yer’, ‘yer’. Hold your horses buddy A dark horse a person who keeps their interests and ideas secret, especially someone who has a surprising ability or skill: Nab’s such a dark horse 🆔@English_4U
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
SURAT AL MUDDATHIR 🌷what drew you into hell 🌷they will answer , we were not among those who prayed , 🌷nor did we feed the poor 🌷we used to gossip along with the gossipers , 🌷and we used to deny the day of retribution . 🌷hell : هِل جهنم 🌷feed : فید خوراندن 🌷gossip : گاسٍپ دری وری گفتن 🌷deny : دِنای تکذیب کردن 🌷retribution : رِتری بیوشن مجازات ,قصاص 🌸➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
SURAT AL BAQARAH 🌷28 - how can you be unfaithful to Allah , you were lifeless and he gave you life , then he will make you die , and then he shall bring you to life , and then you will be brought back to him . 🌷29 - it is he who created for you all that is in the earth , then he turned to the heaven , and fashioned it into seven heavens , and he has knowledge of all things . : 🌷unfaithful : آن فِیث فل بی ایمان 🌷lifeless : لایف لس مرده 🌷die : دای مرگ , مردن 🌷heaven : هِون آسمان 🌷fashion : فَشن مدل , شکل دادن 🌷knowledge : نالیج دانش 🌸➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
Imam Ali (PBUH) said : 🌷Victory is with determination; determination is pondering over thoughts and thoughts are formed by guarding secrets : 🌷Victory : ویکتری پیروزی 🌷won : وان پیروزی 🌷determination : دِترمی نِیشن عزم , قصد 🌷ponder : پاندر سنجیدن ,عمیقا فکر کردن 🌷thoughts : ثاُتس افکار 🌷form : فُرم شکل , شکل دادن 🌷guard : گارد نگهبان , پاییدن 🌷secret : سیکرت رمز , راز 🌸➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ .
Police What would society be like without the police? They do a very valuable job. Without them, our society would be less safe. The police are the people we call when we are in danger or something bad has happened. Even people who say they don’t like the police will call them for help. I think being a police officer is an interesting but risky job. Police officers must see lots of strange things every day. I guess there is never a boring day in a police officer’s life. I wanted to be a police officer once but decided it would be too dangerous. I didn’t want to be in the middle of a riot or chase people with guns. I think we must respect the police because they do a difficult job. It seems as though their job is getting more difficult.
لطفا در ایتا مطلب را دنبال کنید
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
1- It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up. 2- Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Wishing is not enough; we must do. 3- Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right. 4- What you lack in talent can be made up with desire hustle and giving 110 all the time 5- success is sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out @English_4U
Hey you 👋 I don't know who u r What religion u believe in What thoughts u r fond of What I'm sure about, is ur existence, u r human just like these innocent ppl, and as far as all we know, we basically care about each other I bet u go shocked watching cruelty to animals, I wonder why some ppl r indifferent to the same cruelty to human beings Is it like u r more ? Is it like animals r more respectful to some ppl? Ppl in 21st century assert that racism is over But they care more about European ppl than others I'm telling you, is still breathing Ya, it's still alive and going more public... For ur information : is bombarding right now 230 casualties 65 39 women More than 17000 injuries And over 72000 displaced So far 2021/05/20 Don't be indifferent plz and do sth in social media _-_-_-_-_ 🆔 @English_4u
with HAVE: List of common collocations with Have with example sentences: Have a baby She’s going to have a baby. Have a backache My father has a backache so he couldn’t sleep well. Have a bad fall My friend had a bad fall. Have a bad temper I know I have a bad temper sometimes. Have a bath I can’t remember the last time I had a bath. Have a birthday Well, you can’t have a birthday without a cake. Have a bite Can I have a bite of your hot dog? Have a break Let’s have a break when you finish this exercise Have a business trip My dad has a business trip so we could not visit our grandmother together. Have a busy day I have a busy day. Have a career/a goal I wanted to have a career as a singer. Have a chance We have a chance to make things better. Have a chat I’ll have a chat to John about it. Have a cold She has a cold so she is very tired. Have a competition Next week, we will have a competition at school. Have a confrontation Our company has a confrontation between employers and unions. Have a conversation/chat Can we have a conversation before we make any decision? Have a cup of tea/ coffee Would you like to have a cup of tea/coffee? Have a dance Let’s have a dance together. Have a day off I have a day off to take care of my grandmother. Have a discussion We should have a discussion about this topic to understand deeply. Have a dispute I have a dispute with anyone who would challenge us. Have a doubt Teacher, I have a doubt about this. Have a dream I had a dream that I won the lottery. Have a drill We have a drill. We’re going to drill. Have a drink Would you like to have a drink after work? Have a feeling I have a feeling that something is wrong. Have a fight My best friend and I had a fight.