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مشاهده در ایتا
Tongue: Do not tell lies or useless tales, do not spread rumours, and do not indulge in damaging gossip about other persons; keep aloof from falsity. Use the power of speech in spreading the word of God, in creating good will in the society.
Feet: Do not go towards, forbidden places, like bars and cinemas. Do not run between people creating strife. Go towards those places where God is remembered; and where you can find the means to purify your soul. And, above all, your heart and your mind must be with you in fasting. Because fast, in its real sense, will remain incomplete unless your thoughts, your emotions, your actions — in short, all aspects of your life — become pure, clean and free from blemish.
O' Allah , Let us be worthy to meet your invitation and properly enter your party ♦️خدایا! تو ما را لیاقت بده که در این مهمانی که از ما کردی به طور شایسته وارد بشویم O' God , We are weak slaves, we are slaves who have nothing, we are nothing and everything is you. our sin is because of ignorance ,you please forgive us. ♦️خدایا! ما بندگان ضعیف هستیم، ما بندگانی هستیم که هیچ نداریم، ما هیچیم و هر چه هست تویی.ما اگر چنانچه خلاف می‌کنیم نادانیم، تو بر ما ببخش. ️ ️You enter us to this holy month of Ramadan so that we can enter it with your consent. O' Allah! You, make us worthy to enter this party properly ,the party that you invited us. ♦️تو ما را به این ماه مبارک رمضان وارد کن به طوری که با رضای تو واردبشویم در او.خدایا! تو مارا لیاقت بده که در این مهمانی که از ما کردی به طور شایسته وارد بشویم. O' Allah! our country Iran, which has been attacked from all sides, strengthen it for sake of Islam. ♦️خدایا! این ایران که از همه اطراف به او هجوم شده است، برای اسلام، این ایران را تو تقویت کن. 📚صحیفه نور ،جلد 19، صفحه 16 Imam Khomeini
10 commonly mispronounced words ❌ int-e-res-ting ✅ int-res-ting ❌ choc-o-late ✅ choc-late ❌ cam-e-ra ✅ cam-ra ❌ diff-e-rent ✅ diff-rent ❌ rest-au-rant ✅ rest-raunt ❌ ev-e-ry-one ✅ ev-ry-one ❌ veg-e-ta-ble ✅ veg-ta-ble ❌ av-e-rage ✅ av-rage ❌ sev-e-ral ✅ sev-ral ❌ fav-ou-rite ✅ fav-rite ❌ prob-a-bly ✅ prob-ly
🔹Opposite words🔹 ✨✨🍁🍁🍁🍁 🔺Legal ≠ illegal 🔺Legible ≠ illegible 🔺Literate ≠ illiterate 🔺Logical ≠ illogical 🔺Legitimate ≠ illegitimate 🔺liberal ≠ illiberal 🔺Moral ≠ immoral 🔺Perfect ≠ imperfect 🔺Possible ≠ impossible 🔺Mortal ≠ immortal 🔺Proper ≠ improper 🔺 Accurate ≠ inaccurate 🔺Eligible ≠ ineligible 🔺 Organic ≠ inorganic 🔺Sane ≠ insane 🔺Active ≠ inactive 🔺Audible ≠ inaudible 🔺Auspicious ≠ inauspicious 🔺Rational ≠ irrational 🔺Regular ≠ irregular 🔺Relevant ≠ irrelevant 🔺Religious ≠ irreligious 🔺Resistible ≠ irresistible 🔺Responsible ≠ irresponsible ❤️ ♻️𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒅_...♻️
Hard work Hard work holds the key to success and nothing can beat hard work in life. People who think that luck is way more fruitful than hard work, they are wrong! Nothing comes easy and one has to put a lot of efforts to achieve something in life. One who works day and night to accomplish his goal will definitely become successful in life. Success is certain when you do everything with full determination and hard work. However, one must do hard work in a smart way and should not waste time on unnecessary things that are not going to help you in future. Luck comes to those who work hard to make them enough capable of achieving a goal. As we say that god helps those who help themselves, therefore one should never lose courage and should keep on going to reach the final destination. ♻️𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒅_...♻️
🔷 Imam Khamenei: Negotiations on saving JCPOA shouldn’t become talks of attrition Imam Khamenei said on Wednesday that he has directed Iranian diplomats to proceed with the negotiations, but cautioned them the talks should not drag on. 👉 talks of attrition مذاکرات فرسایشی - attrition /əˈtrɪʃən/ - a war of attrition جنگ فرسایشی 👉 the talks should not drag on مذاکرات نباید طولانی شود. - drag on: if an event or situation drags on, it continues for too long
Quran SURAT AL BAQARAH 🌷19 - or that of a rainstorm from the sky , wherein is darknesss , thunder m and lightning , they put their fingers in their ears due to the thunderclaps , apprehensive of death , and Allah besieges the faithless . : 🌷rainstorm : رِینستُرم باران شدید 🌷thunder : ثاندر رعد 🌷lightning : لایتنیک برق , صاعقه 🌷due to : دو تو به سبب 🌷thunderclap : ثاندرکلَپ غرش رعد 🌷apprehensive : أپری هِنسیو نگرانی 🌷death : دِث مرگ 🌷besiege : بِسیج محاصره کردن 🌷faithless : فیث لِث بی ایمان 🌸➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
Quran SURAT AL BAQARAH 🌷20 - the lightning almost snatches away their sight whenever it shines for them , they walk in it , and when the darkness falls upon them , they stand , had Allah willed , he would have taken away their hearing and their sight , indeed Allah has power over all things . 🌷snatche away : سنَچ اوِی ربودن , قاپیدن جملات شرطی بدون " if " 🔵 had : 🌷Had I got up at ten , I would have cleaned the house ; اگر ساعت ده بلند می شدم خانه را تمیز می کرده ام 🔵 provided that : 🌷You can go home provided that you take a taxi اگر تاکسی بگیرید می توانید به خانه بروید 🔵 unless : 🌷Unless you don't eat your breakfast , you can't help me تا زمانی که صبحانه نخورید نمی توانید به من کمک کنید . 🔵 were : 🌷Were it not for my wife, I would be single اگر همسرم نبود مجرد بودم 🔵 in case : 🌷tell me in case you want to play اگر می خواهی بازی کنی به من بگو 🔵 as soon as : 🌷i will go home as soon as you come here به محض این که شما بیای اینجا من به خانه می روم ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
practical_rules_of_Islam 🌷when the bottom of one's shoes / soles of feet become najis as a result of walking , one can purify them by walking almost ten steps on a dry and pure ground provided that the inherently najis substance is removed . : 🌷sole : سُول زیر , ته 🌷purify : پیُرِفای پاکیزه کردن 🌷dry : درای خشک 🌷pure : پیُر پاک , خالص 🌷ground : گرَوند زمین 🌷inherently : این هِرِنتلی بطور ذاتي 🌷substance : سابستِنس ماده , جسم 🌸➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
🍃Most people who living lives in peace ☺️They practice smiling 🤲They pray with hope ❤️They teach love 🌷And they don't forget Kindness 🔆
📖READING PRACTICE📖 Subjects There are many subjects that you can take at school. My favorite subject is music. I like to sing and to play the clarinet. I also like art. I am quite good at drawing and painting. History is a good subject. I like learning about the past. Geography is very interesting. We look at many maps in geography. We learn where there are deserts and mountains. I know the names of all the continents and all the oceans. Mathematics is my least favorite subject. I am not very good with numbers. I am good at addition and subtraction, but I am not good at division and multiplication. In my school we learn to speak French. We learn French because Canada has French and English-speaking citizens. English literature is a good subject. I enjoy reading books. I also like to write compositions and poetry. Science is my brother's favorite subject. He is interested in plants, and he likes to do experiments. We also take drama at my school. I like to act. I got the lead role in the school play.
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🤲 O' Allah 🌿Turn my heart so pure that my prayers will be answered before my hand comes down 🤲 O' Allah help me 🌿 To get upset later 🌿 Forgive sooner 🌿 Judge less 🌿 And give more opportunities 🦋 🆔 @English_4U
29.49M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
~~~That's seems a bit iffy. .💞Word of the day🎈 💞 iffy -not reliable, not very good, uncertain ▪️”Don’t trust that guy, he’s an iffy character.” ▪️”Be careful! The brakes in that car are a bit iffy.” ▪️”Im not sure about going to the beach today, the weather is a bit iffy.”
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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. YOUR TIME IS LIMITED | Steve Jobs | "Don't waste your life living someone else's" → 👤