What is a snake’s favorite subject?
Why did the crayon cry?
He was feeling blue.
Where do pencils go on vacation?
What flies around the kindergarten room at night?
The alpha-BAT.
What’s the difference between a teacher and a train?
A teacher says, “Spit out that gum!” and a train says, “Chew! Chew!”
What did the paper say to the pencil?
You have a good point!
Why was the music teacher stuck outside his classroom?
Because his keys were on the piano!
9.47M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
حالا هی بگید انگلیسی سخته😱😂
Don't say learning English is difficult😂
A woman had 3 girls. One day she decides to test her sons-in-law. She invites the first one for a stroll by the lake shore ,purposely falls in and pretends to be drowning. Without any hesitation,the son-in-law jumps in and saves her. The next morning,he finds a brand new car in his driveway with this message on the windshield. Thank you !your mother-in-law who loves you! A few days later,the lady does the same thing with the second son-in-law. He jumps in the water and saves her also. She offers him a new car with the same message on the windshield. Thank you! your mother-in-law who loves you! A few days later ,she does the same thing again with the third son-in-law. While she is drowning,the son-in-law looks at her without moving an inch and thinks: Finally,it,s about time that this old witch dies! The next morning ,he receives a brand new car with this message . Thank you! Your father-in-law.
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