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مشاهده در ایتا
Ireland's most famous female singer died this week. این هفته مشهورترین خواننده زن ایرلند درگذشت. After O'Connor's death, the President of Ireland wrote in a message: رئيس جمهور ایرلند بعد از فوت شند اوکانر در پیامی نوشت Ireland has lost one of the greatest and most talented composers and songwriters of recent decades. ایرلند یکی از بزرگترین و با استعدادترین آهنگسازان و ترانه سرایان دهه های اخیر خود را از دست داده است. Please recite Surah Fatiha for the happiness of his soul برای شادی روح ایشان لطفا سوره فاتحه ای قرائت کنید He became a Muslim a few years ago and chose the name "Shahda Sadaqat" for himself. ایشان چند سال پیش مسلمان شد و نام "شهدا صدقات" را برای خود انتخاب کرد. In the above video, Ms. Sadqat explains that she was skeptical of Islam all her life, but then she decided to study the Quran and after reading the first two chapters of the Quran, she realized that she had found her lost self. در ویدئو بالا خانم صدقات توضیح می دهد که تمام عمرش نسبت به اسلام بدبین بوده ولی بعد تصمیم می گیرد قرآن را مطالعه کند و بعد از خواندن دو سوره اول قرآن متوجه می شود گمشده خود را پیدا کرده است. The presenter asks Mrs. Sedagat about wearing the hijab, her answer is very simple: مجری درباره پوشش حجاب از خانم صداقت می پرسد پاسخ ایشان بسیار ساده است: A woman's hijab shows that she is a Muslim, just as the cross shows that a person is a Christian. حجاب زن نشان دهنده مسلمان بودن اوست همانطور که صلیب نشان دهنده مسیحی بودن فرد است. #O'connor ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
🔹 v 🔸cut off the head of (someone), especially as a form of execution. ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
🧿 ✒️A US publication has obtained a classified document, suggesting Washington pushed for the removal of former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan from office over his neutrality on the Ukraine war. According to the document published by The Intercept, US State Department officials used threats and promises to encourage Khan's removal as the prime minister. The US State Department encouraged the Pakistani government in a March 7, 2022, meeting to remove Khan as prime minister over his independent foreign policy regarding Russia, according to the text of the Pakistani cable, produced from the meeting by the Pakistani ambassador and transmitted to Pakistan. ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
A US publication has obtained a classified document, suggesting Washington pushed for the removal of former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan from office over his neutrality on the Ukraine war. نشریه دست یافتن سند محرمانه نشان می دهد for اعمال فشار ، برکناری بدلیل بی طرفی According to the document published by The Intercept, US State Department officials used threats and promises to encourage Khan's removal as the prime minister. Intercept نام نشریه State Department وزارت خارجه مقامات and promises تهدیدات و وعده ها ترغیب کردن 's removal برکناری خان # prime minister نخست وزیری The US State Department encouraged the Pakistani government in a March 7, 2022, meeting to remove Khan as prime minister over his independent foreign policy regarding Russia, according to the text of the Pakistani cable, produced from the meeting by the Pakistani ambassador and transmitted to Pakistan. # Pakistani government دولت پاکستان برگزاری جلسه مستقل سیاست خارجه در مورد بر اساس of the Pakistani cable متن مخابره پاکستان سفیر مخابره شد ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
🔸 جنوبی ترین استان رژه منطقه It takes the devotees of Imam Hussein some twenty days to reach Karbala walking mostly through water. شیفتگان Every year millions of pilgrims converge on the holy city of Karbala to mark Arbaeen which is the 40th day after the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein, the third Shia Imam and the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. زائران ملحق شدن بر پا کرده مراسم شهادت سالگرد نوه ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
⛔️ پول فرانسه چگونه آفریقا را استعمار کرد؟ جورجیا ملونی، نخست‌وزیر ایتالیا How did French money colonize Africa? Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy 🍄@English_4U🍄
♦️The Iranian Armed Forces on Friday have started massive military parades across the country to mark the Sacred Defense Week. 🔷The Iranian Armed Forces نیروهای مسلح ایران 🔷massive military parades رژه های گسترده نظامی 🔷Sacred Defense Week. هفته دفاع مقدس ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
The IRGC Aerospace launched the 'Noor-3' imaging satellite by the domestically-built launcher Qassed (messenger) on Wednesday morning and placed it into orbit at an altitude of 450 km. هوافضای سپاه پاسداران پرتاب کرد ماهواره تصویربردار -built_launcher پرتابگر ساخت داخل ارتفاع 🌹 @English_4U 🌹
🔸The President congratulated all the people of Iran on the successful building and launch of the Iranian Noor 3 satellite into the 450km orbit of the Earth and thanked all the people involved in the country's space industry. 🔹رئیس جمهور ساخت و پرتاب موفقیت آمیز ماهواره نور 3 ایرانی به مدار 450 کیلومتری زمین را به همه ملت ایران تبریک گفت و از دست اندرکاران صنعت فضایی کشور تشکر کرد. 🌹 @English_4U 🌹
📒Imam Khamenei, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, attended the joint graduation ceremony for the cadets studying in the academies of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Armed Forces on October 10, 2023. This ceremony was held in the Imam Ali (pbuh) University for Officer Training. the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces فرمانده کل قوا attend حضور یافتن joint graduation ceremony مراسم مشترک فارغ التحصیلی cadet دانشجوی دانشکده افسری ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
🧿As we see all around us, most Chinese can hardly live without their smartphones, even when they use the lavatory. But employers are becoming wise to workers who sit on the toilet for more time than required just so they can play whilst pooping. همانطور که در اطراف خود می بینیم، اکثر چینی ها به سختی می توانند بدون گوشی های هوشمند خود زندگی کنند، حتی زمانی که به دستشویی می روند. اما کارفرمایان نسبت به کارگرانی که بیشتر از زمان لازم در توالت می نشینند و در حین تخلیه بازی می کنند دارن عاقل تر می شن Recently, a senior employee of a Guangdong Province factory was punished by his manager because he was spending an unusually long time in the company's rest room during working hours. The suspicious manager followed the employee into the toilet stall, opened the door and took a surprise picture of the man sitting there playing on his phone. The comical reveal was that the man in the can hadn't even pulled down his pants while sitting in the stall. اخیراً یکی از کارمندان ارشد یک کارخانه در استان گوانگدونگ توسط مدیرش تنبیه شد زیرا در ساعات کاری مدت زیادی را در توالت شرکت می گذراند. مدیر مشکوک به دنبال کارمند وارد اتاقک توالت شد، در را باز کرد و عکسی غافلگیرکننده از مردی که آنجا نشسته بود و با تلفنش بازی می کرد گرفت. خنده داری عکسی که لو رفت این بود که مرد روی کاسه توالت در حالی که توی توالت نشسته بود که حتی شلوارش را پایین نیاورده بود. This was not the first case of Chinese employers cracking down on workers going to the just to play on their phones. An advertising company in Fujian Province made headlines recently for their new rule restricting toilet breaks to just 15 minutes per visit. Employees who exceed the time limit are docked 200 yuan ($30.31) from their pay. این اولین موردی نبود که کارفرمایان چینی با کارگرانی که فقط برای بازی با تلفن خود به توالت می رفتند سخت گری می کردند. یک شرکت تبلیغاتی در استان فوجیان اخیراً به دلیل قانون جدید خود مبنی محدود کردن زمان ماندن در توالت فقط 15 دقیقه در هر نوبت، خبرساز شده است. کارمندانی که از محدودیت زمانی عدول می کنند، 200 یوان (30.31 دلار) از حقوقشان کم میشود. ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
Regarding Palestine, Imam Khamenei explained that the issue of Palestine is not merely related to the recent events and the bombings in Gaza, "because in the past 75 years, the Palestinians have always been subjected to all kinds of torture, afflictions and massacres. But now the tragedy in Gaza is so great that the truth has been exposed to the global public opinion and it is impossible to hide it." -Regarding Palestine در مورد فلسطین -issue موضوع -merely فقط -recent events حوادث اخیر -bombings بمباران ها -subjected to درمعرض -torture شکنجه -afflictions رنج و مشقت -massacres کشتارها -tragedy فاجعه و مصیبت -exposed to بر ملا شد -global public opinion افکار عمومی جهان -hide پنهان کردن -Khamenie 🔹@English_4U🔹
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
The United States has vetoed a United Nations Security Council demand for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the war between Israel and Palestine in Gaza. Veto وتو کردن -United Nations Security Council شورای امنیت سازمان ملل -demand درخواست -immediate فوری -humanitarian بشر دوستانه -ceasefire آتش بس 🔷@English_4U🔷
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
اقدام خلاقانه اسپانیایی ها برای حمایت از فلسطین! معترضان اسپانیایی در شهر گرنیکا با قرار گرفتن در کنار یکدیگر پرچم فلسطین و تابلوی گرنیکای پیکاسو را که قدرتمندترین نقاشی ضد جنگ تاریخ است، ترسیم کردند تا به این شکل حمایتشان را از غزه در برابر تجاوزات رژیم صهیونیستی اعلام کنند. Protesters in Spain’s Basque Country fused art and activism, forming a vivid tableau reminiscent of Picasso’s Guernica as a powerful statement against the ongoing violence in Gaza. Hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Spain’s Basque Country formed a human mosaic resembling the Palestinian flag, standing alongside a large banner featuring a reproduction of Pablo Picasso’s renowned anti-war painting, Guernica, according to Reuters news agency. 🔸@English_4U🔸
The office of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution has announced that Wednesday, December 15, 2023, is the first day of the month of Jamadi al-Thani in the year 1445 AH. The experts from Imam Khamenei's Office for Sighting the New Moon announced the sighting of the new moon at sunset on Wednesday, December 13, for the month of Jamadi al-Thani in Iran was not possible. Thus, Friday, December 15, 2023, is the first day of the month of Jamadi al-Thani, 1445 AH. -experts کارشناسان - Sighting the New Moon رویت ماه نو -announced اعلام کردند -sunset غروب 🔷@English_4U🔷
TEHRAN, Jan. 27 (MNA) – Three Iranian satellites were successfully launched into space with the Simorgh satellite carrier. ========= For the first time, three Iranian satellites, Mahda, Payam, and Hatef, were successfully launched simultaneously into an 1110-kilometer orbit by Simorgh Satellite carrier. The satellites were launched on Sunday morning, ahead of the 42nd anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution. -satellite ماهواره -launched پرتاب شد -Simorgh satellite carrier ماهواره بر سیمرغ -simultaneously همزمان 🌺☘️🌺 @Englidh_4U
📰 NEWS IN LEVELS 📰 Level 3: Money In The Streets. [ Let's Read and Record ] Dozens of apparently highly trained gunmen besieged the streets of the Brazilian city of Criciúma. The gang of about 30 criminals in ten cars strategically blocked access points to the city to prevent police from responding. They robbed and blew up a local bank and took six government workers as hostages. They occupied the city for roughly two hours, while the mayor of the city begged terrified residents to stay indoors. After blowing up the bank, the convoy escaped and left large sums of money scattered across the streets. Some locals rushed to grab some of the cash that the attackers had left behind. ⏳ Difficult Words ⌛️ besiege: (to surround a place with armed forces). hostage: (a person who has been captured by a person or organization in order to secure the taker´s demands). occupy: (to take over an area). convoy: (a group of cars traveling together). ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
🌹Congratulation🌹 On February 1, 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic returned to Iran after 15 years in exile. فقید بنیانگذار تبعید @English_4U
Iran eliminate Japan from Asian Cup after Jahanbakhsh nets late penalty حذف کردن 🌷@English_4U
The annual observance of International Quds Day by millions of Muslims worldwide serves as a significant platform to express solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Particularly this year, amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza, a surge in global participation is anticipated, as the brutal realities of the Israeli regime's actions have galvanized international attention. -annual سالیانه -observance مراسم -worldwide جهانی -serves عمل می کند -significant مهم -platform بستر -express ابراز می کند -solidarity همبستگی -amidst درمیان -ongoing جاری -conflict درگیری -surge موج بلند -participation مشارکت -anticipated پیش بینی -brutal وحشیانه -galvanized جلب کرد -attention توجه ╭━═━⊰◍⃟❀⊱━═━╮ @English_4U ╰━═━⊰◍⃟❀⊱━═━╯
🔷Millions of people in Iran rally on the International Quds Day, marked on the last Friday of the fasting month of Ramadan, to express their solidarity with Palestinians and condemn Israeli atrocities. -rally راهپیمایی -marked برگزار کردن -solidarity همبستگی -condemn محکوم کردن -atrocities جنایات وحشیگری ╭━═━⊰◍⃟❀⊱━═━╮ @English_4U ╰━═━⊰◍⃟❀⊱━═━╯