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اینجا مهارت های زبان تو تقویت کن🤩 هشتگ ها"🧡↶ https://eitaa.com/English_4U/14914 ارتباط با مدیر"❤️↶ @daddymustafa تبادل و تبلیغ"💛↶ @allears گروه چت"💙↶ https://eitaa.com/joinchat/3765043281C1f70b55b1b
مشاهده در ایتا
The Lump Of Gold Paul was a very rich man, but he never spent any of his money. پاول مرد بسیار ثروتمندی بود اما هیچ وقت از پولهایش خرج نمی کرد. He was scared that someone would steal it. او می ترسید که کسی آن را بدزدد. He pretended to be poor and wore dirty old clothes. وانمود می کرد فقیر است و لباسهای کثیف و کهنه می پوشید. People laughed at him, but he didn’t care. مردم به او می خندیدند ولی او اهمیتی نمی داد. He only cared about his money. او فقط به پولهایش اهمیت می داد. One day, he bought a big lump of gold. روزی یک تکه بزرگ طلا خرید. He hid it in a hole by a tree. آن را در چاله ای نزدیک یک درخت مخفی کرد. Every night, he went to the hole to look at his treasure. هر شب کنار چاله می رفت تا به گنجش نگاه کند. He sat and he looked. می نشست و نگاه می کرد. “No one will ever find my gold!” he said. می گفت: “هیچکس نمی تواند طلای من را پیدا کند!” But one night, a thief saw Paul looking at his gold. اما یک شب دزدی پاول را هنگام نگاه به طلایش دید. And when Paul went home, the thief picked up the lump of gold, slipped it into his bag and ran away! و وقتی پاول به خانه رفت، دزد تکه ی طلا را برداشت، آن را درون کیسه اش انداخت و فرار کرد! The next day, Paul went to look at his gold, but it wasn’t there. روز بعد، پاول رفت تا طلایش را نگاه کند، اما طلا آنجا نبود. It had disappeared! ناپدید شده بود! Paul cried and cried! پاول شروع به داد و بیداد و گریه و زاری کرد! He cried so loud that a wise old man heard him. صدایش آنقدر بلند بود که پیرمرد دانایی آن را شنید. He came to help. او برای کمک آمد. Paul told him the sad tale of the stolen lump of gold. پاول ماجرای غم انگیز تکه طلای به سرقت رفته را برایش تعریف کرد. “Don’t worry,’ he said.” او گفت: “نگران نباش.” “Get a big stone and put it in the hole by the tree.” “سنگ بزرگی بیاور و داخل چاله ی نزدیک درخت بگذار.” “What?” said Paul. پاول گفت: “چی؟” “Why?” “چرا؟” “What did you do with your lump of gold?” “با تیکه طلایت چه کار می کردی؟” “I sat and looked at it every day,’ said Paul.” پاول گفت: “هر روز می نشستم و به آن نگاه می کردم.” “Exactly,’ said the wise old man.” پیرمرد دانا گفت: “دقیقا،” “You can do exactly the same with a stone.” “می توانی دقیقا همین کار را با یک سنگ هم انجام دهی.” Paul listened, thought for a moment and then said, “Yes, you’re right. پاول گوش داد، کمی فکر کرد و بعد گفت: “بله، راست می گویید. I’ve been very silly. من چقدر نادان بوده ام. I don’t need a lump of gold to be happy!” من برای شاد بودن، نیازی به تکه طلا ندارم.” richman: مرد ثروتمند. to spend: خرج کردن. money: پول. scared: ترسیده. to steal: دزدیدن، ربودن. to pretend: وانمود کردن. poor: فقیر. to wear: پوشیدن. dirty: کثیف. old: کهنه. clothes: لباس. people: مردم. to laugh at someone: خندیدن. to care: توجه کردن. to buy: خریدن. lump: تکه. gold: طلا. to hide: مخفی کردن، پنهان نمودن. hole: چاله. by: نزدیک. tree: درخت. night: شب. to look at someone or something: به کسی یا چیزی نگاه کردن. treasure: گنج. to sit: نشستن. to find: پیدا کردن. thief: دزد، سارق. to see: دیدن. to pick up: برداشتن. to slip in to something: چیزی را داخل کیسه یا شبیه آن قرار دادن. to run away: گریختن، فرار کردن. to disappear: ناپدید شدن، محو شدن. to cry: گریه و زاری کردن، شروع به داد و بیداد کردن. wise: عاقل، دانا. to hear: شنیدن. to come: آمدن. to help: کمک کردن. sad: غم انگیز. tale: حکایت، ماجرا، داستان. stolen: به سرقت رفته. to worry: نگران بودن یا شدن. to get: آوردن. stone: سنگ. to put: قرار دادن. exactly: دقیقاً. the same: همان. to listen: گوش دادن. for a moment: برای لحظه ای. to think: فکر کردن. silly: نادان، احمق. to need: احتیاج داشتن، نیاز داشتن. happy: خوشحال. ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
A BOX FULL OF KISSES جعبه ای پر از بوسه The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, “This is for you, Daddy.”The man was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger flared again when he found out the box was empty. He yelled at her, stating, “Don’t you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside? The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and cried, “Oh, Daddy, it’s not empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. They’re all for you, Daddy.”The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness. Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and, whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there. In a very real sense, each one of us, as humans beings have been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses… from our children, family members, friends, and God. There is simply no other possession, anyone could hold, more precious than this. -The story goes that داستان از این قرار است که -punished تنبیه کرد -wasting از بین بردن - roll of gold wrapping paper رول کاغذ کادوی طلایی -Money was tight وضع مالی بد بود - became infuriated خیلی خشمگین شد -decorate a box جعبه ای تزئین کند -Nevertheless با این وجود -embarrassed شرمنده شد -his earlier overreaction واکنش بیش از قبلی خود -his anger flared again عصبانیتش دوباره شعله ور شد -yelled at her سر او فریاد کشید -there is supposed قرار است - tears in her eyes چشمانی اشکبار - I blew kisses into the box من بوسه را درون جعبه فوت کردم -The father was crushed پدر خرد شد - عاجزانه تقاضای بخشش کرد he begged for her forgiveness -an accident took the life of the child تصادفی جان بچه را گرفت -It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years همچنین می گویند که پدرش سالها آن جعبه طلایی را کنار بسترش نگه می داشت -whenever he was discouraged هر موقع دلسرد می شد -he would take out an imaginary kiss او یک بوسه تخیلی را در می آورد -In a very real sense به معنی واقعی - gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses ظرف طلایی پر شده از بوسه ها و عشق بی قید و شرط -There is simply واضح است، حقیقتا -possession دارایی ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
🤲🏻THE PRAYING HANDS دست های دعا گو ✒️Back in the fifteenth century, in a tiny village near Nuremberg, lived a family with eighteen children. Eighteen! In order merely to keep food on the table for this mob, the father and head of the household, a goldsmith by profession, worked almost eighteen hours a day at his trade and any other paying chore he could find in the neighborhood. در قرن پانزدهم، در دهکده ای کوچک در نزدیکی نورنبرگ، خانواده ای با هجده فرزند زندگی می کردند. هجده تا! . صرفا برای امرار معاش این خانواده بزرگ، پدر و سرپرست خانواده، که حرفه ای زرگر داشت، تقریبا می بایستی 18 ساعت در روز کارش را انجام می داد و به هر کار سختی که در آن حوالی پیدا می شد تن می داد 🔸Despite their seemingly hopeless condition, two of the children (Albrecht Durer and Albert) had a dream. They both wanted to pursue their talent for art, but they knew full well that their father would never be financially able to send either of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy.After many long discussions at night in their crowded bed, the two boys finally worked out a pact. They would toss a coin. The loser would go down into the nearby mines and, with his earnings, support his brother while he attended the academy. Then, when that brother who won the toss completed his studies, in four years, he would support the other brother at the academy, either with sales of his artwork or, if necessary, also by laboring in the mines. علیرغم وضعیت به ظاهر ناامیدکننده آنها، دو تن از فرزندان آلبرشت دورر و البرت رویایی در سر داشتند. هر دوی آنها می خواستند استعداد خود را در هنر دنبال کنند، اما به خوبی می دانستند که پدرشان هرگز نمی تواند از نظر مالی هیچ یک از آنها را برای تحصیل در آکادمی به نورنبرگ بفرستد. پس از بحث های طولانی شبانه در بستر شلوغ خود، این دو پسر. بالاخره قراری گذاشتند. با سکه قرعه می انداختند. بازنده به معدن های نزدیک می رفت و با درآمدش از برادرش در حین حضور در آکادمی حمایت می کرد. سپس، آن برادر که برنده قرعه شده بود، در عرض چهار سال که تحصیلات خود را به پایان میرساند، ، آنوقت برادر دیگر را در آکادمی، یا با فروش آثار هنری خود یا در صورت لزوم، با کار در معدن، حمایت می کرد. 🔸They tossed a coin on a Sunday morning after church. Albrecht Durer won the toss and went off to Nuremberg. یکشنبه صبح بعد از کلیسا، آنها شیر و خط کردند ، آلبرشت دورر پیروز شد و به نورنبرگ رفت The story is continued ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
🔹Albert went down into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years, financed his brother, whose work at the academy was almost an immediate sensation. Albrecht’s etchings, his woodcuts, and his oils were far better than those of most of his professors, and by the time he graduated, he was beginning to earn considerable fees for his commissioned works. آلبرت به معدن های خطرناک جنوب رفت و برای 4 سال به طور شبانه روزی کار کرد تا برادرش را که در آکادمی تحصیل می کرد و جزء بهترین هنرجویان بود حمایت کند. نقاشی های آلبرشت حتی بهتر از اکثر استادانش بود. در زمان فارغ التحصیلی او درآمد زیادی از نقاشی های حرفه ای خودش به دست آورده بود. 🔸When the young artist returned to his village, the Durer family held a festive dinner on their lawn to celebrate Albrecht’s triumphant homecoming. After a long and memorable meal, punctuated with music and laughter, Albrecht rose from his honored position at the head of the table to drink a toast to his beloved brother for the years of sacrifice that had enabled Albrecht to fulfill his ambition. His closing words were, “And now, Albert, blessed brother of mine, now it is your turn. Now you can go to Nuremberg to pursue your dream, and I will take care of you.”All heads turned in eager expectation to the far end of the table where Albert sat, tears streaming down his pale face, shaking his lowered head from side to side while he sobbed and repeated, over and over, “No …no …no …no.” وقتی هنرمند جوان به دهکده اش برگشت، خانواده دورر برای موفقیت های آلبرشت و برگشت او به کانون خانواده پس از 4 سال یک ضیافت شام برپا کردند. بعد از صرف شام آلبرشت ایستاد و یک نوشیدنی به برادر دوست داشتنی اش برای قدردانی از سال هایی که او را حمایت مالی کرده بود تا آرزویش برآورده شود، تعارف کرد و چنین گفت: آلبرت، برادر بزرگوارم حالا نوبت توست، تو حالا می توانی به نورنبرگ بروی و آرزویت را تحقق بخشی و من از تو حمایت میکنم. تمام سرها به انتهای میز که آلبرت نشسته بود برگشت. اشک از چشمان او سرازیر شد. سرش را پایین انداخت و به آرامی گفت: نه! 🔹Finally, Albert rose and wiped the tears from his cheeks. He glanced down the long table at the faces he loved, and then, holding his hands close to his right cheek, he said softly, “No, brother. I cannot go to Nuremberg. It is too late for me. Look … looks what four years in the mines have done to my hands! The bones in every finger have been smashed at least once, and lately I have been suffering from arthritis so badly in my right hand that I cannot even hold a glass to return your toast, much less make delicate lines on parchment or canvas with a pen or a brush. No, brother … for me it is too late.” از جا برخاست و در حالی که اشک هایش را پاک می کرد به انتهای میز و به چهره هایی که دوستشان داشت، خیره شد و به آرامی گفت: نه برادر، من نمی توانم به نورنبرگ بروم، دیگر خیلی دیر شده، ‌ببین چهار سال کار در معدن چه بر سر دستانم آورده، استخوان انگشتانم چندین بار شکسته و در دست راستم درد شدیدی را حس می کنم، به طوری که حتی نمی توانم یک لیوان را در دستم نگه دارم. من نمی توانم با مداد یا قلم مو کار کنم، نه برادر، برای من دیگر خیلی دیر شده ... The story is continued ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
🧿As we see all around us, most Chinese can hardly live without their smartphones, even when they use the lavatory. But employers are becoming wise to workers who sit on the toilet for more time than required just so they can play whilst pooping. همانطور که در اطراف خود می بینیم، اکثر چینی ها به سختی می توانند بدون گوشی های هوشمند خود زندگی کنند، حتی زمانی که به دستشویی می روند. اما کارفرمایان نسبت به کارگرانی که بیشتر از زمان لازم در توالت می نشینند و در حین تخلیه بازی می کنند دارن عاقل تر می شن Recently, a senior employee of a Guangdong Province factory was punished by his manager because he was spending an unusually long time in the company's rest room during working hours. The suspicious manager followed the employee into the toilet stall, opened the door and took a surprise picture of the man sitting there playing on his phone. The comical reveal was that the man in the can hadn't even pulled down his pants while sitting in the stall. اخیراً یکی از کارمندان ارشد یک کارخانه در استان گوانگدونگ توسط مدیرش تنبیه شد زیرا در ساعات کاری مدت زیادی را در توالت شرکت می گذراند. مدیر مشکوک به دنبال کارمند وارد اتاقک توالت شد، در را باز کرد و عکسی غافلگیرکننده از مردی که آنجا نشسته بود و با تلفنش بازی می کرد گرفت. خنده داری عکسی که لو رفت این بود که مرد روی کاسه توالت در حالی که توی توالت نشسته بود که حتی شلوارش را پایین نیاورده بود. This was not the first case of Chinese employers cracking down on workers going to the just to play on their phones. An advertising company in Fujian Province made headlines recently for their new rule restricting toilet breaks to just 15 minutes per visit. Employees who exceed the time limit are docked 200 yuan ($30.31) from their pay. این اولین موردی نبود که کارفرمایان چینی با کارگرانی که فقط برای بازی با تلفن خود به توالت می رفتند سخت گری می کردند. یک شرکت تبلیغاتی در استان فوجیان اخیراً به دلیل قانون جدید خود مبنی محدود کردن زمان ماندن در توالت فقط 15 دقیقه در هر نوبت، خبرساز شده است. کارمندانی که از محدودیت زمانی عدول می کنند، 200 یوان (30.31 دلار) از حقوقشان کم میشود. ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
Actually, we all have 4 wives in our lives a. The 4th wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it’ll leave us when we die. b. Our 3rd wife? Our possessions, status and wealth. When we die, they all go to others. c. The 2nd wife is our family and friends. No matter how close they had been there for us when we’re alive, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave. d. The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often neglected in our pursuit of material, wealth and sensual pleasure. Guess what? It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go. Perhaps it’s a good idea to cultivate and strengthen it now rather than to wait until we’re on our deathbed to lament در حقیقت همه ما چهار زن داریم! ا الف: زن چهارم بدن ماست که مهم نیست چقدر زمان و پول صرف زیبا کردن او بکنیم وقت مرگ، اول از همه او ما را ترک می‌کند. ب: زن سوم دارایی‌های ماست.هر چقدر هم برایمان عزیز باشند وقتی بمیریم به دست دیگران خواهد افتاد. ج : زن دوم که خانواده و دوستان ما هستند.هر چقدر هم صمیمی و عزیز باشند ، وقت مردن نهایتا تا سر مزارمان کنارمان خواهند ماند. د: زن اول که روح ماست.غالبا به آن بی توجهیم و تمام وقت خود را صرف تن و پول و دوست می‌کنیم.او ضامن توانمندی های ماست اما ما ضعیف و درمانده رهایش کرده ایم تا روزی که قرار است همراه ما باشد، اما دیگر هیچ قدرت و توانی برایش باقی نمانده است. ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
WAIT FOR THE BRICK A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag’s side door! He slammed on the brakes and drove the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car, shouting, “What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That’s a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?” The young boy was apologetic. “Please mister … please, I’m sorry… I didn’t know what else to do,” he pleaded. “I threw the brick because no one else would stop…” With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. “It’s my brother,” he said. “He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t lift him up.” Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, “Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me.” Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out his fancy handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. “Thank you and may God bless you,” the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the little boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home. It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: Don’t go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention! God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don’t have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It’s our choice: Listen to the whisper … or wait for the brick! ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
WAIT FOR THE BRICK منتظر آجر باشید -BRICK آجر A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. -successful executive مدیر جوان -traveling down در حال حرکت ، در حال سفر -neighborhood street خیابان محلی -a bit too fast کمی زیاد تند می رفت -Jaguar در اینجا نام ماشین است (جگوار-پلنگ) ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛ 1-
He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. -watching مراقب بود -darting out می پریدند بیرون -from between parked cars از میون خودرو های پارک شده -slowed down آهسته کرد ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛ 2-
As his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag’s side door! He slammed on the brakes and drove the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. -As his car passed تا ماشینش رد شد -appeared افتابی نشد -Instead بجای آن -smashed into کوبیده شد -Jag’s side door دربغل جگوار ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛ 3-
The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car, shouting, “What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? -angry driver راننده عصبانی - jumped out پرید بیرون -grabbed به چنگ گرفت -pushed him up هلش داد - against به -shouting فریاد کشید -What was that all about جریان چی بود -Just what the heck are you doing? چه غلطی داری میکنی ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛ 4-
That’s a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?” The young boy was apologetic. “Please mister … please, I’m sorry… I didn’t know what else to do,” he pleaded. “I threw the brick because no one else would stop…” With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. “It’s my brother,” he said. “He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t lift him up.” - going to cost a lot of money هزینه زیادی خواهد داشت -apologetic عذر خواهی کرد -pleaded التماس کرد -no one else would stop هیچ کی توقف نمی کرد -With tears dripping down his face and off his chin درحالی که اشک از صورت و چانه اش می چکید -the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car اون جوان اشاره کرد به نقطه ای در اطراف یک ماشین پارک شده - rolled off the curb غلطید از لبه جدول -fell out of his wheelchair افتاد بیرون از ویلچر -I can’t lift him up من نمیتونم بلندش کنم ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛ 5-
Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, “Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me.” Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out his fancy handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. -sobbing هق هق کردن -the stunned executive مدیر مات و مبهوت شده -He’s hurt او صدمه دیده -too heavy خیلی سنگین -Moved beyond words بالاتر از این حرفها -the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. راننده سعی کرد توده ای که در گلویش سریع باد کرده بود را قورت بدهد ( منظورش اینه که از غصه گلوش باد کرده) -hurriedly با عجله -lifted بلند کرد - handicapped معلول -fancy handkerchief دستمال شیک -dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. اهسته مالید بر روی خراش ها و بریده گی ها ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛ 6-
┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
“Thank you and may God bless you,” the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the little boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home. It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: Don’t go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention! God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don’t have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It’s our choice: Listen to the whisper … or wait for the brick! -may God bless you خدا بهت برکت بده -grateful سپاسگزا ­-stranger غریبه -Too shook up خیلی شک زده شد -push هل دادن -his wheelchair-bound brother برادر بسته شده در ویلچرش -sidewalk پیاده رو - It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar آهسته و طولانی قدم زد بطرف جگوار برگشت - damage خسارت -noticeable قابل توجه -dent تو رفتگی - the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. راننده هیچوقت زحمت تعیر درب بغل تو رفته را به خودش نداد -He kept the dent there to remind him of this message او توی رفتگی را حفظ کرد تا یاد آور این پیام باشد -Don’t go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention! در مسیر زندگی آنقدر سریع گذر نکن که کسی مجبور شود برای جلب توجه تو، آجری به سمتت پرتاب کند -whispers زمزمه.. نجوا.. کردن -It’s our choice این انتخاب ماست ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛ 7-
LIVE AND LET LIVE Once there was a big pool near a village. The villagers used the water of the pool for drinking and for other purposes also. The pool was abounded with fish. Once a fisherman went fishing to the pool. He cast his net into the pool and sat down. But he was very impatient. So, he tied a long string to a small stone. Then putting it into the pool, he began to stir the water to drive more fish into his net. A villager saw him do so and asked him not to make the water muddy. But the fisherman didn't listen to him and went on beating the water and making it dirty. So, the villagers brought some companions armed with weapons. Seeing them, the fisherman got scared. He drew out his stone and apologized." ☘️@English_4U☘️
THE WARM WHALE Gail the Whale lived in a small salty lake. She was the only whale in that territory, and she led a very comfortable life. In fact, this easy life made her a bit fussy. But, one year, there was such an incredibly hot summer that the lake's water really warmed up. Gail, used to such an ideal existence, could hardly stand the hot water. A little fish, which had spent some time in a child's goldfish bowl, told Gail that humans used fans to cool themselves down in summer. From then on, Gail the Whale couldn't think of anything else apart from how to build her very own fan. Everyone told her that she was overreacting, and that the hot weather would soon pass, but Gail got to work, constructing her enormous fan. When it was finally finished, she started fanning away at herself. Unlucky for the fish! The giant fan beat the little lake's waters so strongly that huge waves rolled right across it. The waves crashed onto the lakeshore, leaving the lake half empty, and Gail stranded in only a few inches of water. "You couldn't just hang on for while. You had to empty the lake," some unhappy-looking fish berated her. "So impatient! So selfish!" others shouted. But the worst of it for Gail was not the insults, but the fact that with so little water around her, the heat was becoming unbearable. Preparing herself to die of heatstroke, she said her goodbyes to all her friends, and they asked for her forgiveness. She assured them all that if she were to live again she would be stronger and learn to put up with life's discomforts. Yet, once again, Gail the Whale was overreacting. She managed to survive those hot days without dying, although, of course, she suffered. When the next rains arrived, the lake filled up again, and the weather improved. Naturally, Gail had to keep her promise, and show everyone that she had learned not to be so dependent on comfort, so impatient, and so fussy. 🔹@English_4U🔹
کودکان به طرز قابل توجهی ادراکی هستند. چشمان آنها همیشه مشاهده می کنند، گوش هایشان همیشه می شنوند، و ذهن آنها همیشه پیام هایی را که جذب می کنند پردازش می کند. اگر ببینند ما با صبر و حوصله فضای خانه شادی را برای اعضای خانواده فراهم می کنیم، تا آخر عمر از این نگرش تقلید می کنند. والد عاقل متوجه می شود که هر روز آن بلوک های ساختمانی آینده کودکش را می چیند Let us all be wise builders and role models. Take care of yourself, ... and those you love, ... today, and everyday! بیایید ما همه سازندگان و الگوهای عاقلی باشیم. مواظب خودت باش، ... و کسانی که دوستشان داری، ... امروز و هر روز! -story ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْكُمْ وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ لَيَسْتَخْلِفَنَّهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ كَمَا اسْتَخْلَفَ الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ وَلَيُمَكِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ دِينَهُمُ الَّذِي ارْتَضَىٰ لَهُمْ وَلَيُبَدِّلَنَّهُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ خَوْفِهِمْ أَمْنًا ۚ يَعْبُدُونَنِي لَا يُشْرِكُونَ بِي شَيْئًا ۚ وَمَنْ كَفَرَ بَعْدَ ذَٰلِكَ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ خدا به کسانی از شما بندگان که (به خدا و حجّت عصر علیه السّلام) ایمان آرند و نیکوکار گردند وعده فرمود که (در ظهور امام زمان) در زمین خلافتشان دهد چنانکه امم صالح پیمبران سلف را جانشین پیشینیان آنها نمود، و دین پسندیده آنان را (که اسلام واقعی است بر همه ادیان) تمکین و تسلط عطا کند و به همه آنان پس از خوف و اندیشه از دشمنان ایمنی کامل دهد که مرا به یگانگی، بی هیچ شائبه، شرک و ریا پرستش کنند، و بعد از آن هر که کافر شود پس آنان به حقیقت همان فاسقان تبهکارند. Allah has promised those of you who have faith and do righteous deeds that He will surely make them successors in the earth, just as He made those who were before them successors, and He will surely establish for them their religion which He has approved for them, and that He will surely change their state to security after their fear, while they worship Me, not ascribing any partners to Me. Whoever is ungrateful after that—it is they who are the transgressors. @English_4U
هدایت شده از English 4U
کودکان به طرز قابل توجهی ادراکی هستند. چشمان آنها همیشه مشاهده می کنند، گوش هایشان همیشه می شنوند، و ذهن آنها همیشه پیام هایی را که جذب می کنند پردازش می کند. اگر ببینند ما با صبر و حوصله فضای خانه شادی را برای اعضای خانواده فراهم می کنیم، تا آخر عمر از این نگرش تقلید می کنند. والد عاقل متوجه می شود که هر روز آن بلوک های ساختمانی آینده کودکش را می چیند Let us all be wise builders and role models. Take care of yourself, ... and those you love, ... today, and everyday! بیایید ما همه سازندگان و الگوهای عاقلی باشیم. مواظب خودت باش، ... و کسانی که دوستشان داری، ... امروز و هر روز! -story ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
🎤 READING PRACTICE🎤 If you want to speak English fluently, learn with your ears, not with your eyes Learning English can be broken down into two parts: input and output. Input consists of reading and listening while output consists of writing and speaking. The more input you get, the more output you can produce. It's that simple. Here's the little secret you probably don't know yet: 🔶🔹If you want to write English well, focus on reading. The more you read, the better you write. 🔶🔹If you want to speak English well, focus on listening. Listening is THE KEY to speaking excellent English. 🗣🎙🗣🎙🗣🎙🗣🎙 @English_4U
📖 Last week I went to the theater, the play was very interesting. I didn’t enjoy it! A couple was sitting behind me, talking loudly. I couldn’t hear the actors; so I looked at them angrily. They didn’t pay any attention. “I can’t hear a word” I said angrily.” it’s none of your business,” he said.” this is a private conversation!” هفته قبل به تئاتر رفتم. نمایش بسیار جذاب بود.من از آن لذت نبردم.زوجی پشت سر من نشسته بودند و با صدای بلند صحبت می کردند.من نمی توانستم صدای بازیگران را بشنوم،بنابراین با عصبانیت به آنها نگاهی انداختم.آنها توجهی نکردند.با عصبانیت گفتم:”من یک کلمه نمی توانم بشنوم”.مرد گفت:”به تو ربطی ندارد.این یک گفتگوی خصوصی است 📒😁 ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
🌸🎙🌸 Being Young George and his friends went to the park. They first went on the swings. Everyone stared at them. They are already in college. They wanted to feel young again. A parent tapped George on the shoulder. It was a mother. She asked George to get off. George asked, "Why?" "Because my little girl wants to go on," she replied. George turned to the side. There was a young girl. She was about 10 years old. George felt bad. He got off the swing. "Here you go, kid." George said. His friends laughed at him. George went on the slide. He felt young on the slide. 🌸🎙🌸 swing(n) تاب slide(n) سرسره tap(v) زدن shoulder(n) شانه get off پیاده شدن ☕️ ⭕️⭕️⭕️@English_4U⭕️⭕️⭕️
🌻🎙🌻 ✨READING PRACTICE✨ Jimmy lived in the country, and he love playing in a very shallow river near his house; but then his father got a job in a very big city, and he moved there with his family. Their new house had a garden, but the garden was very small. Jimmy wasn't very happy🙁. " Is there a river near here?" He asked his mother on the first morning. His mother answered,"No,there isn't, but there's a beautiful park near here, Jimmy, and there's a pool in it. We'll go there this afternoon." Then Jimmy was happy😇. After lunch, Jimmy and his mother went to the park. Jimmy wanted to walk near the pool, but there was a sign in front of it😯. His mother read it to him: " WARNING ⚠: This pool is dangerous. 367 people have fallen into it😰." Jimmy looked into the pool carefully. Then he said ," I can't see them."🙁😐 🌻🎙🌻 Shallow کم‌عمق Garden باغ Pool استخر Sign علامت Warning اخطار،هشدار Dangerous خطرناک Fall into افتادن در ⭕️⭕️⭕️@English_4U⭕️⭕️⭕️