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A cute little girl is talking...☺️
🏡 @English_House 🏡
English House
🏡 @English_House 🏡 👇👇👇
Idiom Scenario 1
Two colleagues are talking ...
Colleague 1: Our supplier has doubled their prices overnight.
Colleague 2: No problem. We'll just get another supplier.
Colleague 1: That is not going to be possible because all the other suppliers have gone out of business.
Colleague 2: Then I guess we have no choice but to submit to daylight robbery.
🏡 @English_House 🏡
English House
🏡 @English_House 🏡 👇👇👇
Idiom Scenario 2
Two friends are talking ...
Friend 1: I just bought two tickets for the Adele concert for next month.
Friend 2: How much were they?
Friend 1: Nine hundred and ninety pounds each and they are the cheap seats.
Friend 2: That is blatant daylight robbery. The organizers know that this could be the her very last tour and fans are desperate for tickets.
Friend 1: Yes, we are being taken advantage of but I really want to see her.
🏡 @English_House 🏡
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🐰 #idiom
👉 means “to announce shocking news”.
This expression, which alludes to the destruction caused by a falling bomb, dates from World War I.
به طور ناگهانی خبر تکان دهنده و شوکه کننده ای به کسی دادن
Usage in an animated TV series ("Family Guy"):
- Thelma!
- Hello, darling!
- Oh, my God, what a pleasant surprise!
- Mom, what are you doing here?
- Peter, I left your father.
- What?
- Wait, wait, wait, hang on a second! I never see you, and then you finally come visit me and you drop a bombshell like this?
🏡 @English_House 🏡
هدایت شده از English House
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🐀 #idiom
👉 means “very drunk.”
مست و پاتیل ،
بسیار مست
Usage in a movie ("Flight"):
- What the hell is wrong with you? Really. Hugh just called me. Apparently, you went to your ex-wife's house drunk as a skunk, the news crews showed up and then the police escort you out!
- It's okay, though. I been watching. It's okay.
🏡 @English_House 🏡
هدایت شده از English House
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🙊 #idiom
👉 means to use your position or your job to get a lot of money for yourself.”
با سوء استفاده خود را ثروتمند ساختن ،
استفاده از قدرت یا جایگاه خود برای ثروتمند شدن
Usage in a movie ("The Distinguished Gentleman"):
- Well, now that you're here, what are you gonna do with it? You gonna feather your own nest, or are you gonna make something of your office?
- Hey, I'm gonna be as good a congressman as anybody else up here, all right?
- Exactly what does that mean?
🏡 @English_House 🏡
هدایت شده از English House
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👑 #idiom
👉 means “to fit perfectly.”
کاملاً اندازه بودن ،
درست قالب تن بودن
Usage in a movie ("Oz the Great and Powerful"):
- Oh... My scepter.
- Oh, yes, go on and have a seat!
- How does it feel?
- Fits like a glove!
🏡 @English_House 🏡