⚫️Mourning and grief has remained in the heart
تو دل غم مونده ، یه ماتم مونده
⚫️As there is a few nights left to Moharram
که چند شب دیگه تا به محرم مونده
⚫️I am invited here again by ZAHRA
منو باز زهرا ، به اینجا خونده
⚫️As there is a few nights left to Moharram
که چند شب دیگه تا به محرم مونده
⚫️she stamped on the hearts, the mark of Mourning
رو دلها مهرِ ، عزا کوبونده
⚫️As there is a few nights left to Moharram
که چند شب دیگه تا به محرم مونده
⚫️The healing for the every helpless is on the way
تو راهه درمونِ هر درمونده
⚫️As there is a few nights left to Moharram
که چند شب دیگه تا به محرم مونده
⚫️The voice of a mother is coming
داره صدای مادری میاد
⚫️who is impatient, unaccompanied and unattended
چه بی شکیبه ، بی یار و حبیبه
⚫️My son is alone, you Humen beings
پسرم غریبه ، آی اهل عالم
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reading 📖
part 1
Amazing adventurers! - level 1
Do you ever dream about climbing Mount Everest or visiting Antarctica? If so, you’re not alone. Every year, thousands of people try to climb the world’s highest mountains or walk across continents. Let’s take a look at some of the 21st century’s greatest adventurers.
Amazing adventurers! - level 2
Have you ever dreamt of climbing Mount Everest or visiting Antarctica? If so, you’re not alone. Every year, thousands of people try to climb the world’s highest mountains or walk across continents. In the past, explorers had compasses and maps, but today’s adventurers have satellite phones and GPS. They also use their travels to let the world know about climate change and help people in the countries they visit. Let’s take a look at some of the 21st century’s greatest adventurers.
Amazing adventurers! _ level 3
Have you ever dreamt of climbing Mount Everest or walking to the South Pole? If so, you’re not alone. Every year, thousands of people try to climb the world’s highest mountains or walk across continents. Unlike the explorers of the past who used maps and compasses, today’s adventurers travel with modern technology like GPS and satellite phones. Many adventurers are nature lovers who use their travels to help raise awareness about a range of environmental issues, while others are keen to help people in need and raise money for charities. Let’s take a look at some of the 21st century’s greatest adventurers.
جستجوگر، مکتشف
قطب نما
آب و هوا
بر خلاف
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👆 خیلی واضحه فک کنم نیاز به معنی کردن نباشه
🔹 greetnig
سلام و احوالپرسی
🔹 leave taking
وداع ، بدرود گویی ، کسب اجازه مرخصی
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#story #level2 #chapter2 #part3
💛 The Golden Seal 💛
chapter 2
part 3
🐯 Eric started to walk slowly across the sand. The wind was strong
and he fell down many times.
I can't stop, he thought.
Then he saw a little building in front of him. Very slowly, he
moved across the sand and opened the door. He went in and closed
the door behind him. The little building had no windows and it was
dark. There was a strong smell, too. Eric didn't like it.🐯
عقب، پست ست
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#story #level2 #chapter2 #part4
💛 The Golden Seal 💛
chapter 2
part 4
🦁 There was a small noise, and two little red lights moved up from
the floor in front of him. Eric moved back. He was very frightened.
There was an animal in there with him.
What is it? Eric thought. Maybe it's a bear! He started to move to
the door. He wanted to get out. But then he remembered the storm.
He closed his eyes and waited. But the animal didn't move.
Slowly, Eric opened his eyes again. 🦁
get out
کف ، کف زمین
بیرون رفتن
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21.73M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
📽 clip
Despicable Me ➡️ من نفرت انگیز
زیرنویس انگلیسی ✔️
قسمت اول: بدون زیرنویس
قسمت دوم: با زیرنویس
قسمت سوم: کلمات کلیدی
قسمت چهارم: بدون زیرنویس
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#quote #حدیث #امام_علی
💎 quote of the day
امیرالمومنین علیه السلام می فرمایند :
☔️ خداوند رحمت کند کسی را که حقی را زنده و باطلی را سرکوب کند و ستم را نابود و عدل را برپا دارد.
☔️ May Allah have mercy upon the person who revives a right and suppresses a wrong, and who refutes injustice and establishes justice.
غررالحکم و دررالکلم، صفحه 181
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💥 idiom of the day
☃ as well as
☃ به علاوه ، همچنین ، و نیز
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