Knowing humans reflected in Al-Sahifa Al-Sajjadiyya”; sixth session; 2023-11-17
💢Why do we have enemies?
🔹️One of the main reasons that you have different enemies is for you to learn how to ask for assistance from God. If you, among these many enemies, do not ask for assistance from God, you will be alone. As soon as you say, “I myself can,” God leaves you, and you tangle with more troubles and sustain bigger losses. However, if you say there is God, “Indeed my Lord is with me. He will guide me,” you pray and resort to Him, there you are relieved. Thus, God gives you enemies so that you learn how to embrace Him. In the arms of God, you have serenity as well as happiness and also you receive His assistance. The repeated expression “my Lord” in the Qur’an indicates humans ask for assistance from the word “Lord”. Pay more attention to this point.
Knowing humans reflected in Al-Sahifa Al-Sajjadiyya”; sixth session; 2023-11-17
💢The creed of the Messenger of Allah (s): the most honorable creed of the world
🔹️“Wa ‘ala millati rasulluah” (And we follow the nation [creed] of the Messenger of Allah). Some do not like this creed and do not choose it. For example, a woman with a chador hates her wearing a chador and asks for an ambiance wherein she can get rid of it. She is not part of the nation of the Messenger of Allah (s); actually, she does not have any nation and creed. Martyr Suleimani said, “We are the nation of Husain.” This means we have a creed. Namely, wherever we are, our religiosity is based on the nation of the Messenger of Allah (s). It is really honorable that we are not without a creed and a superior, and we have a creed and lifestyle. It is not like that everybody can define a lifestyle for us. I must proudly say that God has favored us to be the nation of the Messenger of Allah (s), a matter that is honorable.
انسان شناسی در آیینه صحیفه سجادیه، تاریخ۱۹ آذرماه۱۴۰۲
Knowing humans reflected in Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya; 2023-12-10
🛑چگونه بر مشکلات غلبه کنیم؟
How to conquer problems?
📍«ذَلَّتْ لِقُدْرَتِكَ الصِّعَابُ»؛ سختیها در مقابل قدرت تو ذلیلاند. به این معنا که در مقابل قدرت تو سختی و مشکلی نداریم. برای ،همین خداوند تبارکوتعالی در قرآن سختیهایی که انبیا داشتند را به ما یادآور میشود. مثل سختیهای ایوب ع یا ابراهیم ع یا موسی ع که با سختیهای ما خیلی فرق دارند. صحنهها، صحنههای تندی هستند. اما آنها دعا کردند. تو هم باید بدانی با چه کسی روبرو هستی و خدا این را از تو میخواهد.
📍“Zallat lequdratika al-ssi‘abu” (difficulties are belittled down to Your power). That is, there is no difficulty or problem against God’s power. For this, the blessed and exalted God reminds us of the prophet’s difficulties in the Qur’an, like the sufferings of Job (a), Abraham (a), or Moses (a) whose difficulties are very different from ours. Their situations were tough, but they prayed. You should also know whom you face; God wants this from you.
📍اگر خدا بداند که تو میدانی با چه کسی روبرو هستی، زود مشکلت را حل میکند، ولی اگر ضعیف ببینی، آن هم در همان حدی که او را میبینی، رفتار میکند. فرمود: من در نزد گمان بندهام هستم. یعنی نزد معرفت بندگانم هستم. معرفتت هر چقدر باشد، خدا طبق همان معرفت با تو برخورد میکند. امام به ما یاد میدهد که با چه معرفتی باخدا حرف بزنیم. به خدا میگوییم هیچ عقده و گرهای در مقابل تو گره نیست، هیچ مشکلی در مقابل تو مشکل نیست. تو میتوانی همه سختیها را باز کنی. این نحوه برخورد درست با خداوند است.
📍If God knows that you know with whom you are faced, He solves your problem immediately. But if you view Him as weak, He behaves at the same level that you see Him. God says, “I am according to the belief of My Servant.” Namely, He is in line with the recognition of His Servants. That how God treats you hinges on how much you recognize Him. Imam teaches us by what type of recognition we should talk to God. We should say to God, “There is no entanglement before You and there is no problem before You. You can untie all ties.” This is the proper behavior toward God.