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⚡️آژانس یادگیری⚡️
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💖خوش اومدی به بهترین آموزشهای زبان و کامپیوتر از پایه تا حرفه ای. آموزشهای نابی که فقط اینجاست. اساتید: @inproxima آقای اسدپور-رایانه و زبان @amirhosseinghoreishy آقای قریشی-پریمیر @rezanargesian آقای نرگسیان-فتوشاپ و فیگما
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1. "Mommy and Daddy taught me to be friendly and kind to everyone I meet." 2. "My new neighbor is very friendly and always waves hello to me when I see her." 3. "My friend's dog is so friendly that she likes to play with all the kids in the park." 4. "Can you tell me why being friendly makes people feel happy?" 5. "In the story, the animals made friends with a friendly dragon who loved to play games and share his toys." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
. 🔶چند نکته درباره ی 🔸Ever 🔸در حالت کلی یعنی تا حالا ولی می تونه با کلمات دیگه معنی "هر" بده ✅مثل : 🔸Whatever 🔸هر چی 🔸Whoever 🔸هرکی 🔸Whenever 🔸هر وقت 🔸Wherever 🔸هرجا 🔸Whichever 🔸هر کدام 🆔@LearningAgency
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💎✨✨✨✨✨💎 😴😴😴 👉👉to yawn خمیازه کشیدن ✅ When I' m sleepy ; I always yawn. وقتی خوابم میاد....همیشه خمیازه میکشم 🆔@LearningAgency
✅ حالا که اینو فهمیدیم هی خمیازه نکشیم و با نفس عمیق خواب رو از خودمون دور کنیم و یک روز پر انرژی رو شروع کنیم
🛑 سوال امروز : قند موجود در کبد چه نام دارد؟ الف) فروکتوز ب) گلیکوژن ج) گلوکز د) ساکاروز ارسال جواب به آیدی : @Inproxima 🥰گنجینه آموزشی آژانس یادگیری🥰 🆔@LearningAgency
📍Professional ≠ Amateur 🌺حرفه ای ≠ آماتور 📍Dead ≠ Alive 🌺مرده ≠ زنده 📍Elementary ≠ Advanced 🌺ابتدایی ≠ پیشرفته 📍Child ≠ Adult 🌺کودک ≠ بالغ 📍Destroy ≠ Build 🌺از بین بردن ≠ ساختن 📍Sell ≠ Buy 🌺فروختن ≠ خریدن 📍Lend ≠ Borrow 🌺قرض دادن ≠ قرض گرفتن 📍Miss ≠ Catch 🌺از دست دادن ≠ گرفتن 📍Careless ≠ Careful 🌺بی توجه ≠ با دقت 📍Excited ≠ Calm 🌺هیجان زده ≠ آرام 📍Open ≠ Close 🌺باز ≠ بسته 📍Hot ≠ Cold 🌺داغ ≠ سرد 📍Accept ≠ refuse 🌺پذیرفتن ≠ رد کرد 🆔@LearningAgency
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⚡️🌸🥰آژانس یادگیری🥰🌸⚡️ ❤️هزار و یک شب لغات زبان❤️ ❤️شب پنجاه و نهم...❤️ دوستانم وقت بخیر. آماده اید؟...🥰 حدس بزنید واژه های امشب در مورد چیه؟😊 به نظرتون قراره امشب چه واژگان جدیدی رو یاد بگیریم...😊😍 راستی درسهای قبلی رو خوندین آیا؟ مرور دروس قبلی کلید موفقیت شماست دفتر و قلما آماده زبان دوستان...💥👑 🔴داشبورد هزار و یک شب🔴 . 🔥💪💖💯❤️👑💐🌼
1. "Mommy said we should be active by playing sports and going for walks outside." 2. "Daddy likes to stay active by doing push-ups and jumping jacks in the morning." 3. "My friend and I were active at the park, playing tag and climbing on the monkey bars." 4. "Can you tell me why being active is good for our bodies?" 5. "In the story, the animals had an active day, running, swimming, and playing games together." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy showed me a strange vegetable at the grocery store that I've never seen before." 2. "Daddy told me a strange story about aliens from outer space." 3. "My friend has a strange habit of sleeping with his socks on." 4. "Can you tell me why some things might seem strange at first, but can actually be very interesting?" 5. "In the story, the animals found a strange door in the forest that led to a world full of talking trees and rainbow-colored clouds." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy is very patient when she helps me learn how to tie my shoes." 2. "Daddy told me to be patient and wait for my turn to play with the new toy." 3. "My friend was patient with me when I needed help learning how to ride a bike." 4. "It's important to be patient when we want something to happen?" 5. "In the story, the animals worked together patiently to build a big castle." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy felt relaxed when she took a warm bath after a long day." 2. "Daddy looked relaxed sitting on the couch and reading his favorite book." 3. "My friend showed me a yoga pose to help us feel relaxed and calm." 4. "Can you tell me why taking deep breaths can make us feel more relaxed?" 5. "In the story, the animals took a nap in a cozy hammock and felt very relaxed in the sunshine." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy said I was very clever when I solved the puzzle all by myself." 2. "Daddy praised my clever idea to use my rain boots as planters for flowers in our garden." 3. "My friend's cat is so clever that he can open the kitchen cabinets to find treats." 4. "Can you tell me why being clever can help us think of new ways to do things?" 5. "In the story, the animals had a clever plan to save their friend who was trapped in a deep hole." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
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