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💖خوش اومدی به بهترین آموزشهای زبان و کامپیوتر از پایه تا حرفه ای. آموزشهای نابی که فقط اینجاست. اساتید: @inproxima آقای اسدپور-رایانه و زبان @amirhosseinghoreishy آقای قریشی-پریمیر @rezanargesian آقای نرگسیان-فتوشاپ و فیگما
مشاهده در ایتا
1. "Mommy likes to relax on the couch in the living room after a busy day at work." 2. "Daddy and I play games and watch cartoons together in the living room on Saturday mornings." 3. "My friend's living room has a cozy fireplace and lots of soft pillows to sit on." 4. "Can you tell me why some houses have more than one living room?" 5. "In the story, the animals had a big living room where they all gathered to play games and tell stories." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy set the table in the dining room for our family dinner." 2. "Daddy helped me do my homework at the dining room table because it's nice and big." 3. "My friend's dining room has a chandelier that makes everything sparkle when it's turned on." 4. "Can you tell me why some people eat in the dining room and others eat in the kitchen?" 5. "In the story, the animals had a fancy dining room where they celebrated birthdays and special occasions." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy said the heat outside was extreme, so we should drink lots of water." 2. "Daddy went on an extreme rollercoaster ride at the amusement park." 3. "My friend's older brother loves extreme sports like snowboarding and skateboarding." 4. "Can you tell me why some things are considered extreme?" 5. "In the story, the animals had an extreme adventure in the deep, dark jungle." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy asked me to brush my teeth in the bathroom before going to bed." 2. "Daddy read a funny book to me while I took a bath in the bathroom." 3. "My friend's bathroom has a big bathtub with lots of bubbles for playing and getting clean." 4. "Can you tell me why it's important to wash our hands with soap in the bathroom?" 5. "In the story, the animals took a trip to a fancy hotel that had a swimming pool right inside the bathroom!" 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy baked my favorite chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen." 2. "Daddy showed me how to make a yummy sandwich in the kitchen for my lunchbox." 3. "My friend's kitchen has a cool mixer that makes delicious smoothies with fruit and yogurt." 4. "Can you tell me why the kitchen is a special room in our house?" 5. "In the story, the animals worked together in the kitchen to make a giant pizza for their big party." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy set up a special study for me to do my homework and read books." 2. "Daddy helped me organize my study with a desk, bookshelves, and a cozy reading chair." 3. "My friend's study room is decorated with posters of her favorite superheroes and princesses." 4. "Can you tell me why having a study room is important for learning?" 5. "In the story, the animals built a study room inside a magical treehouse where they learned new things every day." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy said we have the best view of the fireworks on the Fourth of July." 2. "Daddy enjoyed the view of the sunset from our front porch." 3. "My friend's view from the treehouse let us see all the animals playing in the forest." 4. "Can you tell me why people sometimes drive to a lookout point to see a good view?" 5. "In the story, the animals were amazed by the view of the colorful leaves changing in the fall." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy took me outside to play in the sunshine and fresh air." 2. "Daddy and I built a big snowman outside in the wintertime." 3. "My friend's backyard has a swingset and slide for us to play on outside." 4. "Can you tell me why it's important to spend time outside in nature?" 5. "In the story, the animals had a picnic outside with delicious food and lots of fun games." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy read me a bedtime story in my cozy bedroom before I went to sleep." 2. "Daddy helped me make my bed in the morning so my bedroom looked nice and neat." 3. "My friend showed me her bedroom that was decorated with pink and purple unicorns." 4. "Can you tell me why people sleep in bedrooms instead of other rooms in their houses?" 5. "In the story, the animals built a secret bedroom under the ground where they could hide and feel safe." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy found a parking spot at the store so we could go shopping for toys and snacks." 2. "Daddy helped me park my bicycle in the garage to keep it safe and clean." 3. "My friend's family went to the park and parked their car near the playground." 4. "Can you tell me why some places have special spots for parking cars and other vehicles?" 5. "In the story, the animals built a parking lot for their toy cars and trucks so they could play together and share their favorite vehicles." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy took me to the playground, and we had so much fun sliding down the slide." 2. "Daddy said we can have a fun family game night tonight with board games and pizza." 3. "My friend and I had fun playing dress-up and pretending to be princesses." 4. "Can you tell me why laughing and playing with friends is so much fun?" 5. "In the story, the animals went on a fun adventure to find a magical treasure hidden in a cave." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy told me a funny joke that made me laugh really hard." 2. "Daddy does funny dances in the living room that make me giggle." 3. "My friend's dog does funny tricks like rolling over and playing dead." 4. "Can you tell me why people like watching funny movies and TV shows?" 5. "In the story, the animals met a funny clown who juggled colorful balls and made everyone laugh." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy made my favorite dinner because she knows I like it. It was really nice of her." 2. "Daddy said that it's nice to say 'please' and 'thank you' when we talk to people." 3. "My friend gave me a pretty flower from her garden. That was a nice thing to do." 4. "Can you tell me why it's nice to help others when they need it?" 5. "In the story, the animals became best friends because they were always nice to each other and cared about each other's feelings." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy always reminds me to be kind and share my toys with my friends." 2. "Daddy told me that being kind to others makes them feel loved and happy." 3. "My teacher gave me a sticker because I was kind to a classmate who felt sad." 4. "Can you tell me why it's important to show kindness to animals too?" 5. "In the story, the animals made a kindness garden where they helped each other and shared their love." 6."Thanks, really. It's so kind of you." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy and Daddy taught me to be friendly and kind to everyone I meet." 2. "My new neighbor is very friendly and always waves hello to me when I see her." 3. "My friend's dog is so friendly that she likes to play with all the kids in the park." 4. "Can you tell me why being friendly makes people feel happy?" 5. "In the story, the animals made friends with a friendly dragon who loved to play games and share his toys." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy said we should be active by playing sports and going for walks outside." 2. "Daddy likes to stay active by doing push-ups and jumping jacks in the morning." 3. "My friend and I were active at the park, playing tag and climbing on the monkey bars." 4. "Can you tell me why being active is good for our bodies?" 5. "In the story, the animals had an active day, running, swimming, and playing games together." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy showed me a strange vegetable at the grocery store that I've never seen before." 2. "Daddy told me a strange story about aliens from outer space." 3. "My friend has a strange habit of sleeping with his socks on." 4. "Can you tell me why some things might seem strange at first, but can actually be very interesting?" 5. "In the story, the animals found a strange door in the forest that led to a world full of talking trees and rainbow-colored clouds." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy is very patient when she helps me learn how to tie my shoes." 2. "Daddy told me to be patient and wait for my turn to play with the new toy." 3. "My friend was patient with me when I needed help learning how to ride a bike." 4. "It's important to be patient when we want something to happen?" 5. "In the story, the animals worked together patiently to build a big castle." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy felt relaxed when she took a warm bath after a long day." 2. "Daddy looked relaxed sitting on the couch and reading his favorite book." 3. "My friend showed me a yoga pose to help us feel relaxed and calm." 4. "Can you tell me why taking deep breaths can make us feel more relaxed?" 5. "In the story, the animals took a nap in a cozy hammock and felt very relaxed in the sunshine." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy said I was very clever when I solved the puzzle all by myself." 2. "Daddy praised my clever idea to use my rain boots as planters for flowers in our garden." 3. "My friend's cat is so clever that he can open the kitchen cabinets to find treats." 4. "Can you tell me why being clever can help us think of new ways to do things?" 5. "In the story, the animals had a clever plan to save their friend who was trapped in a deep hole." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy said she is proud of my hardworking efforts in learning how to write my name." 2. "Daddy always tells me that being hardworking will help me achieve my goals." 3. "My teacher praised the hardworking students who completed their homework on time." 4. "Is it vital to be hardworking in order to do well in school?" 5. "In the story, the hardworking ants collected food for winter while the lazy grasshopper played in the sun." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "My brother was lazy and didn't want to clean his room, so Mommy had to help him." 2. "Daddy told me that watching too much TV can make people lazy." 3. "My friend's cat was lazy and just wanted to sleep all day instead of playing with us." 4. "Can you tell me why being lazy can make it hard to reach our goals?" 5. "In the story, the lazy bear wanted to sleep through the whole winter without preparing any food." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy asked me to tidy my toys and put them away in the toy box." 2. "Daddy said that keeping our house tidy makes it look nice and clean." 3. "My friend has a tidy bedroom because he always puts his things back in their proper place." 4. "Can you tell me why it's easier to find our things when our room is tidy?" 5. "In the story, the animals worked together to tidy up their forest home after a storm." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy looked serious when she talked to me about crossing the street safely." 2. "Daddy said that he needs to be serious when he's at work so he can do a good job." 3. "My teacher was serious when he told us to be quiet and listen carefully." 4. "Do you know why people sometimes have a serious face when they're thinking really hard?" 5. "In the story, the animals had a serious meeting to figure out how to save their friend who was lost in the forest." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy asked me to be quiet when she was on the phone so she could hear the person talking." 2. "Daddy said we should be quiet when we're in the library so we don't bother other people." 3. "My friend's hamster is very quiet when it sleeps during the day." 4. "Can you tell me why it's sometimes nice to have quiet time to relax or think?" 5. "In the story, the animals listened quietly as the wise owl told them a secret about the magical box." 💥داشبورد کل کلمات هزار و یک شب💥 🆔 @LearningAgency