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"و هُم مِن السّاعةِ مُشفِقون" هدف عمل به وظیفه است... و یقین داریم آنچه میدانیم در مقابل آنچه نمیدانیم مثل قطره ای از اقیانوس است والله المستعان طلبه ای در قم محمد صالح مشفقی پور طالقانی👇 (https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghipour )
مشاهده در ایتا
https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/26 (1) In accordance with Islamic teachings the human body and its parts are from and There is no faith for the one who has no and misappropriates the trust.(2) ✅ In addition to Quran and traditions, the human intellect commands him to protect his health,too. Because he needs a sound body for his both . And how beautiful, (the 6th Imam of all moslems p.b.u.h) says about this blessing: " is a hidden blessing, when it is found, it is forgotten; and when it is lost, it is remembered."(3) 🌹 ✅ The prohibition of if there is no intellectual motivation_ is completely obvious. This harming the body is counted in traditions(rewayat) as (that it's a great sin.)(4) (a) -------------------------- (1)Rozat-al-waezin\2\p:472 (2)mosouat ahadith Ahl al_beyt\8\p:371 (3)Bihar al_anwar\81\p:172 (4)al_Kafi\4\p:53 💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐