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🏆منبعی غنی برای اطلاع از فناوری های جدید ↩️تا حد امکان، هر فایل به همراه لینک دانلود، در کانال قرارداده میشه↪️ https://eitaa.com/joinchat/3276275767C30ab017b8f ↩️تبادل، تبلیغ: @Admin_cafe4 لینک پیام: https://daigo.ir/secret/2547309032
مشاهده در ایتا
تایم تون Organize Your Day, Increase Your Productivity & Save Time For Yourself Doing more things with your time. Increasing your productivity. Improving your daily routine. This is what you can achieve with TimeTune, your schedule planner. WHAT IS TIMETUNE? TimeTune is a time blocking and daily planner application. We designed it to help you make better use of your time and increase your productivity. Have you ever wondered why some people can get plenty of things done in a single day while your time slips through your fingers? The answer is that they have a very firm and organized distribution of time. They know time is a precious resource and they built strong time management skills. That allows them to squeeze every minute and do everything in their schedule. With TimeTune you can do the same. 🌸🍃 ✅انتشار تنها با ذکر آیدی کانال مجاز می‌باشد.... ✅لطفا ارسال مستقیم داشته باشید. ─━━━⊱🍃🖤❤️🍃⊰━━━─ ⚘ 📱@P_Cafe_App💻 ⚘ ─━━━⊱🍃❤️🖤🍃⊰━━━─