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جهت عضویت در گروه فعالان توئیتری و هم چنین قرار دادن توییت خود در کانال با ادمین درارتباط باشید. ارتباط با ادمین👇 @r_soleimanzadeh
مشاهده در ایتا
Much easier to demonise people by saying "a march" rather than "A march against genocide"
Snipers on the roof, tasing students, sending cops on horseback onto campus, the fascist response to students simply saying "stop supporting genocide" reveals that the status quo is investing in death. The whole power structure is implicated and indicted right now.
"Why is the Middle East so unstable?" Well, mostly because the US and Western Europe established a violent settler colonial regime there, armed to the teeth, which steals land, attacks regional progressive movements, arms reactionary extremists, and routinely bombs neighbouring countries.
We need immediate international arrest warrants for Israeli leaders. They must be held accountable for the atrocities in Gaza including the mass that are being found.
When you begin to silence student organizations, rest assured that other student organizations will rise up. Universities naively believe that they are silencing students but what they're doing is creating the conditions to reignite the fires of student movements.
You should be highly suspicious of media that screamed about beheaded babies on the thinnest evidence but quietly ignores verifiable mass graves of handcuffed Palestinians.
There's a US-backed genocide on Palestinians, and the propaganda that upholds it.
In the U.S. they're so free that merely protesting for the end to a genocide will get you assaulted by police, kicked out of your university, and arrested
if students are getting arrested and expelled for protesting genocide, America has NO future.
دوستان خداقوت ادامه عملیات توئیتری تا ساعت ۲۲