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نسل ما نسل ظهور است اگر برخیزیم. ظهور وقتی اتفاق می‌افتد که دلها در امر حق متحد شوند. ما در بیزاری از صهیونیست ،جهان را به وحدت کلمه می‌رسانیم ان شاءالله. مدیریت @Yatabibalghuloob راه ارتباطی با ادمین ها : @fakhr2 @Ahmadi_nnn
مشاهده در ایتا
6M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
A large number of anti-Trump protesters, along with pro-Palestinian activists, gathered in downtown Chicago to express their displeasure with the victory of President-elect Donald . Protesters chanted slogans like "Not my president," "Freedom for Palestine," and "Fighting for freedom," as they blocked major intersections and disrupted traffic
♻️ Do you remember? Do you remember the fire in the Gaza hospital? Do you remember that Palestinian child crying and saying: "I will tell everything to God Now this is and the fire!" It has burned a city. And the hospitals are being evacuated! https://eitaa.com/VictoriousPalestine/811
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
.♻️ American woman on Instagram: The fire has reached seven miles from my house, but the US government is spending millions of dollars bombing Gaza but has no money to stop the cities from burning... The bombs the US government dropped on Gaza set this place on fire, the two are connected. The American people understood this, but American politicians still haven't!