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قال الله تعالی:قل انما اعظکم بواحدة ان تقوموا لله مثنی وفرادی لبيك يا خامنه اي،لبيك يا حسين است 🔰 https://zil.ink/aboammar.ir
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ابو عمار یاسر
"The American dream" . Today, the US is one of the most heavily indebted governments in the world. T
The American dream . Dear brothers, dear sisters, dear youth, I want you to pay attention to this point: today, the wants to show that it is standing on its feet by brightening up its face, but this is not the truth of the matter. Today, the US is one of the most heavily indebted governments in the world. Today, class in the US are more visible than ever. This is not my claim, rather this is something acknowledged by one of the political personalities in the US who is a member of the ruling body in that country. He was a congressman and he is a senator.. He says that in the Trump administration, who has been holding office in the past three years, more than 100 billion dollars have been added to the wealth of the five richest individuals in the US. The wealth of three of these five individuals is equal to that of half the people of the US! Notice how big the gap is- it means that the wealth of three individuals equals that of 160 million people! This is one side of the matter. Another side of the matter is that the salaries that 80 percent of receive do not suffice to earn a living. Notice the big gap between the social classes. It is terrifying. only one out of five can afford their if they consult a doctor. If the other four visit a doctor, they do not have the money to afford their medication. The gap between whites and blacks has tripled in the last 50 years. The Americans spice things up and keep up appearances in order to deceive some and intimidate some others in the world. However, their grandeur is shallow. As the grandeur and the glory of the well-known ship, the “Titanic”, did not prevent it from being sunk, the grandeur and glory of the US will not prevent it from being sunk either. will sink! , the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, February 18, 2020 @abo_ammar_yaser