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یِک دَهــہ هَشــتـادے در راه شُــهدا 🇵🇸 :)
707 دنبال‌کننده
5.8هزار عکس
2.3هزار ویدیو
18 فایل
بچہ ها به خدا از شهدا جلو مےزنید اگہ رعایت کنید که دل امام زمان(عج) نَلَرزه !(:♥️ - حاج حسین یکتا - به امید روزی که پشت اسم مون بنویسن "شهید دهه هشتادی" !(: یه سر بزنید: @SeyyedDahe80 از‌خودمونه ؛ کپی؟! حلالِ حلالت رفیق!
مشاهده در ایتا
He was working in one of the shops. I saw him in a situation one day I was very surprised. He had two large cartons on his shoulders. He placed the cartons on the floor in front of a shop When the delivery is finished. I went forward and greeted. Then I said: Mr. Abram this is the work of porters, not your work! He looked at me and said: What a defect No, unemployment is a defect, that's what I do good for myself, I'm sure I'm nothing. It stops my pride! I said : If anyone sees you like this its not good! You are an athlete and ........ Many people know you. Ibrahim laughed and said: man, always do that, if Allah see you, he get happy not the people! 💜🔮 -Hadi 💜🔮