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سینما از سینما
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نشانیِ مدیر کانال: @mhnasseri «سینما از سینما» یک تارنمایِ کاملا مستقل است. در صورت تمایل به حمایت مالی از آن، از طریق شماره کارت زیر اقدام فرمایید. ۶۰۳۷۹۹۷۱۳۸۶۹۸۱۹۷ محمدحسین ناصری
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43.59M حجم رسانه بالاست
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A friend of mine sent a shorter version of this video to me with a Persian subtitle, and I searched and searched to find the original version, but I could only find this. I think it has a Turkish subtitle. I'd like to add a quote from Malcolm X here: "There’s nothing in our book, the Quran […] that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone, but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That’s a good religion. […] An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and a head for a head, and a life for a life, that’s a good religion. And then anybody... no one resents that kind of religion being taught but a wolf who intends to make you his meal […] preserve your life; It’s the best thing you got. And if you’ve got to give it up, let it be even-steven."
Malcolm X has said: “You don’t get freedom peacefully. Freedom is never safeguarded peacefully. Anyone who is depriving you of freedom isn’t deserving of a peaceful approach, by the ones who are being deprived of their freedom.”
26.37M حجم رسانه بالاست
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Do you think that they do the same thing to the people who promote and justify war crimes against Palestinians? Oh wait, they don't! I forgot about Biden for a second! The video was posted on the Twitter account of Hassan Shibly (@HassanShibly): "FBI visit the home of an American Muslim Woman's home to question her about her pro-Palestine social media posts after they were flagged by @meta's@facebook!"
36.3M حجم رسانه بالاست
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Annelle Sheline is saying that “many people inside the state (department) […] can’t believe that the United States’ government is engaged in such actions that contravene American values so directly” and I ask myself "how is it that they can’t believe it?" They are “inside the state (department)” and they don’t know what America has been doing at least for decades (I think it is well over a century now)? Perhaps the time has come for Americans to realize that what America is doing in Gaza is the direct result of American values. The truth is mathematical; that means there is only one truth. “You” have to adjust yourself to it, not vice versa. And as long as people try to adjust the truth to what they think is right, nothing is gonna change.
Decades are passed and Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, is still sitting on the same chair. (The picture on the top is from his meeting with Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, and the second picture is from his meeting with Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa)
‍ «بیش از ۱۰۰۰ نفر» 📍 دقایقی قبل تعداد امضاکنندگان نامه پویش پیمان محمد(ص) در کمتر از ۲۴ ساعت به بیش از ۱۰۰۰ نفر رسید. ✍️ جهت امضا و پیوستن به پویش بر روی لینک زیر کلیک کنید. 🔗 www.muhammad-covenant.com 🌐 پویش پیمان محمد(ص) 🤝 میثاقی برای توقف تجارت نفت و غذا با اسرائیل 🆔 @muhammad_covenant
41.03M حجم رسانه بالاست
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"We haven't even seen the response from the resistance, and they will respond, I guarantee you this, mark my words, right them down, etch them into stone..."
The picture is quoting Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, and the quote is from the message that was issued by him after the Iranian embassy was attacked. And this is the quote from the picture: We will make them regret The evil Zionist regime will be punished by our courageous men. We will make them regret this and other crimes like it, by God's power and strength.
Every year on the last Friday of holy month of Ramadan, millions of Muslims worldwide participate in International Quds Day, a day established in 1979 by the Late Founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini. The purpose of Quds Day, named after the Arabic word (al-Quds), is to demonstrate unwavering support for the Palestinian people in their struggle against Israeli occupation. Large-scale rallies and marches characterize the day. Public figures deliver speeches, often inciting chants of "Death to Israel, Death to America." Quds Day extends beyond Iran's borders. The 1988 decision by the Organization of the Islamic Conference's Jerusalem Committee ensured public events throughout the Arab world. Countries with significant Shia populations, particularly Lebanon where Hezbollah holds major observances, witness high turnout. Notably, groups like Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad actively endorse and participate in Quds Day activities. Leaders within the resistance movements view Quds Day as a potent symbol of unity and a message of unwavering support for Palestine. Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Lebanon's Hezbollah, emphasizes that Quds Day instills fear in Israel due to the projected image of solidarity. (TehranTimes.com)
39.77M حجم رسانه بالاست
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"My understanding is that the Iranians will strike back at Israel and it would be a substantially painful strike”.
44.91M حجم رسانه بالاست
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Scott Ritter (Former United States corps intelligence officer): “What I can say, with you know, as much certainty as an outside observer with no direct connectivity with Iranian government could say is that, there will be an Iranian response and it will be significant and it will register…”
42.78M حجم رسانه بالاست
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"We are witnessing History in the making... we are witnessing History in the making...".
50.47M حجم رسانه بالاست
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The term “The End of History” is mostly associated with Francis Fukuyama. In 1992 he wrote a book and argued that with the ascendancy of Western liberal democracy—which occurred after the Cold War (1945–1991) and the dissolution of the Soviet Union (1991)—humanity has reached "not just ... the passing of a particular period of post-war history, but the end of history as such: That is, the end-point of mankind's ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government." (Wikipedia) Liberal Democracy tried to take out God from the equation and right now, Palestinians are helping people all around the world to understand “If there is no God, all is permitted” (Fyodor Dostoevsky). And The Islamic Republic of Iran is showing the world the only solution and the true end of history: “Before this We wrote in the Psalms, after the Message (given to Moses): My servants the righteous, shall inherit the earth." (Quran, chapter The Prophets, translated by Yusufali). By God's power and strength, The Resistance will continue.
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
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America is not just a country, it’s an idea. And so, what is preventing China and Russia to be the next “America”? Caring about their own self-interest? You think if Iran was only caring about its own self-interest (even its “long-term” self-interest), it would have done what it has been doing for the last 45 years, after the Islamic Revolution?
51.66M حجم رسانه بالاست
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Because of Palestine "A lot of people are now revisiting even previous policies of the West" and we owe this to the people of Palestine and specifically, the women and children in Gaza. God help us all to fulfill our duty toward them.
46.43M حجم رسانه بالاست
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فقط حمایتِ جانانه‌ی تحلیل‌گرِ سیاسیِ آمریکایی «کیلب ماپین» رو از جمهوری اسلامی ببینین! ببینین چه جوری روی ماهیتِ صهیونیستیِ «زن، زندگی، آزادی» انگشت میذاره؛ طَرَف تا «درباری‌های بهائیِ» محمدرضا رو هم میزنه! باعث افتخاره که جمهوری اسلامی وسطِ آمریکا، همچین حامیانی داره. مبادا در صدورِ انقلابْ به خارج از ایران و تبیین انقلابْ در داخل ایرانْ کم بذاریم و از یه آمریکایی عقب بمونیم. امام خامنه‌ای (مد ظله العالی): «هر انسانِ مسلمان [...] همین جور است؛ سعی می‌کند غریق را، وَبازده را، بیمار را، نجات بدهد؛ اینکه با فرار جور در‌نمی‌آید. خودش را متقی می‌کند، دارای تقوا؛ یعنی آن تجهیز لازم را، آن زره لازم را در مقابل آسیب گناه، بر تن می‌پوشد و وارد منطقۀ گناه می‌شود، برای دستگیری گناهکاران؛ خلاصه تقوا این است.» (طرح کلی اندیشه اسلامی در قرآن)
49.24M حجم رسانه بالاست
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“The other generation in the United States, these people that are standing in the streets and that we see them and we appreciate them, these will change America, these will change the United Kingdom, these will change their communities. This generation, they are different from their grandparents and I love them; and they don’t feel superior. No, one of them burned himself for us… Aaron Bushnell…”
35.99M حجم رسانه بالاست
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“…It tastes and smells of a revolution, it’s grassroots resistance, it’s a globalize intifada…”
52.42M حجم رسانه بالاست
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“Any Arab regime – or family dictatorship – that chooses to enhance ties with Israel(i regime) or even continue ties with the Israeli regime, they are undermining their own legitimacy, they are going to increase anger toward themselves. And one day that may blow up in their faces”...
برای اولین‌بار، شبکه‌ی اجتماعیِ لینکدین یکی از تکه‌فیلم‌هایی رو که منتشر کرده بودم کاملاً حذف کرد؛ همین تکه‌فیلمی که به این جملات الصاق شده. تا لحظه‌ای که این تکه‌فیلم در دسترس بود، ده‌ها نفر واکنش مثبت نشون داده بودن و بعضی هم باز‌نَشر داده بودن. در این تکه‌فیلم، دکتر سید‌محمد مَرَندی (یک ایرانیِ متولدِ آمریکا که پس از انقلابِ‌اسلامی با خانواده به ایران برگشته، در دفاعِ مقدس شرکت کرده و از دو یا سه حمله‌ی شیمیایی جانِ سالم به در بُرده) توضیح میده که چه خطری رژیم‌های دیکتاتوریِ عربی رو از جانبِ مردمِ خشمگین‌شون تهدید میکُنه، اگر که انتخاب کنن ارتباطشون رو با رژیمِ اسرائیل افزایش، یا حتی ادامه بدن. همچنین، این جمله از این تکه‌فیلم فوق‌العاده‌س: «تصور کن امروز آمریکایی‌ها، حاضرن چی به ایران بِدَن که حمایتش رو از مقاومت متوقف کنه... فقط حمایتِ نظامیش رو؛ که ایران مثلِ کشورای دیگه، فقط از مردمِ فلسطین حمایتِ کلامی بُکُنه و حمایتِ نظامی رو متوقف کنه؛ فکر می‌کنین آمریکایی‌ها به ایران چی میدن؟ دنیا رو به ایران میدن...» که در این لحظه، خانمِ مسلمانِ آمریکایی هم این موضوع رو تایید میکنه «آره...» و محمدِ مَرَندیِ عزیز میگه «اما ایران حمایتش رو متوقف نخواهد کرد». جانم به جمهوریِ اسلامی... جانم به جمهوریِ اسلامی...
40.37M حجم رسانه بالاست
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"They are stuck in a death spiral [...] The more they stay on the course of this war the more international condemnation is gonna be hit on Israel [...] they are locked in; they are locked in to certain demise..."
بعد از چند روز، این تکه‌فیلم دوباره در دسترس قرار گرفت.
32.56M حجم رسانه بالاست
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Scott Ritter: Let me ask you Piers (Morgan); do you support a Palestinian state? “Well yes I do” Then you can’t condemn Hamas; because if it weren’t for what Hamas did on October 7th, you wouldn’t be in a position to say you support a Palestinian state because on October 6th no one was talking about it, right Piers? So, you are a hypocrite, right Piers?