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مشاهده در ایتا
✳️ رمضان المبارک 2021: ساعات روزه داری در سراسر جهان ✳️ Ramadan 2021: Fasting hours around the world The number of daylight hours varies from country to country. Muslims living in the world’s southernmost countries such as Chile or New Zealand will fast an average of 11 hours while those living in northern countries such as Iceland or Norway will have an 18+ hour fast. Below are the number of fasting hours in cities around the world. Actual fasting hours and times will vary by day, as well as calculation methods: In extreme northernmost cities such as Longyearbyen, Norway, where the sun does not set from April 20 to August 22, religious rulings, or fatwas, have been issued to follow timings in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, or the nearest Muslim country. – Nuuk, Greenland; Reykjavik, Iceland: 19-20 h – Helsinki, Finland: 18-19 h – Stockholm, Glasgow; Oslo; Copenhagen; Moscow: 17-18 h – Berlin; Amsterdam: 16-17 h ❇️ Join us 🆔 @discover_qom