☀️The Commander of the Faithful (a.s) said:
💥Unfortunate is the one who deprives oneself from the advantages of wisdom and experience.
☘#Nahj_al_Balagha, letter 78
#آموزش_زبان_انگلیسی با دکتر مصطفوی
🌹عضو شوید👇
❤️ The Commander of the Faithful a.s❤️ said:
☀️The most valuable thing to which those who seek recourse to the Sublime Lord may resort is faith in Him and His Messenger, and do Jihad in His path.
☘#Nahj_al_Balagha, #sermon 110
🌹عضو شوید👇
The Commander of the Faithful a.s said:
Know that no obedience to God is accomplished without the discomfort
of the soul; and no disobedience or transgression of God's command occurs except out of desire and the inclination of the soul.
#Nahj_al_Balagha, sermon 174
#آموزش_زبان_انگلیسی با جهتگیری انقلابی
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) says:
⚫️ Whosoever grieves over worldly matters has indeed shown displeasure with the divine decree.
#Nahj_al_Balagha, Wisdom 228
👇عضو شوید👇