Mr. Williams was a gardener and a very good one too. Last year he came to work for Mrs. Elphinstone, who was old, fat and rich.
She knew nothing about gardens, but thought that she knew a lot, and was always interfering One day Mr. Williams got angry with Mrs. Elphinstone and called her an elephant. She did not like that at all SO she went to a lawyer and a few months later Mr. Williams was in court, accused of calling Mrs. Elphinstone an elephant. The magistrate found Mr. Williams guilty so Mr. Williams said to him, ‘Does that mean that I am not allowed to call this lady an elephant anymore?’
‘That is quite correct,’ the magistrate answered.
And am I allowed to call an elephant a lady?’ the gardener asked “Yes, certainly,’ the magistrate answered.
Mr. Williams looked at Mrs. Elphinstone and said, ‘Goodbye, lady.’
Mr. Williams was a gardener and a very good one too. Last year he came to work for Mrs. Elphinstone, who was old, fat and rich.
She knew nothing about gardens, but thought that she knew a lot, and was always interfering One day Mr. Williams got angry with Mrs. Elphinstone and called her an elephant. She did not like that at all SO she went to a lawyer and a few months later Mr. Williams was in court, accused of calling Mrs. Elphinstone an elephant. The magistrate found Mr. Williams guilty so Mr. Williams said to him, ‘Does that mean that I am not allowed to call this lady an elephant anymore?’
‘That is quite correct,’ the magistrate answered.
And am I allowed to call an elephant a lady?’ the gardener asked “Yes, certainly,’ the magistrate answered.
Mr. Williams looked at Mrs. Elphinstone and said, ‘Goodbye, lady.’
آقای ویلیامز یک باغبان خیلی خوب بود. او پارسال برای کار پیش خانم الفینستون، که خانمی پیر، چاق و ثروتمند بود، آمد. او درباره باغبانی چیزی نمیدانست اما فکر کرد که چیزهایی در این مورد یاد بگیرد و بنابراین همیشه مزاحم آقای ویلیامز بود.یک روز آقای ویلیامز از دست خانم الفینستون عصبانی شد و به او گفت فیل. او اصلا شبیه فیل نبود بنابراین نزد وکیلی رفت و چند ماه بعد آقای ویلیامز به اتهام گفتن “فیل” به خانم الفینستون در دادگاه احضار شد. رئیس دادگاه آقای ویلیامز را گناهکار دانست. سپس آقای ویلیامز گفت یعنی من اجازه ندارم به این خانم فیل بگویم؟
رئیس دادگاه جواب داد، کاملا درست است. باغبان پرسید: اجازه دارم به یک فیل، “خانم” بگویم؟
رئیس دادگاه جوتب داد بله، حتما.
آقای ویلیامز به خانم الفینستون نگاه کرد و گفت: خداحافظ خانم.