♨️ رای دادن کافی نیست همدیگر را به رای دادن تواصی کنید.
Voting is not enough, encourage each other to vote.
🔻 بعضی فکر می کنند همین که در انتخابات شرکت کردند، رسالتشان انجام شده است. قرآن خلاف این را می گوید. چرا؟ چون قرآن می گوید: «ان الانسان لفی خسر، الا الذین آمنوا و عملوا الصالحات و تواصوا بالحق و تواصوا بالصبر». می گوید ایمان و عمل صالح، انسان را از خسران نجات می دهد اما نه به تنهایی!
Some people think that their mission has been accomplished as soon as they participated in the elections. The Quran says the opposite. Why? Because the Qur'an says: "Man is a loser, except for those who believe, and do good deeds, and obey the truth, and obey with patience." He says that faith and righteous deeds save a person from loss, but not alone!
🔻رأی دادن، مثل ایمان و عمل صالح است. اما «تواصوا بالحق» هم لازم است. رأی دادن لازم است، اما کافی نیست.
Voting is like faith and righteous action. But«تواصوا بالحق» is also necessary . Voting is necessary, but not enough.
🔻اگر کسی خانوادۀ خودش را توصیه به شرکت در انتخابات نکند، همسایه های خودش را توصیه نکند، دوستان خودش را توصیه نکند و برای این کار، تبلیغ نکند، طبق آیه قرآن از جملۀ زیانکاران است.
If someone does not recommend his family to participate in the elections, does not recommend his neighbors, does not recommend his friends and does not advertise for this purpose, according to the Qur'an verse, he is one of the loser
English 4U
Two hours later Jerry is sitting in the movie theater, screaming. Five minutes later he is running t
“Emma!” he calls out. “Listen! You have to come with me to the movies. There is this fantastic new movie! We must watch it.”
“Which one is it?”
“Sun, Love, and Hope.”
"او صدا می زند. "امما گوش بده! تو باید با من به سینما بیایی. یک فیلم جدید فوق العاده وجود دارد! ما باید اونا ببینیم.
"کدام یکی ؟"
"خورشید، عشق و امید."
Emma thinks about it for a second, “Hmm . . . doesn’t it sound a bit silly?”
اما برای لحظه ای به آن فکر می کند: «هوم. . . کمی احمقانه به نظر نمی رسه؟»
“Of course not, Emma! It seems like a fantastic movie. We must watch it.” Jerry laughs at her.
“Well, if you say so. Let’s go for it,” Emma agrees.
"البته که نه، امما! به نظر فیلم فوق العاده ایست. ما باید ببینیم.» جری به او می خندد.
"خب، اگه تو اینطور میگی. برویم ببینیم،" امما موافقه.
Two hours later Emma is sitting in the movie theater, completely stiff. Five minutes later she is running away in terror.
دو ساعت بعد امما در سالن سینما نشسته است، کاملا سیخ. پنج دقیقه بعد او با وحشت فرار می کنه.
“Oh, my god, Jerry. I didn’t know this is what you meant when you said ‘fantastic!’ I don’t think I can watch a movie like this again.”
"اوه، خدای من، جری. نمیدانستم وقتی گفتی «فوقالعاده!» منظورت این بود، فکر نمیکنم بتوانم یک فیلمی مثل این را دوباره ببینم.»
Jerry looks at her and says, “Well, I guess you don’t like romantic movies as much as I do.”
جری به او نگاه میکند و میگوید: «خب، حدس میزنم تو به اندازه من فیلمهای رمانتیک را دوست نداری!.»
“That’s right,” Emma agrees. “What are we going to do? Will we ever go to the movies together again?”
امما موافقه: «درست است. "چه کاری ما انجام بدیم؟ آیا هیچوقت دیگه با هم به سینما بریم؟»
Jerry thinks about it for a moment and then answers, “I guess we would have to wait for a horror love story. You know, a boy meets a girl, they fall in love, and then she eats him.”
جری لحظهای به آن فکر میکند و سپس پاسخ میدهد: «حدس میزنم باید منتظر یک داستان عاشقانه ترسناک باشیم. می دانی، پسری با دختری آشنا می شود، عاشق می شوند و دختر او را می خورد.
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Level 3: Money In The Streets.
[ Let's Read and Record ]
Dozens of apparently highly trained gunmen besieged the streets of the Brazilian city of Criciúma.
The gang of about 30 criminals in ten cars strategically blocked access points to the city to prevent police from responding.
They robbed and blew up a local bank and took six government workers as hostages.
They occupied the city for roughly two hours, while the mayor of the city begged terrified residents to stay indoors.
After blowing up the bank, the convoy escaped and left large sums of money scattered across the streets.
Some locals rushed to grab some of the cash that the attackers had left behind.
⏳ Difficult Words ⌛️
(to surround a place with armed forces).
(a person who has been captured by a person or organization in order to secure the taker´s demands).
(to take over an area).
(a group of cars traveling together).
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On February 1, 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic returned to Iran after 15 years in exile.
#Late فقید
#founder بنیانگذار
#exile تبعید
Mom: Hi! I am looking for a pair of shoes for my son.
Salesgirl: Sure thing! Here we are! If you’re looking for dress shoes, we have several different styles of Oxfords for boys. We also carry athletic shoes, hiking boots.
Mom: Oh Jacob, how about these sneakers?
Jacob: Mom? They’ve got Velcro.
Mom: Well, then how about these? What is this style called?
Salesgirl: They’re tennis shoes. They’re very popular with teens and young adults.
Jacob: Oooo, Mom, can I get these?
Mom: What are those?
Jacob: They’re Chuck Taylor’s! Everyone has them! Can I, please?
Mom: I don’t know. Would they go with your clothes? The backs are really high.and the way the tongue just sticks up.
They’re almost like a boot. And the sole doesn’t look like it would have a very good grip.
Jacob: They’re only forty-five dollars! And they’ve got cool fluorescent orange shoelaces! Mom?
Mom: Ok, try them on.
Salesgirl: What size are your feet?
Mom: He is a size nine.
Salesgirl: We’ll try a size forty-three on you first and see how that fits.
Mom: A what?
Salesgirl: They come in European sizes. He should be a size forty-three. I’ll be right back.
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