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قرآن و تفسیر انگلیسی(۲) و برخی علوم مورد نیاز به زبان ساده تر کانال دوم با بیان ساده تر( مسلم سبزیان)
19 دنبال‌کننده
30 عکس
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مشاهده در ایتا
(19) 10 Emotionalism( احساساتی بودن) Vs( در مقابل) Egoism( خودبینی) WHEN A MAN and a woman tie the knot in marriage( ازدواج نمودند), it is a coming together of two opposite( متضاد) personalities( شخصیت های). A woman tends( مایل است) to be emotional, while a man tends to be egoistic( خودخواه). These traits( ویژگی ها) are a part( بخشی) of their nature( طبیعیت، سرشت). There is a positive( مثبت) as well as( همینطور) a negative( منفی) aspect( وجه) to( به نسبت به) both( هر دوی) these traits( ویژگی ها). If they are put( ترغیب شده اند) to positive( مثبت) use, it will prove( می رساند) to be a boon( لطف، خیر، مزیت) to humanity( بشریت). But if they are put( ترغیب شده اند) to negative( منفی) use( کاربرد), it will prove( می رساند) to be a bane( سم، مایه هلاکت) for humanity( بشریت). The positive( مثبت) aspect( وجه) of egoism( خودبینی) in man( مرد) is that, it is one of the driving( محرک) forces( نیروهای) in working steadfastly for a cause. A man bereft( محرم) of this quality will be weak, lacking in will-power( تصمیم جدی، اراده جدی), and will fail( ناتوان خواهد شد) to accomplish any task which requires( لازم دارد) determination( اراده) and perseverance( ثبات قدم را). But the negative( منفی) aspect( جهت) is that it will make him arrogant( متکبر، مغرور). Therefore, one must be very careful, and not allow one's ego( خودبینی) to sway( متمایل سازد) one towards( به) the negative side, as this would be counterproductive( آسیب زا) and bring one rite( آیین، مناسک) disrepute( بد نامی).
Similarly( همینطور), a woman tends( مایل است) to be on the emotional( احساسی) side( جانب). This trait( رفتار) too has its positive( مثبت) as well as its negative( منفی) aspects( جهت های). The positive aspect is that she tends to be more sensitive( احساسی), and therefore more gentle( آرام) and compassionate( دلسوز), which is, without doubt, a positive(مثبت) quality( ویژگی). But the negative aspect is that it can give her an obstinate( خود رای) personality( از لحاظ شخصیتی), thus making her stubborn( یک دنده) even when a flexible( انعطاف پذیر) approach( رویکرد) is necessary( لازم). If a woman allows this aspect of her nature to go unchecked( منع نشده), it will be detrimental( آسیب زا) to the wholesome development of her personality. A man and a woman, both, ought( باید) to understand the natural traits they are born with. They must consciously( با هوشیاری) strive( تلاش نمایند) to make use of their positive aspects, and sedulously( با پشتکار) refrain( خوددارینمایند) from taking any negative course( مسیر، روش). The secret of success in both men and women lies in this self-control( خود کنترلی).
Surah An-Nahl - Verse 80 وَاللَّهُ جَعَلَ لَكُم مِّن بُيُوتِكُمْ سَكَناً وَجَعَلَ لَكُم مِن جُلُودِ الأَنْعَامِ بُيُوتاً تَسْتَخِفُونَهَا يَوْمَ ظَعْنِكُمْ وَيَوْمَ إِقَامَتِكُمْ وَمِنْ أَصْوَافِهَا وَأَوْبَارِهَا وَأَشْعَارِهَا أَثَاثًا وَمَتَاعاً إِلَى حِينٍ 80. "And Allah appointed a place of rest for you of your houses, and He appointed tents for you of the skins of the cattle, which you find light (to carry) on the day of your departure and on the day of your dwelling; and of their wool and their fur( خَز) and their hair, (He designated( تعیین فرمود) for you) household stuff and a provision for a time." The issue of the discussion about the blessings of Allah is being continued in this verse as well. The Qur'an proclaims( اعلان می دارد): "And Allah appointed a place of rest for you of your houses..."
Truly speaking, the blessing of having somewhere as a dwelling place, is of utmost importance, without which other blessings do not find their real place. Following His discussion of the 'stationary( ثابت) houses', He begins His discussion with regard to the itinerant( سیار) houses, saying: "...and He appointed tents for you of the skins of the cattle..." They are houses which are very light in weight and you can remove them easily from place to place. The holy verse continues saying: "...which you find light (to carry) on the day of your departure and on the day of your dwelling..." Moreover, in addition to these, He allocated to you for a fixed period of time, goods and utensils( ابزار) and various life appliances( اسباب) out of the wool, woven- wool and hair of the four-footed animals. It says: "...and of their wool and their fur and their hair, (He designated for you)household stuff( اثاثیه) and a provision for a time." The mentioning of two words /'asäsan/ and /matäan/ in a successive way, may be an allusion made to the fact that you are able to provide numerous means for your life out of the wool, woven wool and the hair of the four- footed animals, and utilize them.
متن ترجمه انگلیسی تفسیر فقیه ایمانی سوره قدر که همه اش بجز دعای پایانی اش در همین کانال صوت ترجمه و متن انگلیسی اش گذاشته شد.
صوت متن انگلیسی کل تفسیر انگلیسی سوره قدر بدون ترجمه فارسی از ترجمه انگلیسی تفسیر فقیه ایمانی
A Code of Practice  For Muslims in the West — Imam Al-Khoei Foundation, New York https://www.al-khoei.org/a-code-of-practice-for-muslims-in-the-west/ Sawm: Fasting » Introduction The noble Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) gave an impressive sermon welcoming the month of Ramadhãn. He said: “O people! The month of Allãh with its blessings, mercy and forgiveness has come upon you. It is the most preferred of all the months with Allãh; its days are the best of days, its nights are the best of nights, and its hours are the best of hours. It is a month in which you have been invited as guests of Allãh and have been placed among those honoured by Allãh. Your breathing in it is [like] an act of praising [Allãh], your sleep an act of worship; your good deeds are accepted, and your prayers answered. Therefore, ask Allãh with sincere intentions and pure hearts to help you in fasting and recitating His Book during this [month]. Indeed damned is he who is deprived of Allãh’s forgiveness during this august month. “O people! The gates of Paradise are wide open during this month; therefore, ask your Lord not to close them in your face and the gates of Hell-Fire are locked; therefore, ask your Lord not to open them for you. Satans are chained; therefore, ask your Lord not to unfetter them upon you. “O people! Whosoever among you improves his character during this month, he shall have the pass [to cross] over the Bridge (sirãt) on the day when [people’s] feet shall slip. Whosoever is lenient with his slaves during this month, Allãh will be lenient with him in the reckoning of his [deeds on the Day of Judgement]. Whosoever checks his evil deeds during this month, Allãh shall withhold His anger from him on the day he meets Him. Whosoever honours an orphan during this month, Allãh shall honour him on the day he meets Him. Whosoever maintains, during this month, contact with his relations, Allãh will maintain His mercy for him on the day he meets Him. Whosoever recites a verse from the Qur’ãn during this month, his reward will be like one who has completed the recitation of the Qur’ãn during the other months.”
A Code of Practice  For Muslims in the West — Imam Al-Khoei Foundation, New York https://www.al-khoei.org/a-code-of-practice-for-muslims-in-the-west/ Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) said, “There are some who fast but will gain nothing from their fasting except thirst; and there are some who pray but will gain nothing from their prayer except tiredness.”
A Code of Practice  For Muslims in the West — Imam Al-Khoei Foundation, New York https://www.al-khoei.org/a-code-of-practice-for-muslims-in-the-west/ Imam as-Sãdiq (a.s.) said, “When you fast, your ears, eyes, hair, skin, and all your limbs should also fast.” He also said, “Fasting is not only [abstaining] from food and drink alone. When you fast, protect your tongue from lying; lower your eye-glances from what Allãh has forbidden [you to see]; do not fight with one another; do not be jealous of one another; do not backbite one another; do not abuse one another; and do not be unjust to one another. Refrain from false accusation, lying, fighting, suspicion, backbiting, and slandering. Be those who look forward to the hereafter, and wait for your days, waiting for what Allãh has promised for those who have prepared to meet Allãh. You must have tranquility, sobriety, humility, servility, and submissiveness of a slave who fears his master; and be fearful [of Allãh’s chastisement] as well as hopeful [in His forgiveness].”
Zakat al-Fitr Zakat means purification physical, spiritual and of one's wealth. Therefore, Zakat is both external and internal purification as well as maintaining and economic balance between the fortunate and the less fortunate. "Fitr" is derived from the same root as "Iftar' at the end of fast. Through fasting one purifies himself, physically by controlling his senses and basic instincts, and spiritually. But, just as the pangs of hunger and thirst create awareness of the plight of the less fortunate fellow human being, these feelings must be translated into action to alleviate their plight. Islam enjoins giving alms on that day on that every brethren in faith can rejoice and thus enhance the ideals of a just society that minds the plight of its less fortunate members. https://www.al-khoei.org/